May 25 NLP Sharing – South China NLP Decoding Culture – How Culture Impacts Everything and More

Decoding culture how culture affects everything

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Decoding Culture – How Culture Impacts Everything and More

Upcoming NLP Event: Personal Transformation 2-Day Workshop June 25 & 26 in Guangzhou!

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Upcoming NLP Event: Personal Transformation 2-Day Workshop June 25 & 26 in Guangzhou!

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

A little bit about the 13 Factories

•  Our gracious host

•  This is home cooking like John grew up with

•  Your 100 RMB gives you access to: –  Free flow beer, coke,

sprite, tea, coffee, and juice

–  Finger foods –  10% off menu orders

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Upcoming Events Calendar

•  June 7th – NLP Reading Circle, Get the Life You Want

•  June 22nd – NLP Sharing Session •  June 25th-26th – Personal Transformation

Workshop in Guangzhou •  July 12th – NLP Reading Circle, Get the

Life You Want •  July 27th – NLP Sharing Session

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

At 18 Months we assume the world works within a certain scope. It is the scope of our understanding.

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Welcome to the “Terrible Two’s” This period is marked by a developmental milestone when kids realize we don’t share the same perception of the world Later this frustration turns into curiousity

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

As adults this makes meeting new people exciting because we look forward to a new world view and something different than our routine If a doctor spent all day making spreadsheets instead of saving lives would you find them interesting?

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Differences Excite Our Brains

•  Despite the belief that culture differences present an obstacle to cooperation must of us find them exciting

•  Our brains like to find differences that are outside of our normal experience

•  Different cultures are usually treated with curiosity when there is not perceived conflict/discomfort*

*Sometimes conflict/discomfort is still viewed as sensational after the fact

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

What is Culture?

文化 �Culture

文明 Civilization

“I don’t think you can understand Chinese Culture”

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Using NLP to Think About Culture

Tonight we will approach culture as the coding in your brain that contributes to your identity We will take a look at culture as a filter that affects how you communicate

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Useful Presuppositions for Today’s Sharing Session About Culture

•  You cannot not communicate •  The map is not the territory. The words we

use are NOT the event or the item the represent.

•  The meaning of communication is the Response you get

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

NLP Communication Model 2. Filters

Delete,  Distort  &  Generalize  





Values  &  Beliefs  

Internal    Representation  

Emotional  State  


Step  4.  Respond  

Step  1.    Key  Message  or  External  Action  

3. Internalization

Copyright©  John  D

orris  and  Sino  Associates.    A

ll  Rights  Reserved  2008-­‐2011  

Linking NLP to Culture NLP Communication model •  Filters that affect

information we receive AND give –  Distort the way we

represent data –  Delete the

information we don’t want to receive,

–  and generalize complexities that affect our decisions

The Geert-Hoffstede Cultural Dimensions •  5 Cultural/ National

Filters that affect: –  How we see

leadership –  Our team and family

interactions –  The way we

communicate –  How we set and

prioritize goals –  The way we learn

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Geert Hofstede Dutch Social Psychologist Cultural Filters first described in his research for IBM in the 70’s. Research has been continued into the present

(Culture is) the unwritten rules of how we do these things differ from one human group to another.  "Culture" is how we call these unwritten rules about how to be a good member of the group.  Culture provides moral standards about how to be an upstanding group member; it defines the group as a "moral circle". It inspires symbols,  heroes, rituals, laws, religions, taboos, and all kinds of practices - but its core is hidden in unconscious values.* *Emphasis added by me (John)

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

5 Cultural Dimensions (Filters)

•  Power Distance Index (PDI) – The perceived inequality between people with different power and station

•  Individualism/Collectivism – The degree to which individuals are integrated into groups

•  Masculinity/Femininity – Describes the distribution of roles between genders

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

5 Cultural Dimensions (Filters)

•  Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI)– A society’s tolerance for uncertainty and ambiguity

•  Long-Term/Short -Term Orientation (LTO) –

Influenced by Confucian, a culture that is focused on the future or current/past

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Additional Points to Remember

•  These scores reflect the national average

•  Individual, leadership, and team working style philosophies are impacted by these filters among others

•  There is no right or wrong culture as a organizational culture builder be aware of your biases and preferences

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

As a group draw a picture of a successful leader and their characteristics

Emphasize the characteristics in your picture

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Take a break – get dessert… Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Power Distance Indicator (PDI) 权力距离 (PDI)

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

What does this picture mean? 你们觉得这幅图表达了什么? What is your experience with this? 你们有没有什么相关的个人经历?

East Meets West, Discussion & Story Telling 当中西相遇, 讨论和分享故事 What does this picture mean? 你们觉得这幅图表达了什么? What is your experience with this? 你们有没有什么相关的个人经历?

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

East Meets West, Discussion & Story Telling 当中西相遇, 讨论和分享故事 What does this picture mean? 你们觉得这幅图表达了什么? What is your experience with this? 你们有没有什么相关的个人经历?

What does this picture mean? 你们觉得这幅图表达了什么? What is your experience with this? 你们有没有什么相关的个人经历?

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Some Examples of High and Low PDI

•  Leaders almost only communicate through “commands”

•  Leaders are seen by others to have “super” human qualities

•  Leaders have two strong options to lead the carrot and the stick

•  Leaders need to give directions and structure

•  It is unusual to ask questions about decisions coming from above

•  Communication may frequently include questions and hints to subordinates

•  Leaders may feel guilty about taking a position of authority

•  Authority maybe very informal

•  Leaders often feel that too much structure and micro-managing can be counter-productive

•  Leaders expect questions and challenges from “below”

High Low

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Three aspects to keep in mind

Sense of Self

How I want to be seen

How others see me

How I see


Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Comparing PDI Globally


















Hong Kong







Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Individualism/Collectivism 个体主义/集体主义

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Discuss and Share

•  You see a really cute kid in your neighborhood are you more likely to a)  Comment to a friend “that kid is cute”? b)  Touch or hug the kid? c)  both d)  neither

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Discuss and Share

•  The first time you meet someone what are 5 questions you might ask?

•  How do you know if you are asking a question that is too personal? – Give an example

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Discuss and Share

•  What kind of award would you rather have as a child? – Top in your class – First prize in your extra-curricular activity

(e.g. music, debate, football etc) – Good citizen award

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

East Meets West, Discussion & Story Telling 当中西相遇, 讨论和分享故事 What does this picture mean? 你们觉得这幅图表达了什么? What is your experience with this? 你们有没有什么相关的个人经历?

What does this picture mean? 你们觉得这幅图表达了什么? What is your experience with this? 你们有没有什么相关的个人经历?

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

What does this picture mean? 你们觉得这幅图表达了什么? What is your experience with this? 你们有没有什么相关的个人经历?

East Meets West, Discussion & Story Telling 当中西相遇, 讨论和分享故事 What does this picture mean? 你们觉得这幅图表达了什么? What is your experience with this? 你们有没有什么相关的个人经历?

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

What does this picture mean? 你们觉得这幅图表达了什么? What is your experience with this? 你们有没有什么相关的个人经历?

East Meets West, Discussion & Story Telling 当中西相遇, 讨论和分享故事 What does this picture mean? 你们觉得这幅图表达了什么? What is your experience with this? 你们有没有什么相关的个人经历?

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Some Examples of Individualism and Collectivism

•  Is motivated by positive feedback about individual ability

•  Open to sharing ideas on general topics but can often be reserved on personal details

•  Strongly identifies with the nuclear family and values giving them space to be “themselves”

•  Presses for open dialogue believing it is better to talk through an issue

•  Is motivated by positive feedback about individual achievement that benefits the group

•  Comfortable sharing “personal” information with acquaintances

•  Strongly identifies with extended family often prioritizes the group over personal needs

•  Will avoid sensitive topics or discussing them in the open to maintain “harmony”

Individualism Collectivism

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Comparing Dimensions


















Hong Kong






个人主义 集体主义

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

Things to Remember

•  The Geert-Hoffstede model describes national cultures but not individuals

•  It is a convenient way to describe a filter like the Geert-Hoffstede culture model but there are other models as well

•  It does not describe history and the background of a culture which is worth understanding as well

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011

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Website: www.chinanlp.org

Copyright© John D

orris and Sino Associates. All Rights Reserved 2008-2011