Ecuador: History and Culture By: Jade Dykstra

Ecuador History and Culture

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  • 1. Ecuador: History and Culture
    By: Jade Dykstra

2. Ecuador
3. History in Ecuador
Inca Empire
Liberal Revolution
War with Peru
Military Governments
Return to Democracy
4. Inca Empire
Ecuador became a part of Inca Empire in 1463.
The empire was ruled by Huayna Capac.
When Capac died empire was divided between his two sons Atahualpa and Huascar.
In 1530 Atahualpa defeated his brother and controlled the entire empire.
Atahualpa was captured by the Spanish and put to death for the death of his brother.
5. Inca Empire
6. Colonization
Disease killed many indigenous people during the first decades of Spanish rule.
Quinto became the administrative district in 1563.
In 1809 Quinto had the first call for independence from Spain.
The call for independence in Ecuadorinspired the rest of Spanish America to follow.
7. Quinto, Ecuador
8. Independence
In 1820 Guayaquil is the first city to gain independence from Spain.
Antonio Jose de Surce defeats Spanish Royal forces and the rest of Ecuador becomes independent.
First president of Ecuador Juan Jose Flores.
In late 19th century there began a demand for cocoa and so Ecuador was tied to the agricultural frontier.
9. Juan Jose Flores
10. Liberal Revolution
Reduced power of the clergy and conservation land owners of the highlands.
During the 1930s and 1940s the populist politicians marked instability and emergence.
11. War with Peru
Who had control over the Amazon basin.
Peru launched an invasion into the Ecuadorian province of El Oro.
After the pressure of the U.S. and other Latin American nations all fighting came to a stop.
In 1972 the Andean pipeline was created.
Ecuador and Peru reached an agreement in October 1998.
Final border demarcation was effected on May 13, 1999.
12. Amazon Basin
13. Military Governments
In 1972 the military junta overthrew the government.
The president was exiled to Argentina.
The civil society called for democratic elections.
Government Minister proposed a plan to return to the constitutional system.
The elected president was able to assume the duties of the executive office.
14. Return to Democracy
Government was committed to improving human rights.
Deliver land reform, lower unemployment, and provision of social services.
Military is in charge of public order and suspended civil liberty.
15. Cocoa Leaves
16. Culture in Ecuador
17. Cuisine
Three course; soup, rice and protein, dessert.
Dinner is light consisting of coffee/tea with bread.
Coastal regions are more popular to serve seafood.
The Amazon region many fruits are available.
18. Civiche
19. Literature
Influenced by the Spanish Golden Age.
Jacinto Collahuazzo, an indigenous, was a writer born in the late 1600s
During Colonial times Eugenio Espejo was the main author of the fist newspaper in Ecuador.
Many novelists and poets also emerged from Ecuador.
20. Eugenio Espejo
21. Art
Art tendencies such as Ecuador Quitena developed from the 16th to 18th centuries.
The indigenous people of Tigua, Ecuador are also known for their tradicional paintings.
22. Ecuador Art
23. Sport
Football is the most popular sport in Ecuador.
The upper classes enjoy tennis and several Ecuadorian players have earned fame from tennis.
24. Ecuador Football