So you want to find materials on ebrary? Excellent! There are a lot of books to search through, so please make note of these little search tips. While you can start your search from the front screen, you will probably want to use the advanced search features, so I suggest clicking on the Search tab.

eBrary searching

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So you want to find materials on ebrary? Excellent! There are a lot of books to search through, so please make note of these little search tips.

While you can start your search from the front screen, you will probably want to use the advanced search features, so I suggest clicking on the Search tab.

The default search looks in text and key fields. This is a pretty broad search, so you will need to put in some other search terms or subjects. Clicking the + or – signs will add or remove search boxes.

You’ve got a lot of choices for your search. If you know the exact title or author, you can search on those. The Subject and Text and Key Fields will be the most generally useful. Choosing any of the clicky boxes will add a Subject limiter to your search.

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You can search on two subjects, two keywords, one keyword and one subject, three keywords and five subjects… however you want to do it.

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But if you search for something, you can get to a point where you’ve gotten too specific, and you can only hope that the one remaining title in your search results is the perfect resource!