MS Alam TRIVUz DB01 DATABASE Design & Implementation TRIVUz Academy TRIVUz Academy Class Id:

Database - Design & Implementation - 1

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Founder, TRIVUz Network


Design & Implementation

TRIVUz Academy

TRIVUz Academy

Class Id:

Page 2: Database - Design & Implementation - 1

Recap PF01 & PF02

TRIVUz Academy

TRIVUz Academy

Page 3: Database - Design & Implementation - 1

Recap We meet a customer

We understand his needs

We make a plan

We scratch the design


Database Design

TRIVUz Academy


Page 4: Database - Design & Implementation - 1

We are going to learn

Brief introduction on Database


Array Functions

Global Array


for, do…while, for each


Database Design

TRIVUz Academy


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Brief IntroductionDATABASE

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Often abbreviated DB. A collection of information

organized in such a way that a computer program

can quickly select desired pieces of data. You can

think of a database as an electronic filing


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Brief Introduction

DATABASEWhat is Database?

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Traditional databases are organized by fields,

records, and files.

A field is a single piece of information;

a record is one complete set of fields;

and a file is a collection of records.

Brief Introduction

DATABASEWhat is Database?

TRIVUz Academy

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For example, a telephone book is analogous to a file.

It contains a list of records, each of which consists of

three fields: name, address, and telephone number.

Brief Introduction

DATABASEWhat is Database?

TRIVUz Academy

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For example, a telephone book is analogous to a file.

It contains a list of records, each of which consists of

three fields: name, address, and telephone number.

Brief Introduction

DATABASEWhat is Database?

Name Address Phone Number

Mr. Khan Banani, Dhaka 02-01020304

Farah Zebin Uttara, Dhaka 02-23344556

Robindranath Uttara, Dhaka 02-44543212

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To access information from a database, you need a

database management system (DBMS). This is a

collection of programs that enables you to enter,

organize, and select data in a database.

Brief Introduction



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A relational database management system (RDBMS)

is a database management system (DBMS) that is

based on the relational model as introduced by E. F.

Codd. Most popular databases currently in use are

based on the relational database model.

Brief Introduction



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A short definition of an RDBMS is: A DBMS in

which data is stored in tables and the relationships

among the data are also stored in tables. The data

can be accessed or reassembled in many different

ways without having to change the table forms.

Brief Introduction



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A short definition of an RDBMS is: A DBMS in

which data is stored in tables and the relationships

among the data are also stored in tables. The data

can be accessed or reassembled in many different

ways without having to change the table forms.

Brief Introduction



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The database concept has evolved since the 1960s to

ease increasing difficulties in designing, building, and

maintaining complex information systems (typically

with many concurrent end-users, and with a diverse

large amount of data). It has evolved together with

database management systems which enable the

effective handling of databases.

Brief Introduction



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The database concept

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The introduction of the term database coincided with

the availability of direct-access storage (disks and

drums) from the mid-1960s onwards. The term

represented a contrast with the tape-based systems

of the past, allowing shared interactive use rather

than daily batch processing.

Brief Introduction



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Evolution of database and DBMS technology

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In the earliest database systems, efficiency was

perhaps the primary concern, but it was already

recognized that there were other important

objectives. One of the key aims was to make the data

independent of the logic of application programs, so

that the same data could be made available to

different applications.

Brief Introduction



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Evolution of database and DBMS technology

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The first generation of database systems were

navigational, applications typically accessed data

by following pointers from one record to another. The

two main data models at this time were the

hierarchical model, epitomized by IBM's IMS system,

and the Codasyl model (Network model),

implemented in a number of products such as IDMS.

Brief Introduction



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Evolution of database and DBMS technology

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The Relational model, first proposed in 1970 by

Edgar F. Codd, departed from this tradition by

insisting that applications should search for data by

content, rather than by following links.

Brief Introduction



TRIVUz Academy

Evolution of database and DBMS technology

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Relational systems placed heavy demands on

processing resources, and it was not until the mid 1980s

that computing hardware became powerful enough to

allow them to be widely deployed. By the early 1990s,

however, relational systems were dominant for all large-

scale data processing applications, and they remain

dominant today (2011) except in niche areas.

Brief Introduction



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Evolution of database and DBMS technology

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The dominant database language is the standard

SQL for the Relational model, which has influenced

database languages also for other data models.

Brief Introduction



TRIVUz Academy

Evolution of database and DBMS technology

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SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a specialized type of programming

language developed to work with relational databases such as MySQL, Oracle,

Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Informix, and others.

The SQL standard is defined by ANSI, the American National Standards Institute in

their ISO/IEC 9075:1992 document. (The standard is commonly referred to as ANSI

SQL-92.) Every relational database applies its own version of the SQL standard;

many enhance that standard. Standardizing the programming language allows the

devel- oper to address the database in much the same way from platform to

platform — and every major platform has such products written for it. Table 1-2

compares some popular relational-database products as illustrative examples.


SQL ???

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What is SQL?

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Brief Introduction



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Ancient to modern

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A DBMS has evolved into a complex software system

and its development typically requires thousands of

person-years of development effort. Some general-

purpose DBMSs, like Oracle, Microsoft SQL server,

and IBM DB2, have been in on-going development

and enhancement for thirty years or more.

Brief Introduction



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General-purpose DBMS

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Three types of people are involved with a general-purpose DBMS:

1. DBMS developers - These are the people that design and build the

DBMS product, and the only ones who touch its code. They are typically the

employees of a DBMS vendor (e.g., Oracle, IBM, Microsoft, Sybase), or, in

the case of Open source DBMSs (e.g., MySQL), volunteers or people

supported by interested companies and organizations. They are typically

skilled systems programmers. DBMS development is a complicated task,

and some of the popular DBMSs have been under development and

enhancement (also to follow progress in technology) for decades.

Brief Introduction



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Types of people involved

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2. Application developers and Database administrators - These are

the people that design and build a database-based application that uses the

DBMS. The latter group members design the needed database and maintain

it. The first group members write the needed application programs which the

application comprises. Both are well familiar with the DBMS product and use

its user interfaces (as well as usually other tools) for their work. Sometimes

the application itself is packaged and sold as a separate product, which may

include the DBMS inside (see Embedded database; subject to proper DBMS

licensing), or sold separately as an add-on to the DBMS.

Brief Introduction



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Types of people involved

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3. Application's end-users :

(e.g., accountants, insurance people, medical doctors, etc.) –

These people know the application and its end-user interfaces, but need

not know nor understand the underlying DBMS. Thus, though they are the

intended and main beneficiaries of a DBMS, they are only indirectly

involved with it.

Brief Introduction



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Types of people involved

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The speed, accuracy, reporting and

thoroughness of electronic databases make them

critical to today’s 24/7 high-speed exchange of


Brief Introduction



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Speed: Format means quick storage and retrieval of

information. Users and applications have a quick

means for asynchronous reads and writes of data.

Brief Introduction



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Accuracy: Given careful data input, databases

provide accurate and consistent results based on

their data.

Brief Introduction



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Reporting: Information can be gathered, quantified,

and custom-analyzed with greater flexibility.

Brief Introduction



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Thoroughness: Databases can store and report

results as complete and detailed as their holdings —

at electronic speed.

Brief Introduction



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Thoroughness: Databases can store and report

results as complete and detailed as their holdings —

at electronic speed.

Brief Introduction



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Existing RDBMS

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Introducing MySQL


What is MySQL?

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MySQL is the worlds most popular open source


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Introducing MySQL


Why MySQL?

TRIVUz Academy

MySQL is the worlds most popular open source RDBMS.

MySQL is used from many large scale web sites including

Google and NASA, and is a very strong competitor to

even the likes of Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle.

MySQL is incredibly fast, provides support for full text

searches, and is widely supported.

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Comparison of SQL Implementations

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MySQL Enterprise-Level Database Features

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MySQL Enterprise-Level Database Features

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What MySQL Does Bes

TRIVUz Academy

Web applications: Web applications typically feature many reads and few writes.

MySQL is fast and can meet the demands of Internet speed. In my experience,

MySQL has proven time and again that it outperforms other RDBMS products in

Web applications.

Enterprise-level applications: MySQL offers support directly through the parent

company, MySQL AB. MySQL’s feature set includes just about every- thing that an

enterprise-level application would need. Refer back to Table 1-4 for more details.

Open-source support: MySQL AB is responsive to requests for features as well.

MySQL is open-source; everyone is welcome to download and extend the code to

meet his or her needs.

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What MySQL Does Bes

TRIVUz Academy

Low overhead: MySQL runs comfortably for many applications on an Intel Pentium-class

computer with 32 MB of RAM or less. I wouldn’t recommend running an enterprise-level

MySQL implementation on such a system, but consider the utter futility of trying to run a

Web application on Internet Information Server with Microsoft SQL Server that runs under

Windows 2000 on a Pentium-class computer with 32 MB of RAM.

Available large table size: MySQL tables can grow large, though they do sometimes

encounter file-size limitations of the host operating system. Some architectures,

however, can accommodate up to 8 terabytes (TB) per table using MySQL.

Stability: All software is in development. Some features in MySQL are newer than

others, making them possibly less stable than others. Table 1-6 shows some of the

features within MySQL and their stability level.

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Database Concepts & DesignDATABASE

What is data?

TRIVUz Academy

What is database?

Why use a Database?

How are database used?

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Database Concepts & DesignDATABASE

Database Design

TRIVUz Academy

Database design is the process of determining and

organizing the information to track. Many iterations

of a database design occur as you try to achieve an

efficient design and maximize your use of resources.

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Database Concepts & DesignDATABASE

The Database Life Cycle

TRIVUz Academy

• Requirements analysis

• Logical design of the database

• Physical design of the database

• Implementation and subsequent modification of the database

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Database DesignDATABASE

Requirement Analysis

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Gather information on the business process and


Analysis and Document them properly

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Database DesignDATABASE

Logical Design

TRIVUz Academy

Entities and attributes

At a basic level of a data model are entities — objects that you are

interested in as part of the data model you are creating. Example –


Entities have identifying qualities — attributes. For example, the

Marksheet entity has such attributes as StudentID, Subject and


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Database DesignDATABASE

Logical Design

TRIVUz Academy


AttributesStudentID, Subject, Marks

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Database DesignDATABASE


TRIVUz Academy



Student ID Subject Marks

1001 Math 78

1003 Math 85

1005 Math 34

StudentID, Subject, Marks

Table: marksheet

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Database DesignDATABASE

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Okay, we designed our database. We got all our Entity & attributes.

What now?

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Database DesignDATABASE

TRIVUz Academy


We have to create our physical database.

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SQL Introduction


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SQL, or Structured Query Language, is a

specialized type of programming language developed

to work with relational databases such as MySQL,

Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, PostgreSQL, Informix,

and others.

SQL IntroductionDATABASE

What is SQL?

TRIVUz Academy

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The SQL standard is defined by ANSI, the American National Standards

Institute in their ISO/IEC 9075:1992 document. (The standard is

commonly referred to as ANSI SQL-92.) Every relational database

applies its own version of the SQL standard; many enhance that

standard. Standardizing the programming language allows the devel-

oper to address the database in much the same way from platform to

platform — and every major platform has such products written for it.

Table 1-2 compares some popular relational-database products as

illustrative examples.

SQL IntroductionDATABASE

What is SQL?

TRIVUz Academy

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[(<create_statement>,...)] [table_options]



Creating our Tables

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CREATE TABLE marksheet (

marks_id int(11) NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,

student_id int(11),

subject varchar(255),

marks varchar(255)



Creating our Tables

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Thank You

MS Alam TRIVUzFounder, TRIVUz [email protected]