by: daniel gonzalez aleu t.

Daniel Bucket List

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Page 2: Daniel Bucket List

Becase you can inspire your selfAnd do things that you didnot know that it was going to happen and

you can draw something that you dont do in your life like a car a place where people do thing like play and entretain and because

when you are sad the drawing can inspire your self and you draw a thing that you dont know what it is and is creativebecase it can have

many colors and it is fun

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Becase is fun and you can be afamouse personand do something incredible like big small and you can do

something like drink a lot of water in one hour and do the most big paper hat in the world and it give you experience becasue you can feel like a important

person in your life

Page 4: Daniel Bucket List

Becase is fun you have person that you can playand you can have fun all the time and you can not feel

alone all your life and you can play all the the time ith your family and have experience and fun and you can

help them in the things that they need and in there problems

Page 5: Daniel Bucket List

Because you can go out to many places with she and you can be more than friends and do something good and do friendship forever and do something fun you

can have a relation ship and i can be fun because you are going to do many things like go out the time you


Page 6: Daniel Bucket List

Because i like gotcha very much becase is many paint and you can have fun with the shutgon and you can have more fun with your friends when you play and

you can do many things like paint someone whith your shut and it so funny when you see all with panit that wh

i like gotcha

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Because it inspire me very much i like the alturas and you can see the snow the plants the trees and the lodo

and one of the one tha i want to climb in the everest mountain it can be me a famouse person because only few can climbed and i want to be one of that persons

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Because i like lego very much and in year 2008 we were going to a place but i canot go cause of the

influencia and in christmas santa bring me alot of lego like 5 big boxes of lego and it very intersting the lego and i like the type of lego that is one of racer whith a


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Bacause i like very much to draw and it inspire me very much the drawings that all persons draw like a car mustang and many things i like so many the paint it is like something that can inspire you very much because it is somethng that look

like real like a human face but in a paint

Page 10: Daniel Bucket List

Because i like to fly and see the sky from the buttom of thethe sky that is fun because it can inspire you very much so i want to be in a elicopter and fly all that the elicopter can do it so that is fun very fun you can do many things e best thing it that you have a paratute

and you fall down

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Becase i like to run free because i like many things like the peas and the thing that is fun is that you can run all the time you want like in a park in a ancilume and the best thing is tha that is freedom for ever and

you are going to do many things when you grow

Page 12: Daniel Bucket List


Artist www.magendiaria.com

World record www. taringa.net

Family www.derecho.laguia2000.com

Gotcha www. dickkramer.com

Mountine www. lynxmadrid.wordpress.com

Legoland www.