What is your song? Why did you pick it? Young artist Easy to relate to New/ modern An easy option to record (storyline)

Emack Pitch

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My pitch for my music video.

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Page 1: Emack Pitch

What is your song? Why did you pick it?

Young artistEasy to relate to

New/ modern

An easy option to record


Page 2: Emack Pitch

Who is your ‘artist’? What is their name? What identity are you creating for them?

Name – UNIQUE A young, eerie artist Always has heavy make up Fashionable, but in a different sense Everyone said Lorde was too boring in the

survey so I’m making her more interesting (as a different artist)

Page 3: Emack Pitch

How will your song and artist appeal to your target audience? How is it different/ similar to other artists/ music they like?

The song will appeal to all young teens because: Those living in Broken Britain will be able to relate to

the song and it’s video Those living a ‘higher life’ will be educated about

those who aren’t like them

It would be different because the artist is weird/ an outsider from everyone else, however the music itself is the same, making it easy for audience to relate.

Page 4: Emack Pitch

What style of music video are you making/ what will happen?

Narrative/ performance Lots of extreme close ups to wide shots in different

areas of rich London to poor London Will show the artist ‘UNIQUE’ living in broken Britain

to visiting the more richer parts of London such as Westminster Abbey and London Bridge

Which real music videos were you influenced by? Close ups influenced by Lorde’s original video of

‘Royals’ Wide shots influenced by Plan B’s video ‘iLL Manors’

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What will be your visual style? Which real music videos were you influenced by? Editing –

Lots of flash screening Black and white scenes Double screens Little colour – mainly red/ black/ white

Mise-en-scene – Scruffy but fashionable Dark make up All set in London (richer and poorer areas like BP and

RL) Camera –

Lots of close-ups of the artist singing Followed by wide shots in broken areas, to richer areas

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In terms of editing, I was mainly influenced by Will.I.Am’s video ‘It’s My Birthday’


Double screening

The lack of colour was influenced by Bastille’s video ‘Pompeii’


Mainly b+w and creams

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Ancillary tasks Digipak

London Grammar

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Website homepage Lorde

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What is your USP? Why is the audience going to like your artist more than others?

The fact that she is actually unique Stands out from the other artists (who are

fame hungry) She’s just like her target audience – young

and living her life She has something weird about her – the

make up etc