Greening Main Street Project Madawaska Valley & Barry’s Bay December 4 th , 2012 Welcome !

Dec. 4 Proposals for Barry's Bay

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Greening Main Street ProjectMadawaska Valley & Barry’s Bay

December 4th, 2012 Welcome !

PurposeTo help the community of Barry’s Bay, Township of Madawaska Valley with their ideas that will help generate vibrant action and

sustain this amazing place for the immediate and long term future

Our ApproachWe work with the community’s ideas and visually bring back designs

that reflect what you think is possible and desirable

We are informed by your nature, history and hopes & dreams

Carleton U School of Architecture ProjectFall Term 2012


Design, Image Enhancement, Conservation

Community Economic


Marketing of assets,

products, attractions

Input from stakeholders at all

levels, all perspectives

Organization:CommunityEnergy and


Cultural Mapping, Planning and Development

Barry’s Bay Vision and Priorities



Claudia, Dirk Van Wijk and MKC

Madawaska Valley D.H.S Bosco &Sherwood

SchoolsCarleton Team’s “Billets”

Doug De La MatterMadawaska Ski Hill

Seniors Centre6 Building Owners

Township of Madawaska Valley Mayor, Council,

CAO & staffCraig Kelley, County of Renfrew Business Dev.

Barry’s Bay Heritage Society and Dave Kelley

Balmoral HotelSubway, Dixie Lee

Valley GazetteBarry’s Bay This WeekAll participants Oct 19-

21st weekend



Madawaska Valley & Greening Barry’s Bay

December 4th, 2012

Essence of this place, its history and people informed our work:


Madawaska Valley & Greening Barry’s Bay

December 4th, 2012

Essence of this place and natural surroundings also informed usthanks Doug De La Matter


Madawaska Valley & Greening Barry’s Bay

December 4th, 2012

Vision and Ideas: Hundreds of comments from October 19/20,

some are:

Barry’s Bay-Madawaska Valley is a place that• Builds on its historic, natural, community assets• Is a community attractive to retain youth and attract young adult,and retirees• Maintains an attractive self-sustaining downtown core • Is a solid central location for local government and services• Restores the waterfront for recreation and natural conservation•Plants and maintain more trees and greenery•Celebrates “wood” and its contributions to the economy•Celebrates our culture - Kashub, Irish, Polish, our art, craft, trades•Markets ourselves as a Four Season destination•Develops trails , ATV, Skidoo, Walking, cross country skiing and and biking•Sees more “thru” traffic stopping to shop spend and enjoy•Encourages local people to shop more in our community•Creates a place that retains youth•Improves the street appeal of its buildings ...and many more (will be part of final report


Work to Date •October 19-21: Met with Elementary Schools : Sherwood and St John Bosco Schools Madawaska Valley District High School•Photo-documented building and sites

At Madawaska Ski Hill:• Community Open House

Design consultations with property/building owners

Madawaska Kanu Centre:• Focus Group: Summary of ideas discussed

October 23 – December 4th

• Summarized info• Conducted research• Draft designs for your input

December 5th – end of term: Completion of Designs and Report


Plans and Reports That Informed Us (thanks Craig Kelley)


Informed by history 11 000 years of human presence


Forest industry, transportation links brought settlement and commerce


Downtown - 1 Focus of Our Work


Waterfront – 2nd Focus of Our Work


Design Project Individual /Team

Public Spaces

Greening”/Streetscape enhancement: EntriesSignagePedestrian crossingsBenches, lighting plantersPathways – downtown and to waterfrontBanners

Bradley, Jay, Mustafa, Ghazi, Mathewand team discussions

Lakefront and Waste Treatment Plant Tom, Mustafa, Ghazi, Jay

Private Businesses

Metro Clément, Caroline

Valley Gazette and “Boards Clément, Caroline

Stedmans Troy, Mathew

Mad Outdoors – Passageway Bradley

Employment Outreach Tom, Jay

Virtual Design ( for report)

Madawaska Valley “Camineo” type tour JM



- Making both sides of the street equally accessible for an enhanced flow of pedestrian traffic-Slow the flow of vehicular traffic, making main street more inviting for pedestrian activity-Safety for children allowing them more access points

- Create sitting area in no parking zones to designate

pedestrian usage-Replace finger signs with light standard that has wooden signs

on it-Use benches to create

divisions of space as well as to identify the crosswalk


- Most of parking is located on periphery of main street- Need to encourage parking in external lots as opposed to on the street- encourage cooperative parking between business owners


Pathway will serve to connect parking with main street and draw customers that are at metro to explore that rest of main street


Presently the pathway is not an obvious pedestrian path as well as not being an obvious route to the main street. This can be changed through different treatments and the usages of certain materials to make the route more welcoming and attractive.


The current pathway to Main Street has a lot of potential to bring people toward the street from the parking lot of Metro.

Through the implementation or altercation of key features success in creating a pathway to Main Street will be achieved.


- Banners located on route to the beach

- Generate awareness of the beautiful waterfront

- “Kuaenash Ne-Ishing” means Beautiful Bay in Algonquin

Pathway to the Waterfront

“Enjoy the waterfront of Barry’s Bay”

“Waterfront of Barry’s Bay”

“Waterfront – Barry’s Bay”



Discarded pipes from the sewage and water plants can be recycled into Park Furniture

Current Day Site

Phase 1Spring 2013

Phase 2 Summer 2013

Phase 3 Spring 2014

Phase 4Summer 2014

Phase 52015

Area of Park = 4.5 Football fields

Stedmans V&S Renovation Proposal

Existing Conditions

V&S Stedmans is one of a chain of retailer owned

department stores founded in 1907 by three brothers

Samuel, Edward and George Stedman. The

store in Barry’s Bay was built by George Stedman in

1952. Canadian Stores began using the V&S name

in 1992 following a corporate restructuring.

The chain is now owned by TruServ Canada and oversees 725 retailers

across Canada.

Design PointsWood

clapboard siding painted


Street facade finished in vinyl siding

Side facades consisting of green painted cinderblock

Existing brickwork

running along base of building

Opportunity:The owner is currently intending to undertake a renovation of his front

facade with work to be started beginning spring 2013.

Requirements:The current siding in addition to appearing dated has visible signs of

damage from weather and wear and tear including a noticeable faded patch where signage previously protected the siding underneath. The

windows are original and approaching the end of their serviceable lifespan.

Material Palettes

New steel flashings for the parapet cap, windows and drip edges.

Wooden board and batten siding provides a rustic look and reduces cost. Siding would be continuous to the top of the


Existing brick base would be cleaned and utilized as a durable facade treatment for

the lower metre of the building face.

New steel flashings for the parapet cap, windows and drip edges.

Alternatively, steel siding can be used in place of board and batten. This would also provide durable protection and would run uninterrupted from brick to the top of the


Existing brick base would be cleaned and utilized as a durable facade treatment for

the lower metre of the building face.


Wood Board + Batten Steel Siding

Pros: Durable, can last decades. Handles harsh freeze thaw climates well due to excellent expansion/contraction properties.Does not dent, chip or scratch.

Pros: Easy to clean with a hose. Next to no maintenance required. Is impervious to pests such as termites.

Cons: Maintenance - requires repainting/staining every 8-10 years to maintain seal and prevent deterioration.

Cons: Prone to denting and scratching. Is difficult to repair the siding and types/colours of siding often go out of production after 5-6 years.

Cost: Material - $3.25-$4.25 sq/ftLabour - $1.50-$2.00 sq/ft

Cost:Material - $3.50-$4.50 sq/ftLabour - $2.00 sq/ft

Optional Awning:$1800-$2100 depending on total length and mechanical system

Optional Awning:$1800-$2100 depending on total length and mechanical system

Design Proposals

The Skebo Store/McDougall’s Building

Needs Some Work…

Case Studies and Examples

Neutral useDesign

At Tables, Discuss:(25-30 minutes)

What you saw and heard in the presentations. Please add your comments, ideas

How can this work get accomplished, when and by who ? (identify partners etc)

Next StepsCarleton Report Barry’s Bay /Madawaska Valley Vision and ObjectiveHistorical context Summary and Analysis of community input and reportsResearch: Best Practices Examples and Funding SourcesDesign Projects •Waterfront Restoration/Conservation Garden•Main Street and Hwy 62•6 properties: Metro, V&S, Mad Outdoors, Valley Gazette, Boards, •Employment OutreachOrganization For Next Steps: Partnerships: Business community, community stakeholdersConclusion and References