Deconstruction Of Soap Operas - Final

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  • 1. DeconstructionOf Soap Opera Trailers Amy Jones

2. Hollyoaks(Social Realism 18 th 22nd March Trailer) 3. Opens with a title card Hollyoaks. Hollyoaks is sponsored by Nikon. They draw you in as part of an audience. They go by the idea that You live your life through your phone and upload and share onto Twitter, Facebook & InstagramNikons stronger association with the hugelypopular teen drama is further helping to changethe perception of the Nikon brand, and attract a younger audience.These title cards during the soapopera trailer are used toseparate the storylines and draw the audience in. 4. Camera (Angles,Movements) Long Shots these shots are generally used to show the viewers some of thelandscape which will be used in the nextseen; in this case, a train track.Birds-Eye View Shots are used toestablish the setting, the next part where the scene is going to continue.Establishing Shots - are used to display the surroundings. In this case,viaducts where the main storyline istaking place. 5. Point Of View Shots these are done to show the audience exactly what thecharacter is looking at or what is drawingtheir attention; in this case, the CCTV camera. Mid Shots this shot is used to show the characters faces more clearly whilst still showing a slight view of the background. Two Shots - are used to establish a relationship between the characters. In this case, it appearsone character is being threatened by another and they may have been involved in a physical fight. 6. Close-Up Shots - are used to emphasise apersons emotional state and also allows the audience to feel empathy for them.Crane Shot these shots tend to be used atthe beginning or the end of filming, they areused to show the full setting and to show theextent to which how big the place filmed is. 7. Editing Hollyoaks mainly uses high key lightingto present an image of excitement andyouth, this choice of mise en scene aidsthe targeting of the audience. Although in some scenes, a use of low key lightingis used to present a more negativeportrayal of the characters, this technique is used in scenes where difficult issues such as depression arebeing expressed. Social Realism soaps such asHollyoaks generally use natural lighting, as this increases the realism of the programme. They also film scenes whilst it is snowing and raining, this is done to represent howtheir lives are just the same as everyone in the UK. They arent glamorous but they live the same lives as us. 8. Sound Non Diegetic SoundThe target audience for Hollyoaks is late teens,early adults. This show would be watched after school, college or work.The theme tune used is very upbeat and vibrant;this represents themodern theme which runsthroughout the storylinesof the soap.Diegetic SoundIn Hollyoaks, noise that it actually coming from the set comes from places such as the bar, clubs, shops andrestaurants around the Brookside area. This is soundssuch as music playing on the radio. 9. Mise EnScene 10. Made In Chelsea(Scripted Reality - Series 5 Trailer) 11. These title cards during the soap opera trailerare used to separate the storylines and drawthe audience in. As the programme is aired on e4, Made In Chelsea have created their title cards using the codes and conventions ofthe typical e4 branding which is The characters in this scripted reality arerecognisable to audiences. Thefrom Chelsea, which is seen as a typical font used is e4s own fontMiddle/Upper Class area in the UK. EFour. The colours used arealways purple and white. 12. Camera (Angles,Movements) Mid Shots this shot is used to show the characters faces more clearly whilst still showing a slight view of the background. Two Shots - are used to establish a relationship between the characters. In this case, it appearsone character is being threatened by another and they may have been involved in a physical fight. Establishing Shots - are used to display the surroundings where thenext scene will take place. 13. Long Shots these shots are generally usedto show the viewers some of the landscape, in this case a character leaving a shop. 14. Editing The editing is quick showing that the showgives us a quick insight into their lives. The lightingused is bright which shows off their looks better. The lighting used is generallynatural as the programme is based on the lives ofthose real people, the onlything that is different to Social Realism is that it isscripted (the charactersare put in artificialsituations, however, the dialogue is their own). 15. Sound Non-Diegetic Sound The soundtrack used is the nearingthe end of Rossinis William TellOverture. This might be used as a representation of their wealth was commonly used a horse races. Also, the soundtrack gradually builds up,the thought beats match the fast edits and this song build up the drama of this trailer sequence. Diegetic SoundThe diegetic sound in this sequence is the dialogue from each of the characters.Diegetic sound can also be vaguely heard from the outside and music playing during parties and gatherings. 16. Mise EnSceneMade In Chelsea is filmed in the wealthy district ofChelsea, London. The series is mainly shot in WestLondon including areas such as Knightsbridge. The Scripted Reality focuses on the lives of young, privileged people appealing particularly to those whoenvy their types of lifestyles and enjoy to watch real-life drama unfold in front of the cameras. The audience use this type of reality as a form ofescapism, they know it is unlikely they will ever lead that lifestyle but enjoy it as a form of entertainment (Jacques Lacan Mirror Stage).People also enjoy the thought of people like them with such extravagant lifestyles can stillhave a great deal of drama in their lives whichmakes the audience feel better.