Earth’s Place in the Universe Patricia Lopez 5 th Grade 5ESS1. Earth’s Place in the Universe

Earth’s place in the universe

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Earth’s Place in the Universe

Patricia Lopez

5th Grade

5ESS1. Earth’s Place in the Universe

Our Solar System


Inner Planets





Out (Gas) Planets





What about Planets?Planet Diameter Period of



from the


Mercury 88 Days 35.98M mi

Venus 224 Days

Earth 7,917.5 mi

Mars 687 Days

Jupiter 86,881.4 mi

Saturn 888.2M mi

Uranus 84 Years

Neptune 2.795B mi

Earth’s Moon

Has 1 satellite called Moon or Luna

It is responsible for the Earth’s oceans

It is the only extraterrestrial place humans

have visited

¼ Earth’s Diameter

1/50 Earth’s Volume

1/80 Earth’s Mass

What about Earth?

3rd planet from the sun

Has moderate to mild temperatures year


Its atmosphere has nitrogen and oxygen

It has liquid water

Provides the right energy for life as we

know it

93 million miles from the Sun

How far is that?

To get the idea of our size and distance in

relation to the sun, we will go outside to the

football field, I will be on one end holding a

pencil, you will all be on the other end curled up

into a ball. The eraser on the pencil is earth and

you are the sun.

Day and Night

When we are facing the sun, it is daytime, and it is

night time on the opposite side of the world

When we are facing away from the sun, it is

nighttime and it is daytime on the opposite side of

the word

Works Cited

Earth and Moon to Scale. (2003). Retrieved

on June 3rd, 2016 from www.freemars.org

Grade 5th Science Resources. (2007). Delta


The Planets (2016). The Planets of the

Solar System. Retrieved on June 5th, 2016

from www.theplanets.org