DEFENSIVE PRESET “Defensive Preset Countering Horsed Troops” An insight in a useful preset and how to use it

Defensive preset countering horsed troops

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“Defensive Preset Countering Horsed Troops”

An insight in a useful preset and how to use it

This set is based on range + defense debuff + combatspeed + attack.

Below is a selection of the cards so you could see the cards used in this preset and

the jewels on 6th line.

Highlighted in red are the important stats

Highlighted in orange are the 2nd important stats

You may be having different cards, for example a better statue then Castle Tauroc, or a

better defense debuff Pet then Regal etc. This just gives you an idea. Of course the jewels

can/could make a huge difference especially on BRIGHT level.

• 5027.00% Attack

• 2243.00% Defense

• 1780.50% Range

• 4.74% Accuracy

• 523.00% Bonus to PvP on Defense

• 632.00% Bonus to PvP on Offense

• -1734.00% Attack Debuff

• -15481.00% Defense Debuff

• -1398.00% Life Debuff

• -3917.00% Combat Speed Debuff

• -523.00% Range Debuff

• -5.06% Accuracy Debuff

• 880.00% Infantry Attack

• 880.00% Infantry Life

• 5.28% Infantry Accuracy Bonus

• -699.00% Infantry Attack Debuff

• -627.00% Infantry Defense Debuff

• -86.50% Infantry Combat Speed Debuff

• 2645.00% Ranged Attack

• -155.00% Ranged Defense Debuff

• -790.00% Horsed Defense Debuff

• 158.00% Siege Load

• -347.00% Siege Load Debuff

• -311.00% Spellcaster Combat Speed

The rules of battle

Attack Beats Defense

Defense Beats Range

Range Beats Attack

This is a triangle in which all have a weakness to one another. so combining them can make you

a lot stronger. There are of course additional factors. Above makes it look like Rock, Paper,

Scissors, and to some extend it is & yet not. However you need to know these 3 base rules in

order to understand the whole concept The concept is explained more at the end in tutorial.

When you see above TR stats in red, what are the highlights.

The highlights of this TR :

• Good ( general ) Attack

• Good ( general) Range

• High (general) Defense Debuff High (general) Combat Speed Debuff Bonus

Highlights of this TR:

• Good ( general) Accuracy Debuff

• Good ( general) Accuracy Buff

• High ( general) Life Debuff

• Good (specific) Ranged Attack

( general): A general Buff or Debuff benefits all troops. I.e

: Range, Defense, Attack, Life, Accuracy, Combatspeed.

(specific) : A specific Buff or Debuff benefits specific troops or troop types.

I.e: Ranged Range , Horsed Defense, Infantry Attack, Horsed Combatspeed etc

Thus you should always have as much general buffs or debuffs as possible and then add the specific buffs or

debuffs to make the difference or enhance the TR.

The dictionary is at bottom of tutorial of General & Specific buffs/debuffs by troop types.

What We Use This TR for ?

Defending against incoming Hussars / Heavy Cavalry / Cavalry & Siegewalls.

What Troops We Will Defend With?

• Onagers / 300K

• Flame Archers 300K

• Catapults 300K

• Or a mix of the above i.e: 200k catapults +100k Flame archers or 200k Onagers +

100k flame archers.

Note: until 1 million incoming troops then 300k is no problem, If wave is higher then

400k would be better.

Why This Preset ?

IN general when hussars /Hcav/ Cav & siegewalls are incoming then most likely they

will switch to a Defense + Attack Debuff Preset. Sometimes with combatspeed buff as

well. We refer to this as the TANK. In order to KILL this TANK when using this

preset we do the following:

• We debuff the defense with our -15481.00% Defense Debuff

• By using RANGED or SIEGE troops & equipping RANGE we engage the attacker

as far away as possible. In this case with 1780.50% Range.

• To squash the incoming cavalry as quickly as possible we have 5027.00% Attack.

• To slow down the incoming Cavalry we have -3917.00% Combat Speed Debuff.

• We also have -1398.00% Life Debuff.

• In addition we have also 4.74% Accuracy & -5.06% Accuracy Debuff

In the following battle reports I show you the attacker & defender (I

left the champs out for now)

Catas defending 300k + 1000 Siegewalls

2 rounds battle

300k catas defending

2 rounds battle

Now with 200k Onagers + 1000k Flamers.

Note in the TR the Onagers will benefit from the 5027.00% Attack

The Flame Archers will benefit from the 5027.00% Attack + 2645.00% Ranged Attack (

this will stack) = 7672 attack

2 rounds battle

400k Catas

1 round battle

Attacker changed TR

2 rounds battle

REMEMBER, this is a TEMPLATE, you can enhance the set yourself with more

DEFENSE DEBUFF, RANGE either with different TR items or upgrading current items

to higher level.

Ideally you could have either this set + another with MORE Defense Debuff in case you

encounter Players with more then 20k DEFENSE+.

The Champ 1) Equip your best champ for any Battle

2) But if the attacker is NOT sending a Champ then you MUST equip a Champ with a lot of

TROOP stats instead of Champ Stats. See below the TROOP stats are highlighted.

• IN this case these Troop stats from the Champ are important and will help this preset

greatly. You debuff even more DEFENSE & your RANGE increases. This is a Champ

every player can make. Since it doesn’t have to battle another Champ, it will always



Damage 333

Bonus Damage 88

Armor 67.6

Strength 452.25

Dexterity 502.2

Health 1686

Hit Chance 47.12

Crit Chance 91

Block 38.35


Attack 118.5

Life 425

Range 230.5

Attack Debuff -118.5

Defense Debuff -226.39999999999998

Life Debuff -679

Combat Speed Debuff -493

Attack Beats Defense

Defense Beats Range

Range Beats Attack

Remember?..... But there are more, here we explain

The 4 most important attributes in battle are Attack, Defense, Life and Range.

The 5th is accuracy buff & debuff and the 6th is Combatspeed buff & debuff

• Attack – The amount of damage that a unit can deliver

• Defense – The amount of damage a unit can sustain before the unit begins to feel the attack (think

of defense like the armor a knight wears in battle)

• Life – The amount of damage a unit can take before dying (after the armor has been broken)

• Range – How close a unit needs to be to engage in battle

• Accuracy, in buff it makes you kill more troops per round, in debuff it makes the opponent kill less

of your troops per round.

• Combatspeed, in buff makes you close the range gap faster, and in debuff it makes the opponent


Attack – Counter to Defense

Attack is generally used as a counter to units with high defense. The higher the attack the more damage a unit

does. Catapults and ballista are particularly effective against a high defense heavy cavalry attack. While attack

is capped at 1000% it is still wise to build more than the cap as opposing players can use a debuff card to drop

the attack level down.

Defense – Counter to Range

Defense is generally used for defending or attacking with Heavy Calvary. A high defense Throne Room set up

can make HC very difficult to kill, while not affecting their ability to kill opposing troops. Archers do not have

great attack (unless Ranged Attack or Attack is active in the TR) so an HC attack with high defense can walk

through ranged attacks.

Life – Great compliment to Defense

Life is a great compliment to defense. If a unit does not have enough attack to break through the defense, that

unit only takes away 1 point of health. A high level of life will cause the opposition to have to use many troops

to get a single kill. (Up to 10,000 troops per HC kill with high level life).

Range – Counter to Attack

Range is the minimum distance a unit needs to be before delivering damage to the foe. Range and siege troops

(archers, ballista and catapults) are able to attack enemy units from great distances and range increases the

distance. Units that do not use projectiles in battle can still benefit from range, but the effect is much less

valuable than when used with projectile units.

: Sharing is knowledge, and a lot of players are not sharing. Yes it

gives you and edge, or advantage, but it leaves also many people clueless. The

objective of these tutorials, is to teach, learn, educate players so ALL players have a

better under understanding of the game. The more players participate, the better

the overall experience is for all players. More attacking and defending means

“lively” domains full of activity.