#DigiRev: Media for Ministry Dr Bex Lewis, Research Fellow in Social Media & Online Learning, CODEC, Durham University Director, Digital Fingerprint @drbexl @digitalfpri nt @bigbible @digidiscipl e #MediaLit 15 Image Credit: Stockfresh http://www.slideshare.net/drbexl/digirev-for- medialit15

#DigiRev for #MediaLit15

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#DigiRev: Media for Ministry

Dr Bex Lewis, Research Fellow in Social Media & Online Learning, CODEC, Durham UniversityDirector, Digital Fingerprint



Image Credit: Stockfresh


Session OverviewMinus the Twitterfall…

Digitally Present

Preaching in a Digital Age

Toolbox Thoughts: Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube



Ethics, Morals & Values

Twitterfall: Aid or Distraction?“Recent delegates indicated that practical

participation had opened their minds to what was possible, watching as external Tweeters took the thread of conversation elsewhere. With some in two minds as to distraction versus contribution, there was a clear feeling that the use of Twitter in session quickly led to confidence in using the tool, which subsequently improved the quality of contributions, as users got used to new ways of engaging multi-modally.”

Lewis, B. ‘MediaLit: Engaging Faith and Media in a Digital Age’, European Conference on Social Media Proceedings, July 2015

"If you want to build a presence in the social media platform, then you need to be


- @unmarketing

The Church Front Door?For many churchgoing is no longer the ‘cultural norm’. People don’t actively ignore the church: they don’t even think about it. … With literally billions in the digital spaces, the online social spaces presented by churches need to be appealing, welcoming, and not look like they are just an afterthought: they are now effectively the ‘front door’ to your church for digital users, and you ignore those spaces at your peril.

http://www.churchgrowthrd.org.uk/blog/churchgrowth/growing_churches_in_the_digital_age Image Credit: freeimages.com

We are not selling something to the world that will make more people like us, believe in our story, join our churches. We are trying to be something in the world that invites connection and compassion, encourages comfort and healing for those in need, and challenges those in power to use that power in the service of justice and love

(Drescher, 2011, 127)

Source: Netcasters?

Networks of Networks


Image Credit: Stockfresh

The digital environment is not a parallel or purely virtual world, but is part of the

daily experience of many people, especially the young. Social networks are

the result of human interaction, but for their part they also reshape the dynamics

of communication, which builds relationships: a considered

understanding of this environment is therefore a prerequisite for a

significant presence there.

Pope Benedict XVI (2013)



If you have faith, then you live that faith 24/7. Not something that can be switched off in differing contexts.


Image Credit: Stockfresh

Image Credit: Purchased Stockfresh

Social Media: More than the cherry on the cake!

Preaching in a Digital Age

John Wesley

“I look upon the world as my parish.”

Image Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Jwesleysitting.JPG

Is Using an iPad in preaching unholy?

…If I am a true priest, I can be so with a telephone in my hand, with a Bible in the other and I can be so with a newspaper under my arm, because it isn’t these instruments that speak alone, but our faith which is made of flesh and which speaks to the flesh; that is why my flesh will be the true synthesis.http://www.hprweb.com/2012/07/enter-the-digital-continent-of-preaching/

Fred Gaglia


I loved working up a sermon in the lead up to giving it. Researching, looking at what others had to say on the topic, piecing together thoughts, looking for illustrations and examples (tangents) and then practicing giving it and making the last minute tweaks and additions in the day before Sunday arrived.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8j-Iy8fP0Ek http://www.problogger.net/archives/2006/08/22/car-salesmen-preachers-and-the-art-of-persuasion/


Connecting via The Feedback LoopBy posting my sermons online, I can get much more feedback than I can after church on a Sunday morning. People can leave comments on the sermon blog itself (though, like most blogs, this is rare). I get statistics about how many people read each post, so I can tell what resonates. I also share my sermon on both my Facebook profile and the church page. This is where I get most of my feedback. The likes, comments, and messages (or lack thereof) give me an indication about how I’ve connected, or not.http://pastorkeithanderson.net/item/six-ways-social-media-can-make-you-a-better-preacher


Expect Challenge

The conspicuous and central Protestant sermon is one of these. It made sense in a education- and resource-poor (and frankly, entertainment-poor) age, but if I held forth for twenty minutes or more every Sunday, I expect to be regularly challenged (perhaps mentally, and in an unspoken way) by people who would Google for facts during my oratory. http://boyinthebands.com/archives/new-church-small-sermon-long-sermon/

Scott Wells

It’s not just entertainment! It's a sermon, not a lecture. Cardinal Mahoney of Los

Angeles was praised for leaving the pulpit to "walk about in front of the altar as he spoke, looking in all directions so as to include everyone".

That was fine, but too much departure from traditional delivery into flat-out entertainment plays badly. One pastor "came over more like a stand-up act than a preacher", said an unhappy Mystery Worshipper. "Not that I didn't appreciate his message, but in terms of content it was light as air, like the froth on a cappuccino.



TALK LENGTH…We also saw that, contrary to popular wisdom about what goes viral, neither “difficult” subjects nor fact-filled presentations scare people off. Nearly 20% of the people who watched a deep dive into American health care policy thought it was worth passing along to their friends. A powerful historical video of a teacher giving her young students a firsthand lesson in bigotry was viewed more than 3 million times. And four of the posts in the top 100 were about the important (but thoroughly unsexy) topic of income inequality.http://blog.upworthy.com/post/72763554347/the-most-upworthy-topics-of-2013

"The digital age isn’t killing off preaching, but what the survey suggests is that too much preaching is doing too little to motivate people to look at the world differently and therefore live in it differently," said Paul Johns, a director at the College of Preachers. "If that’s so, we have to question what we preachers are actually saying about the Bible and about contemporary issues, and how well we’re engaging with our congregations.” (2009) http://ministrytodaymag.com/index.php/ministry-tools/main/18801-are-my-sermons-making-a-difference

Digital Preparation Tools:You Version (First pass reading)

Evernote (Note-taking)

iPhone (Note-taking whilst out and about)

Things (To-do lists, including ‘future sermons’)

Google Drive (Sermon ideas, shared with team)

Bible Gateway (Bible Translations)

Monergism (Directory of Theology)

http://www.benreed.net/index.php/2012/09/05/digital-sermon-prep/ @benreed

Resource Collection:


Thoughts on preaching/public speaking in a digital age?


Twitter in Ministry

If you don’t know how to use Twitter, check https://support.twitter.com/articles/215585

Twitter Spokesperson:

“Twitter brings you closer to the things you are passionate about - and for millions of people across the globe that is faith.”http://news.sky.com/story/1022800/senior-bishops-to-tweet-christmas-sermons

Sermon Soundbites



https://twitter.com/biblesummary https://twitter.com/biblesummary


Facebook in Ministry

If you don’t know how to use Facebook, check https://www.facebook.com/help/345121355559712/

Personal Profile

Sharing Settings



Page Rules




Pinterest in Ministry

If you don’t know how to use Pinterest, check http://help.pinterest.com/en/articles


Instagram in Ministry

If you don’t know how to use Pinterest, check https://help.instagram.com/

YouTube in Ministry

If you don’t know how to use YouTube, check https://support.google.com/youtube/?


Simple ideas for Video: Think of the STORIES you have to

tell, and how you might tell them –Events: Before/AfterSermons: Quick Overviews/ResponsesPeople & Their LivesWhat can you “How To”?Training videos

Create Playlists


Multiple Voices



Considerations for Youth


1. Get consent/permissions

2. Use unambiguous language

3. Agree social media ‘guidelines’ with the youth

4. Have clear accountability to your line manager

5. Define curfews

Ref: Paul Windo, Urban Saints

Evangelism in a Digital Age

Image Credit: The Worship Cloud

What does this mean for us?A Disciple is one who, by

following Jesus, grows in their faith in Christ and in so doing models and teaches Christians the precepts of the Bible, prayer, doctrine, relationship, Christian living, service, and worship, to name the main ones.


@bigbible #digidisciple

Carl Medearis

Relax, enjoy your friends. Enjoy their company along with the company of Jesus. Point him out, freely, without fear or intimidation. You’re not responsible to sell him to them. You’re simply saying what you’ve seen. You're not the judge. You’re the witness.

How do you feel about these?

Cris Rogers

We need to spend time in his presence and then we will have something to say.

Ethics, Morals & Values

Image Credit: The Worship Cloud

Image Sources, e.g. FREE






http://theworshipcloud.com (Christian)


http://iStockPhoto.com See: http://bigbible.org.uk/about/policies/image-policy/ for more

Image Credit: Stockfresh

Human Beings at machines, not “are machines”

Image Source: Stockfresh

Who might read it?



‘The kids’

The newspaper

Your worst enemyImage Credit: Stockfresh


If you are Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired, step away from the keyboard/keypad and deal with that issue first. http://redcatco.com/communication/stop-posting-social-media/


What does it mean to share

with grace, care and love?


Image Credit: Andrew Flynn