Breaking Barriers By: Jenn Ball

Edol 562 technology project

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Breaking BarriersBy: Jenn Ball

• River Ridge Elementary is located in the heart of Villa Hills Kentucky.

• The city has approximately 7,489 residence and houses about 2,500 homes.

• The city is very established and well maintained. The median house hold income is about $90,000 per year.

Surrounding Areas

• Crescent Springs

– Population of 3,896

– Median household

income approximately


• Ft.Mitchell

– Population of 8,198

– Median household

income approximately


• Ludlow

– Population 4,548

– Median house hold

income approximately


• Bromley

– Population 213

– Median household

income approximately


Low Socio-Economic Status


Solution to the Problem

The Family Resource Center

The Family Resource Center was the result of the Kentucky Education Reform Act of 1990. This created a partnership between the public school and the Cabinet for Families and Children to provide families in need with the proper services. The purpose of the center is to meet the basic need and to remove barriers to learning.

The Family Resource Center

The center makes referrals in the areas of:

Health and social services

Employment information

Adult education classes

Child care services

Substance abuse

Family crisis intervention

All programs are supported by research and have been proven to be effective.

Outcomes of the FRC

Remove Barriers to Learning

Connect families to agencies in the community that will create success for their families.

Create a sense of hope that students and families can overcome struggles and have success.

Support families in need.

To educate families on proper family life.

Next Steps

To continue to education families and students to knock down the barriers to learning.

Some focus is on:

Getting D.A.R.E officers back in to teach about drugs which is a huge problem in the area

Creating positive family environments through programs such as All Pro Dads, Born Learning and ABC’s

Creating better transportation routes for families to get to and from different events.