Discover Random Input Creativity Craig Hansen Head of Creative Arts & Technology Springfield School

Discover Random Input Creativity

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Discover Random Input Creativity

Craig HansenHead of Creative Arts &

TechnologySpringfield School

Have your ideas stagnated or

you feel you are in a ‘block


Write clearly the issue, topic, problem or

situation to be solved or considered on a

whiteboard or shared digital document

(such as a Google Doc)


In the center write the problem title or generally

central topic of the problem, in as few words as possible such as ‘fluid leak’ or ‘hyperactivity’ or

‘falling grades’


Create a list or group of nouns randomly identified by yourself or a team or a

class - you could use a random word generator that can provide nouns,

verbs or adjectives


Between the random words and the problem

title, generate a Bridging Word for each random

word - this new word is a bridge between the

problem and the random words


1. Replace a problem title word with one of the random words - what thinking does

this create?

What is the relationship between the problem title, the bridges and the

random words - is there a creative leap that can be taken?

Discuss or analyse the properties of the random words (they are nouns) such as

strength, weight, colour, origin, specialities like magnetic, waterproof



Consider how all these ideas and thoughts can be

brought to bear on the problem


Consider how your mind, your team-mates’ minds or your students’ minds

have been laterally thinking and focus on

solving the problem now your thinking has gone

from tangential to focused


That’s how you discover your Random Input


Do connect with me on Linkedin, Twitter

and Facebook.

T @globaledtalkL id.linkedin.com/in/craighansennzFB http://www.facebook.com/craighansennz

Discover Random Input Creativity

Craig HansenHead of Creative Arts &

TechnologySpringfield School