Emma Barker

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  • Emma Barker
  • The History of Stringed Instruments Late 9th Century: Rebab -Tuned in perfect fifths -Require a bow and rosin to produce sound -General shape is similar to the violin
  • The History of Stringed Instruments Rebec, Vielle, and Viola Di Braccio -Increase in number of strings -Altered shape -Played on the shoulder
  • The History of Stringed Instruments The Amati Family Andrea Amati created the first violin after a request for a lute-like instrument for illiterate musicians to be made in 1555. Antonio Stradivari was a long time student of Nicolo Amati.
  • Stradivaris Early Days His earliest known violin was made in 1666, made with the assistance of Nicolo Amati. One of his oldest existing violins shows the extraordinary craftsmanship already possessed this early on.
  • Innovations in Violin Making -elongated neck and body -bouts shape changed geometrically increase resonance -darker, redder varnishes used -altered thickness of wood in certain areas -hand selected different kinds of wood
  • Stradivaris Sons Francesco, who possessed Antonios talent as a luthier, and Omobono, who did not share the passion for violin making. Both sons assisted Antonio during his Golden Period. Their work surpasses that of other mid 1700s luthiers. It is exceptionally rare to see one of the instruments surviving today.
  • Current Value of Stradivarius Instruments Only 650 of about 1000 instruments are accounted for today. The most expensive was a violin sold for $15.9 million in 2011. One of ten existing violas is about to go up for sale and is expected to sell for over $45 million.
  • Stradivarius Copies Real labels read Antonius Stradivarius Cremonensis Faciebat Anno followed by the year that instrument was made. A highly trained appraiser can evaluate an instrument using dendrochronology, evaluating the varnish, and studying variations in the instruments shape.
  • Stradivaris Varnish Until recently, it was believed that Stradivaris varnish was what was responsible for their sound. Some popular ideas of varnish components were honey, egg whites, volcanic ash, amber, special plant based proteins, or gum arabic from the Sub-Sahara.
  • Stradivaris Varnish Study conducted in 2009 concluded that there was nothing out of the ordinary in Stradivaris varnish. The mixture is even similar to the varnish used by luthiers today.
  • Stradivarius Violins Today Instruments of choice for most virtuosos today Used by violinists like Itzhak Perlman, David Oistrakh, and Joshua Bell
  • Thievery Stradivarius violins are notoriously a target for thieves. Joshua Bells Strad was formerly owned by Bronislaw Huberman, who had it stolen from him on two different occasions.
  • Theft in Recent News Frank Almond, concertmaster of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra, was robbed of his Lipinski Strad in January. Luckily, it was recovered a little over a week later.
  • http://wordspringblog.files.wordpress.com/2013/08/strad.jpg http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:HellierBack.jpg http://images.publicradio.org/content/2014/02/06/20140206_frank-almond-in-orchestra_33.jpg http://www.susato.com/konakart/images/vielles/Alto%20Vielle.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/40/Andrea_Amati_violin_-_Met_Museum_NY.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/8b/Antonio_Stradivari_portrait.jpg http://www.thecultureconcept.com/circle/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/antonio_stradivari.jpg http://thenypost.files.wordpress.com/2014/03/auction-viola_.jpg http://info.music.indiana.edu/faculty/images/8665.jpg http://www.losoviolins.ca/images/cremonamap.gif http://bronislawhuberman.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/Hubermanpcphotoandquote.jpg http://www.coppiardi.com/picture/img_1367.jpg?pictureId=12410409&asGalleryImage=true http://www.artiquesroadshow.com/images/Stradivarius_label.jpg http://i1.wp.com/beta.fox11online.com/sites/default/files/sites/20/2014/02/VIOLIN-RAW.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/2/27/Molitor_top.jpg/220px-Molitor_top.jpg http://www.bach-cantatas.com/Pic-Bio-BIG/Perlman-Itzhak-03.jpg http://s2.reutersmedia.net/resources/r/?m=02&d=20091204&t=2&i=26681936&w=580&fh=&fw=&ll=&pl=&r= 2009-12-04T193006Z_01_BTRE5B31I6F00_RTROPTP_0_FRANCE http://www.rickshriver.net/images/rebabguy.gif http://rebecforsale.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Rebec-For-Sale.jpg http://static---andreasinc.app-hosted.com/media/img/andreasinc/W1003-H752-Bffffff/S/spkf_v1_1.jpg http://www.nndb.com/people/167/000097873/stradivari-4-sized.jpg http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d8/Stradshp.jpg http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_EJndrn1J25E/SXtPxQquF6I/AAAAAAAACko/VH8HAudwTFU/s400/The+Mendelssohn ,+Stradivarius+violin.jpg