Early Colonial America The Pilgrims and Puritans The Roanoke Colony The Jamestown Colony The Plymouth Colony 64 slides with each having multiple lines of information and a multiple choice question. After each remote “click,” time is provided for discussion, lecture, even arguing. A star appears in the lower right part of the slide to indicate next “click” will take you to the next slide. For the Instructor:

Early Colonies in America

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Page 1: Early Colonies in America

• Early Colonial America

• The Pilgrims and Puritans

• The Roanoke Colony

• The Jamestown Colony

• The Plymouth Colony

64 slides with each having multiple lines of information and a multiple choice question.

After each remote “click,” time is provided for discussion, lecture, even arguing.

A star appears in the lower right part of the slide to indicate next “click” will take you to the next slide.

For the Instructor:

Page 2: Early Colonies in America

The story of the Roanoke Colony

Jamestown Colony Plymouth Colony First Thanksgiving







Page 3: Early Colonies in America

15th Century:

Fat galleons crimson and gold pennants flying above their white sails…..across the blue Atlantic Ocean.Their holds laden with fabulous treasure from the Spanish Main.England, France, and the other European powers looked on with envy, as Spain’s coffers filled with golden booty.

Within a single generation, Spain had become the most powerful nation

on earth.

Page 4: Early Colonies in America

Who is this “Genoese visionary”?a.Vasco de Gama

b.Christopher Columbus


d.Sir Walter Raleigh


Page 5: Early Colonies in America

a. No thanks

b. Good Idea, but I cannot give you any funds.

c. I will support your endeavor completely.

d. Not a response

No thanks.

Page 6: Early Colonies in America

The ruling monarch in England is now Queen Elizabeth.

She was known as an aggressive monarch, iron-willed.

1585 The Queen wants the remaining land in the Americas.

Page 7: Early Colonies in America

That left 1000 miles of coastline unclaimed.

Map of the Americas 1580

Who does Queen Elizabeth send to America with her blessing?a.Columbusb.William Bradfordc.Sir Walter Raleighd.John Winthrop

Where were they headed in the New World?a.Massachusettsb.West Indiesc.Jamestownd.Roanoke

Page 8: Early Colonies in America


Sir Walter Raleigh

Roanoke Island

Roanoke Island

Page 9: Early Colonies in America


How would Sir Walter Raleigh’s voyage to America be financed?

a. The Queen, the Crown paid it all.b. Sir Walter Raleigh himself paid it all.c. The Virginia Companyd. Two silent partners of the elite rich of England

paid it all.How did the Virginia Company

finance the voyage?a. Money from the crown.b. Many investors.c.Two silent partners of the elite rich

of England paid it all.d. Raleigh was the Virginia Company.

600 individuals and 50 commercial firms invested in the Virginia Company. The company was granted a charter which means the Crown approves of the voyage, gives their blessing to the voyage, and expects some return, some profit, from the voyage.

The Virginia Company

Page 10: Early Colonies in America

Roanoke Island

This was Sir Walter Raleigh’s second expedition to Roanoke Island.

The first group of settlers abandoned their effort. Why?a.Unfriendly Indians had killed over half of the settlers.b.They were starving to death.c.There was no leadership which led to too many conflicts within the group.d.They had run out of supplies and would all return with the second voyage.

They wereStarving to death

Page 11: Early Colonies in America

Many stories were coming back from other vessels that had sailed the American coast.Many were rumors. Which of the following represented the bulk of the rumors?

a. The Indians living near the coast of North America are very friendly and willingly want to trade.

b. The Indians living near the coast of North America are very dangerous, not wanting to trade, using bows and arrows and spears before any talking takes place.

c. There is good soil, all kinds of animals, trees for building, clear fresh water- a paradise.

d. There is gold! The Indians have chamber pots made of gold!

d. “There is gold!

The Indians have chamber pots made of gold!”

Page 12: Early Colonies in America

Characterize the Englishmen who would choose to sail to the New World (six choices).

a. Tenant farmers evicted from the land his family had worked for generations.

b. Wandering beggars.c. Skilled workers unable to enter the guild system-too

many skilled workers looking for too few jobs.d. Thieves given the chance to accept the Queen’s

pardon to go on the expedition.e. Professional soldiers with nothing to do between

wars.f. Gentlemen, in debt, searching for a financial windfall

in the New World.ALL

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Page 15: Early Colonies in America

In 1786 the colony had established itself, but there were troubles. Hostile Indian attacks and an alarming loss of supplies led them to send the colony’s governor, John White, back to England for emergency relief.

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It would be two years before White could embark with supplies for the Roanoke Colony. What was going on in England that would delay White by two years?

a. Preparation for an invasion by Spain-the Spanish Armada.b. The making of money to purchase the supplies.c. Dealing with the plague that was spreading throughout Europe.d. Other expeditions to South America where they were assured would bring more gold and wealth than anything in North America.

The Spanish Armada

Page 17: Early Colonies in America

John White, with his ship and the needed provisions, landed at the Colony.What did he find?

a.A thriving colony as the local Indians finally had befriended the colonists and helped them survive.b.The colony had moved and it would take White three months to find their new location built on a hill for protection.c.All buildings in a state of disrepair and not a soul in sight.d.Only half the buildings were standing and only twelve men and a few women remained, the rest had died.

C. All buildings in a state of disrepair and not a soul in sight..

The mystery has never been

solved, and to this day no one

knows the fate of those first


Page 18: Early Colonies in America

The Lost Colony of Roanoke dampened the enthusiasm of the New World adventurers.A generation would pass before one of Raleigh’s captains, Bartholomew Gosnold, was finally able to fan a spark of speculative interest into flame and an interested company.

What was the name of the company formed with new plans for an expedition to the New World?

a. Virginia Companyb. Massachusetts Companyc. New Roanoke Companyd. Mayflower Company

a. Virginia Company

Page 19: Early Colonies in America

The Virginia Company partners staked the voyage. Read the quotes of others regarding the purpose of the voyage.

First, the clergy in London, in sermon after sermon, proclaimed the virtues of this “noble evangelical outreach.” (Marshall and Manuel, The Light and the Glory, p. 83)

Second, the Partners of the Virginia Company previously advised their first colonists, “the way to prosper and achieve good success is to make yourselves all of one mind for the good of your country and your own, and to serve and fear God, the giver of all goodness, for every plantation which our heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted out.” (Alexander Brown, The First Republic in America, p. 31. )

Page 20: Early Colonies in America

And…….the English Monarch voiced approval of the endeavor.Who was the English Monarch in 1606 when the three Virginia Company ships weighed anchor on the Thames in London?

a. Queen Elizabethb. King Henry VIIIc. King James Id. King James II

c. King James I

Note what King James I ‘s said in his preamble to the Company’s charter.

“…propagating of Christian religion to such people as yet live in darkness and miserable ignorance of the true knowledge and worship of God, and may in time bring the infidels and savages, living in these parts, to human civility and to a settled and quiet governments.”

Page 21: Early Colonies in America

But….the rumors of gold had not been disproved!!!

The effort to evangelized may have been just words as only one minister, Robert Hunt, was among the 144 men aboard the three ships.

Evangelizing and gold. For what other reasons would investors support the voyage?

a. Indian artifactsb. Northwest Passage

to the Indiesc. Abundance of wood

badly needed in England.

d. Coal

Page 22: Early Colonies in America

What were the reasons for the voyages to the new world?

No choices. List the reasons.

Not in order, the reasons were:1. Missions- “save the lost.”2. Gold, silver, precious metals.3. Find the northwest passage to India and the riches of the orient.4. Religious freedom.5. A new start in life in a new world.6. Profits for investors.7. Land ownership (nearly impossible in England).

Page 23: Early Colonies in America

The dangers of the voyage to the New World

No Choices. List the dangers.1. Weather-storms2. Illness-disease3. Pirates-John Hawkins and Francis Drake4. Run out of food.

A worthy study is offered here.

Page 24: Early Colonies in America

The three ships took how long to cross the Atlantic?

a. Two weeks b. One month

c. Five months d. Nine months

Where did they land?a.Jamestownb.Chesapeake Bayc.Yorktownd.Hampton


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Page 26: Early Colonies in America

Upon setting foot on shore…………………the quarreling began.

The captain of the three ships, the representative for the Virginia Company, broke open the sealed box which contained the names of those who would serve on the seven-man Council:

Captain Newport himselfBartholomew Gosnold, a

captain for RaleighEdward WingfieldJohn Smith, to be infamousJohn RatcliffeJohn MartinGeorge Kendall

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Bartholomew GosnoldBefore this power-point, have

you heard of Gosnold before?a.Yesb.Noc.None of the aboved.I should care

Gosnold was a ship’s captain for Sir Walter Raleigh. He led the effort to get funding for the Jamestown expedition.

When the quarreling continued, Gosnold was alone in his desire to build the colony on higher ground, near fresh water with good drainage, and open land, easier to clear and defensively strong.

The others, all six, disagreed. History will show that Gosnold was right in every way.

Since you are not familiar with Gosnold you can only guess at what happened to him.a.He was proven right over the next 6 months and was elected the leader of the Colonyb.Alone in his plans, he was forced out of the Colony.c.He left to parlay with a local Indian tribe and was never heard from again.d.He died of Typhoid Fever in the next four months.

His remains were found in


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Three months have passed……………………………………………………………The 7 quarreling Councilors- their conflicts are boiling over.

Captain Newport- returned to England with samples of oreBartholomew Gosnold- deadEdward Wingfield-caught stealing from the common store and

sent back to England.John Smith- began to steal corn from the Indians, was caught and

imprisoned with 8 of his men by Powhatan’s tribe.John Ratcliffe- off searching for the Northwest Passage.John MartinGeorge Kendall- caught stealing from the common store and shot to death.

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As summer came on, and the heat and humidity grew steadily more oppressive, the true face of Jamestown began to emerge.

The peninsula where they had built their fortress colony was a low and perpetually damp place, surrounded by marshlands which fairly exuded pestilence-swamp fever (malaria), and other ills.

By midsummer the colonists were in such woeful condition that scarcely five of their number were fit to man a guard station (the palisade).

Could they have avoided this situation? a.Yes b. Yes c. Yes d. Yes How????? They simply could have listened to Bartholomew Gosnold’s wise plan when they landed.

Page 30: Early Colonies in America

John Smith


PowhatanIt was said that Smith talked and traded his way out of a sentence of death.

Smith and eight men had killed two Indians and had stolen their corn.They were all brought before Powhatan.

A myth exists involving Powhatan’s daughter who convinced Powhatan to show mercy to Smith.

Who was this daughter of Powhatan?

a. Sacajawea b. Pocahontasc. Stands with a Fist d. Powhatmas


Page 31: Early Colonies in America

a. Powhatan’s mercy

Page 32: Early Colonies in America

The only thing that kept the colony alive that first year was the corn they could buy, beg, or steal from the Indians.Why did they not plant the seeds, farm the land, which would have fed them????a. It was easier to depend on the Indians to care for them.b. Few of them were real farmers, most knowing little of farming.c. Most were just LAZY.d. Lack of leadership- Council members escaping, threatening each other.

ALL were true

ALL were true

ALL were true

ALL were true

Of the original 144

only 38 remained alive

Finally, the end of the Jamestown Colony arrived when Captain Christopher Newport arrived to find what was left. The colony was abandoned.

Page 33: Early Colonies in America

Sir Thomas Gates soon decided to abandon the colony and had to restrain the

weary colonists from burning

their settlement to the ground.

But while sailing down the James, they encountered a ship bearing the new governor,

and a year's worth of supplies.

That evening the colonists returned, many of them unhappily, to Jamestown and to a new, stricter regime.

Page 34: Early Colonies in America

Spring 1610, settlers with supplies arrived from England, eager to find wealth in Virginia. This charter provided for stronger leadership under a governor, and the introduction of a period of military law that carried harsh punishments for those who did not obey.

King James I ‘s Second Charter 1610

Page 35: Early Colonies in America

In order to make a profit for the Virginia Company, settlers tried a number of small industries until the introduction of tobacco as a cash crop about 1613 by colonist John Rolfe. Tobacco cultivation required large amounts of land and labor and stimulated the rapid growth of the Virginia colony. Settlers moved onto the lands occupied by the Powhatan Indians.

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John Rolfe marries Powhatan’sdaughterPocahontas

A famous historical event in the Virginia colony- a Marriage in 1614!Powhatan’s daughter, Pocahontas married…..a.John Smithb.John Rolfec.Captain Christopher Newtond.Roger Williams

Page 37: Early Colonies in America

What lay in the future for the Jamestown Colony?a.A war with the Powhatan Indiansb.Misconduct and theft by the leadersc.The King dissolved the Virginia Company, and with it the loss of support.d.The colony fell apart and never prospered.

A bad scenario all around as all of the four occurred. The colony did fall apart but did not disappear.

Page 38: Early Colonies in America

Follow the “Great Circle”

Page 39: Early Colonies in America
Page 40: Early Colonies in America

Separatists held that their differences with the Church of England were irreconcilable and that their worship should be organized independently of the trappings, traditions and organization of a central church.

Page 41: Early Colonies in America

What was the religion of Great Britain in 16th/17th Century?a. They mostly followed the teachings of

Martin Luther.b. By decree of the monarch, the Church of

England is the one and only ’’church.”c.The Scottish Rebellion of 1560 led England

to adopt the church formed by John Knox.

d. Thanks to Queen Elizabeth the English people had freedom of religion with the majority following the Protestant Reformation.

The Church of EnglandAnglican Church You have no choice.

Page 42: Early Colonies in America

What was the problem with the group’s disagreement with the Crown over attending the official Church of England?

a. No problem, but also they would receive no support from the Crown if they left the church.

b. They could not form a church in competition with the Church of England.

c. No problem, but too many members of the group were wanted by the local constables.

d. It was illegal to NOT attend the Church of England, even fines for missing a Sunday.


d. Under the 1559 Act of Uniformity, it was illegal NOT to attend the official Church of England services, with a fine of one shilling for each missed Sunday and holy day.

Page 43: Early Colonies in America

The group, to be known as the “Pilgrims” or the “Separatists”, began in a small town in England. Just a trivia question but what was the name of that town?

a. Nottinghamb. Scroobyc. Leidend. London

This radical faction became known as the English Separatist Church. In 1607, after illegally breaking from the Church of England felt the need to leave England before considering America. Where did they go?

a. Netherlandsb. Norwayc. That was a myth, they never left England until they left for America. d. France

They remained in the Netherlands for ten years! What led them to leave Netherlands?a. The Dutch culture was making too many deep inroads into the Separatists’ group.b. The decision to go to America meant starting from England who had all the needed supplies.c. The King of the Netherlands objected to the Separatists’ Church doctrine, as it differed from their own.d. None of the Separatists were Dutch which handicapped their ability to make a living.



a. The Dutch culture’s influence and the Separatists’ fear of losing their own heritage and language.

Page 44: Early Colonies in America

b. The Speedwell was not Sea-worthy

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Page 46: Early Colonies in America

The colonists of the Mayflower elected a governor, William Bradford

When was this election held?a.On the Mayflower while docked at Plymouth, England.b. On the Mayflower while in route to America.c. On the Mayflower while at anchor in Cape Cod Bay.d. While standing upon the shore at Cape Cod Bay.

Page 47: Early Colonies in America

An economic study should be done here.

The Joint-Stock-Company and the Charters, the Royal Charter:

the Virginia Company, the Massachusetts Bay Company, the Plymouth Company,

Joint-Stock Company• The company does not dissolve with the death of the primary owner and thus it was permanent.• Limited liability for investors• Middle class investors were thus financially capable of supporting the ventures.

For more information check your text book and the search engines, Google.

OPTIONAL SLIDE-Study the Joint Stock Company

Page 48: Early Colonies in America

Review:The desire of the Pilgrims/Separatists was to separate completely from the Church of England, the Anglican Church.This was against the laws of England and they were forced to leave and set up their church in the Netherlands.Later, they received assurances from King James that they could exercise their religious beliefs freely, so they returned to England and opened negotiations with the Virginia Company and obtained a grant of land in Virginia.They landed in Cape Cod, naming it Plymouth.

There was a major conflict brewing as they approached the coast of Massachusetts.The conflict was over what?

a. By landing 500 miles north of their land grant, they would be breaking their Charter agreement by landing in Massachusetts.

b. During the long voyage, the colonists had lost faith in their young leader William Bradford.

c. It was December and they had run out of food. It would not be possible to make it through the winter.

d. The sponsors, the Virginia Company had withdrawn their support and their supplies which were following in a second ship.

a. By landing 500 miles north of their land grant, they would be breaking their Charter agreement by landing in Massachusetts.

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What did they do in the next 24 hours?a. Headed for Virginiab. Unloaded everything onto landc. Stayed aboard shipd. Argued and argued and argued.

Page 50: Early Colonies in America

TheMayflower Compact

Can you read it? Do you find these words?

•In ye name of God Amen.•Loyal subjects•Lord King James•Grace of God•Defender of the faith•Glory of God•Advancement of Christian Faith•In the presence of God•Covenant•Promise ..submission and

obedience•11th November 1620

Please discuss……………..

Page 51: Early Colonies in America

The Mayflower Compact stated clearly that their purpose in sailing to Virginia was not for the purposes of rebellion but “for the glory of God, and advancement of the Christian faith, and honor of our king and country…”

Page 52: Early Colonies in America

So they landed……what next?

a. Clear the land b. Build one shelter c. Make contact with the local Indians

d. Move inland

Page 53: Early Colonies in America

The Plymouth Colony suffered through their first winter. Which of the following events occurred during that first winter.a.An Indian attack with many colonists killed.b.A spreading disease that killed many colonists.c.Food ran out leading to deaths by starvation.d.A rebellion by the non-Separatists who left the colony.

Page 54: Early Colonies in America

• List the “troubles” experienced by the colonists:

• Hostile Indians• Lack of food• Diseases and

illnesses• Accidents• Surviving harsh

winters• Lack of leadership• Crop failures• Laziness of some


Page 55: Early Colonies in America

All of the early colonists from Florida to Maine had major problems with food. Landing in the winter meant no plantings. Some didn’t even think of planting, relying on the stores they brought with them.The Plymouth Colony, landing in the middle of winter, made it. How did they make it through that first winter?

a. The local Indians supplied them with corn.b. The Colony had planned well and they had stored just enough

food to make it through the first winter.c. They had planned for a relief ship to arrive in January with

food enough for the winterd. They traded with fishing vessels sailing up and down the

American coast.

One Indian became friendly with the colonists that first winter. Name him. a. Samoset

b. Tecumsehc. Pequotd. Squanto

d. Samoset

Page 56: Early Colonies in America

1. Spoke English2. Had traveled up and down the coast with other explorers, hunters, fishermen.3. His own tribe was located far to the north in what is now Maine.4. He warned the colonists that the closest tribe was preparing to attack them.5. Demanded of the colonists any wealth they had in precious stones.6. Made friends with the colonists.7. Slept overnight in the common building with the other colonists.

And the answers are……………………………

1. Spoke English2. Had traveled up and down the coast with other explorers, hunters, fishermen.3. His own tribe was located far to the north in what is now Maine.4. He warned the colonists that the closest tribe was preparing to attack them.5. Demanded of the colonists any wealth they had in precious stones.6. Made friends with the colonists.7. Slept overnight in the common building with the other colonists.

When Samoset first approached the settlers at Plymouth he wore only a loin cloth.True or False?

Which of the following was true about Samoset? Seven choices.

There were many stories and myths recounted throughout the century about the Indians. Here is one.


Page 57: Early Colonies in America

When Samoset returned a few days later he brought with him another native Indian who would become famous in American history. Name him.

a. Massasoitb. Squantoc. Patuxetd. Wampanoag


Page 58: Early Colonies in America

Squanto did so much for the Plymouth colony ………read this list and be impressed.

how to plant and raise corn the Indian way.

how to fish the Indian way. how to protect food stuffs from

wolves. how to stalk deer. how to plant pumpkins. how to refine maple syrup. how to discern which herbs were

good to eat and good for medicine.

how to find the best berries. how to catch and profit from

beavers. how to get started with trading

with nearby tribes and various ships traveling near them.

Squanto taught them….

Page 59: Early Colonies in America

Discuss this question.

“Why would the Plymouth Colony succeed when compared to the Roanoke and Jamestown Colonies?”

Discuss the history of the Roanoke and Jamestown Colonies, the advantages, the disadvantages, the accidents, the mistakes,……every aspect.

Page 60: Early Colonies in America

The Plymouth Colony had survived the winter!List those who were thanked for their survival:

Their own leadership.Their own hard work.The captain and crew of the Mayflower.Samoset, Squanto and the local tribe.

But despite the list, they gave thanks to whom?

God!Unlike the Virginia settlers, the Separatists braved the dangers and uncertainties of the voyage and settlement in the New World solely in the name of their Christian faith in God.

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Surviving the voyage-surviving the settlement-surviving the first winter.

What was to happen next to the colony?

a.The population stagnated, no growth.b.The population soared, and the colony prospered.c.The population soared to the point of many leaving Plymouth to form new settlements.d.During the next winter angry, hostile Indian tribes attacked many times driving the people from Plymouth.That response must be a surprise. We examine “WHY?”

The Pilgrims, despite their fame in the traditional Thanksgiving celebration and their Mayflower Compact, never achieved the material success of the later Virginia colonists or their own Massachusetts successors at Massachusetts Bay.Since the Separatists’ religious views continued to meet a poor reception in England, no new infusions of people, ideas, money, or investment came from the Old World.

The new English monarch, King Charles I (1625), encouraged investors to establish their own settlements in America: Cape Ann, Salem, Massachusetts Bay, Hudson River, and many others over the next fifteen years.

Page 62: Early Colonies in America

Further studies:The Great MigrationSalem witch trialsReligious toleranceReligious intoleranceJohn Winthrop Massachusetts Bay Colony.Pequot WarsKing Philip’s WarRoger WilliamsRhode IslandAnne HutchinsonConnecticutPennsylvania and the QuakersThis concludes

the ppt presentation

One more slide to be

read follows.

Page 63: Early Colonies in America

The English colonies in Virginia and Massachusetts surpassed the large empire already established by the Spanish. Why did they prosper so when the Spanish failed?

* New business practices Joint-stock company

the company does not dissolve with the death of the primary owner and thus it was permanent.limited liability for investorsmiddle class investors were thus financially capable of supporting the ventures.

* A culture of technological inquisitiveness key inventions or technologies appeared in non-Western countries first but were never developed as they were in the WestThe societies in the west approved of innovation and entrepreneurship, invention, technical creativity.Western societies were dominated by the individual, not as in the east where the state dominated. Scientists in the non-West risked their lives if they arrived at unacceptable answers.

* A climate receptive to political and economic risk taking.

***Faith in Almighty God

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St. Wilfrid's Church, Scrooby