EDUCAUSE Social Media Workshop

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Presented at EDUCAUSE annual conference

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  • 1.Social Media for Teaching and LearningEDUCAUSE Pre-Conference Seminar #edusocmediaPreso at: http://www.slideshare.net/tjoosten/

2. Tanya JoostenFollow me @tjoosten, twitter.com/tjoosten 3. Laura PasquiniFollow me @laurapasquini, twitter.com/laurapasquini 4. BUILD YOUR PROFESSIONAL NETWORK ON TWITTER 5. Getting started with Twitter.com 6. Download the app 7. Send a text, Start to 40404 8. Edit your profile 9. Connect with me 10. Build your network 11. Follow key tweeps 12. Introduce yourself via tweet #edusocmedia #edu13 13. Hashtags #edu13 #socmedia #edusocmedia #sachat #edtech #edchat #highered #lrnchatGoogle: education hashtags 14. Others ways to network Conference hashtags (#et4online, #blend13, #edu13) Join live sessions (#edchat, #sachat, #acadv) Review campus twitter accounts and hasthags (@uwm, #iamuwm, #unt) 15. What is your experience on Twitter? a) b) c) d)Beginner Intermediate Advanced What is Twitter? 16. This is me just starting to use Twitter 17. ... networks reconfigure themselves in real-time, on a global local scale, and permeate all domains of social life. This is why we live in a network society, not in an information society or a knowledge society. Castells, 2004 18. @catspyjamasnz 19. The POWER of the Hashtag! 20. #DailyShoot #ds___dailyshoot.com 21. 22 22. Dr. Alec Couros (@courosa) & #eci831 23. Learning Network Competencies 1. Explore the Network 2. Establish Your Identity 3. Personalize Your Learning Experience 4. Connect & Collaborate 5. Challenge Yourself 24. Created by @Ekutsko & @equalman http://youtu.be/ZQzsQkMFgHE 25. Making Connections 1. You do not have to know it all.2. Start the conversation 3. Respond to others4. Give thanks 5. Pay it forward6. Social web = be social 26. Focus on connecting with the people, and the tools will all make sense. ~Chris BroganFlickr photo c/o hoodlumper 27. Are you using Twitter for your professional development? a) b) c) d)Yes. I LOVE it. No. Not at all. Not yet but I want to. What is Twitter? 28. Do you have something to talk about?http://bitly.com/TwitterChatSchedule 29. Communities of Practice@nancywhitehttp://www.ewenger.com/theory/ Wenger, 2006 30. The Student Affairs Collaborative http://thesabloggers.org Group of peers & pros RSS - Blog resources SA Forum & Directory #SAChat Weekly Discussion Twitter: @The_SA_Blog Hashtag: #SAChat 31. The Student Affairs Collaborative http://thesabloggers.org 32. Research about #sachat 33. BreakDrink.com @BreakDrink 34. BreakDrink.com @BreakDrink #ctcx #dailydose 35. How did #AcAdv Chat Start?After #nacada10:{We heart the #sachat !!} 36. Professional Development #AcAdv Chat acadvchat.wordpress.com Follow on Twitter: @AcAdvChat Tuesdays 12-1 pm CST Hashtag #acadv 37. Tell Us How You Really Feel 38. What is a hashtag good for? 39. Give & Get Support 40. Develop a Community 41. Crowdsourcing Ideas 42. Crank Up My Professional DevelopmentSpinal Tap, 1984 43. Low Impact: Read chat transcriptsMedium Impact: Set up a Twitter account Search for #______ hashtag Post advising-related content as you wish Lurk during a chat timeHigh Impact: Set up a Twitter account Search for #______ hashtag Chime in with your thoughts/opinions/experiences during a chat time Connect with peers beyond Twitter Chats 44. #ugstJOUR46 45. Student Panel Q & A47 46. #ugstSTORY49 47. Live Tweets to take Notes50 48. 51 49. 52 50. Cultivate an Active Social NetworkVia @intersection1 http://www.intersecti onconsulting.com/ 51. Tips to developing a network Update social media profiles to include an image and a bio appropriate for the social media. Connect with colleagues through conference or professional group hashtags. Identify useful or influential colleagues and review to who they are connected. Participate in your educational institutions social media accounts. 52. Technology will save us! 53. Facebook is the answer! Bwahahahaha! 54. Its not about the technology, its all social Larry Johnson, NMC 55. global collaborative anytime anyplace mobility access literacy informal learning 56. Connect 57. Social media, a definition 58. A virtual place where people share; everybody and anybody can share anything anywhere anytime (Joosten, 2012, p. 6). 59. Why use social media?Assess your students needs 60. I want to feel connected 61. According to a survey by Joosten (2009), students reported that they need good (67%) andfrequent communication (90%) with their instructor and good communication with their classmates (75%). They also reportedthat they needto feel connected tolearn (80%) (http://tinyurl.com/yafu8qz). 62. I dont use email 63. According to PEW Internet study, Teens who participated in focus groups for this study said that they view emailas something you use to talk to old people, institutions, or to send complex instructions to large groups (http://www.pewinternet.org/Reports/2005/Teensand-Technology.aspx?r=1). 64. I use social media 65. 95.1% of 18- and 19-year-olds use social media, primarily Facebook on a daily basis (Salaway, et al., 2009) 96% of undergraduates reported using Facebook (Smith & Caruso, 2010) 43% of undergraduate use Twitter (Smith & Caruso, 2010) 90% use mobile devices to receive and send text messages (Smith, 2010), over 1600 a month (Neilson, 2010) 92% of college-aged students watch YouTube (Moore, 2011) 66. I like social media for learning 67. Usesocial media 68. Warning! Technology is only the medium 69. Medium | MessageBy Wespeck 70. Eye Contact, Nodding, Hand Gestures, PostureWords, Voice, Eye Contact, Hand Gestures, Body Movements, Postu re, Clothes 71. ? Words, Text or Voice, Emoticons, Eye Contact, Hand Gestures, Body Movements, Postu re, Clothes? Words, Text or Voice, Emoticons, Eye Contact, Hand Gestures, Body Movements, Postu re, Clothes 72. You need a pedagogical strategy 73. What is your pedagogical need?Assess your needs 74. Increase communication and contact 75. Engage students through rich, current media 76. Building cooperation and feedback Hashtags CATs Peer Instruction Reflection 77. INCREASE COMMUNICATION THROUGH A FACEBOOK FAN PAGE 78. Increasing communication and encouraging contact Who are our students? I want to feel connected I dont use email I use social media, a lot 79. Increase communication and contact 80. An example: Jewish studies 81. An example: Clinical lab sciences 82. Getting started with Facebook 83. Benefits Increases interactions between instructors and students Enhances communication and builds feelings of connectedness Create a strong pedagogically sound sense of presence in your classroom Overcomes the challenges of students at a distance or in remote locations Facilitates providing timely student feedback Helps students stay organized Increases student performance Results in high levels of satisfaction of instructors and students 84. INCREASE FEEDBACK OPPORTUNITIES IN THE CLASSROOM USING TWITTER 85. Building cooperation and feedback CATs Peer Instruction Reflection 86. An example 87. Benefits Provides an opportunity for active learning in large lectures Enhances students participation and engagement in class Provides frequent, low stakes feedback on student learning Creates an opportunity for just in time teaching or to address weaknesses in student learning Provides a strategy for integrating blended courses, online and f2f Develops cooperation among students Increases students satisfaction 88. SHARE RICH MEDIA AND CONTENT ON VARIOUS SOCIAL MEDIA TO ENGAGE STUDENTS 89. Developing a richer learning experience 90. Creating a YouTube Account 91. Creating a YouTube Playlist 92. YouTube alternatives Content & Publication SchoolTube TeacherTube VimeoEducational Content MIT World PBS.org TED YouTube.EDUAnd many more! 93. CC Flickr bengrayShare 94. Flickr 95. Images.Google.com 96. CC Flickr bengrayCurate 97. An example 98. Benefits Improving student learning Helps instructors manage their workload Enhances 21st century literacy skills for instructors and students Facilitates the use of rich and current content Enhances student engagement 99. DEVELOP STRATEGIES FOR MANAGING YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA 100. 5 questions to consider What is the pedagogical need? How will the selected social media help meet that need? What aspects of the learning process should be improved? What learning outcomes can be better achieved through the use of the selected social media over other technologies? What is the expected behavior of students within the selected social media? 101. What is your pedagogical need? Increase communication and encourage contact Engage students through rich, current media Gather and provide feedback in the classroom Create a cooperative and collaborative learning opportunities 102. Social Dashboards - TweetDeck 103. No matter the technology, how can you enhance your pedagogy? 104. What is your evaluation strategy?Assessing your impact 105. AudienceDataTimelineQuestionVariablesChallenges 106. What is your institutional strategy?Assess your resources 107. http://tinyurl.com/GuidingSocialMediaGuiding social media 108. CC Flickr bengraySocial media policy 109. CC Flickr epSos.deyCost 110. CC Flickr origamidonSupport 111. SummaryNetwork Let your pedagogy drive you Know your impact Resource it 112. Thank you!! 113. Get it! 114. Connect w/us twitter.com/tjoosten twitter.com/[email protected] [email protected]