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Curriculum vitae of Dr Mohamed El Nady (EPRI)

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Page 1: Curriculum vitae of Dr Mohamed  El Nady (EPRI)

Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Mohamed M. El Nady

1 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 1-Zaker Hussein, Hei Al-Zehour, 11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 22736349 Fax: (202) 22747433, www.epri.sci.eg

Profile Company Name: Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI) Job description: Prof. of Organic Geochemistry, Exploration Department, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute Address: 1-Ahmad El-Zomor St., 11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt Tel: 01112310008 (Mobile) Fax: (202) 2747433

Academic Degrees Obtained 1998: Ph. D. in Petroleum Geology, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt 1992: M. Sc. in Geology, Zagazic University, 1985: B. Sc. in geology, Zagazic University

Record of Employment 1/9/2016 tell now: Professor of Organic Geochemistry, Explo. Department, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute 2010-2016: Head of Sedimentology laboratory, Explo. Department, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. 18/1/2009: Prof. Dr. Organic Geochemistry, Explo. Department, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute. 2003-2008: Assistant Prof. of organic geochemistry, Exploration Department [4/11/2003] 1998-2003: Researcher, Exploration Department (EPRI) [1/10/1998] 1993-1998: Researcher Assistant, Exploration Department (EPRI) [20/6/1993] 1/1993-6/1993: Assistant Researcher, Exploration Department (EPRI) [1/1/1963]

Technical Experiences 1) Organic geochemistry and petroleum geology fields, 2) Source Rocks characterization and evaluation, 3) Palynofacies analysis in hydrocarbon exploration, 4) Crude oils chractrizaion and evaluation, 5) Geochemistry of Gas and Condesates, 6) Geochemical modeling and basin analysis, 7) Biological markers assessment f soure rocks and crude oils, 8) Geochemistry of light hydrocarbons, 9) Oil: source rock correlations. 10) Multivariate and statistical methods of geochemical and correlation with maturity parameters.

Societies and Memberships 1) Member of the Sedimentological Society of Egypt. 2) Member of the Geological Society of Egypt. 3) Member of Egyptian Syndicate of Scientific Professions Division of Geology 34706 division 6383

4) I got the best prize of Ph.D. from Ain Shams University (1999). 5) Chosen as a member for inclusion in Who‟s who in Science and Engineering Sept. 2006 (9

th edition),

6) Chosen as a member for inclusion in November 2007 Edition of Who‟s who in the world, 7) Chosen from Top 10 Professors of Organic Geochemistry Professionals on LinkedIn [2016].

Journals Editorial Board and Refereeing 1) Member in the Editorial board of Marine Science Research and Technology

(www.clytoaccess.com/journal-marine-science-research-and-technology) 2) Member in the Editorial board of Endoscopic Ultrasound Journal (http://www eusjournal.com/editorialboard.asp) 3) Reviewer in Petroleum Science and Technology

4) Reviewer in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects

5) Reviewer in Egyptian Journal of Petroleum,

6) Reviewer in Environmental Sciences Group,

7) Reviewer in Arabian Journal of Geosciences

8) Reviewers in Hindawi Publishing Corporation (www.hindawi.com/countries/eg/reviewers/4/) 9) Reviewer in Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science (springer.com/journal). 10) Reviewer African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology)http://www.academicjournals.org(

Mohamed Mostafa El Nady Nationality: Egyptian Date of Birth: 28 July 1963 Military State: Completed Military State: Married

Contacts Mobiel: 01112310008 Home: +2055-3030736 E.mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Address Exploration Dept., Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute,1-Ahmad El-Zomor St.,11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, www.epri.sci.eg

Page 2: Curriculum vitae of Dr Mohamed  El Nady (EPRI)

Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Mohamed M. El Nady

2 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 1-Zaker Hussein, Hei Al-Zehour, 11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 22736349 Fax: (202) 22747433, www.epri.sci.eg

Scientific Activities 1.Supervision: Master Degree (M. Sc. Thesis) A. Passed: 3. M. Sc, thesis of Doaa Ali Mousaa, Faculty of Science Ain Shames University, and entitled: Source Rock Evaluation of

some Wells in the West Qarun Area, North Western Desert, Egypt, Awarded the Degree in 2004.

2. M. Sc, thesis of Naira Magdi Ahmed Lotfy, Faculty of Science Zagazic University, and entitled: Characterization of crude oils bearing rocks in Ras Gharib oilfield, Central Gulf of Suez, Egypt, Awarded the degree in 2012.

1. M. Sc, thesis of Nermein Mohamed Abed El Wheed, Faculty of Science Zagazic University, and entitled: Subsurface studies and source rock potentiality of North Qattara Depression area in the North Western Desert, Egypt, Awarded the degree in 2014.

B. Continued: 5. M. Sc, thesis of Wafaa Adel Mohamed Mohamed El Hemimey Faculty of Science Zagazic University, and entitled:

Assessment for the petrophysical and geochemical characteristics of reservoir rocks and crude oil for the area north of Ramadan oil field, Central Gulf of Suez, Egypt (Continued).

4. M. Sc, thesis of Ahamed Shalaby Faculty of Science Zagazic University, and entitled: Petroleum Geochemistry and Relation to Potential Source Rock of some oilfields in Abu Gharadig Basin, North Western Desert, Egypt (Continued).

3. M. Sc, thesis of Wesam Hoseny Mahdy Esmail, Faculty of Science Zagazic University, and entitled: Subsurface Studies, reservoir characteristics and Source Rocks Potentiality of Umbarka Oil field, North Western Desert, Egypt (Continued).

2. M. Sc, thesis of Hazem Ahmed Said Esmail Hashem, Faculty of Science Zagazic University, and entitled: Reservoir Characteristics and geochemistry of Pre-Miocene- Miocene rocks of July Oil field, Gulf of Suez, Egypt (Continued).

1. M. Sc, thesis of Samar Abdulla El Sayed , Faculty of Science Zagazic University, and entitled: Geochemical studies and petroleum source rocks of the Jurassic- lower Cretaceous formations, North Abu Ghradig oilfield, Western Desert, Egypt (Continued).

Doctor Degree (PhD. Thesis) A. Passed: 2. Ph. D. Thesis of Eman Saied Abdalha Ebrahiem, Faculty of Science Ain Shames University, and entitled: and entitled:

Fingerprinting of Some Egyptian Crude Oils via GC-MS In Relation to Their Biomarkers. Awarded the degree in 2017 1. Ph. D. Thesis of Doaa Ali Mousa, Faculty of Science Ain Shames University, Entitled. Organic geochemistry and

hydrocarbons generation of Miocene sediments in some offshore wells, Nile Delta Egypt, Awarded the degree in 2011.

B. Continued: Ph. D. Thesis of Naira Magdi Ahmed Lotfy, Faculty of Science Zagazic University, and entitled: Geological and organic

geochemical studies of hydrocarbon potentialities of Cretaceous source rocks in Al-Baraka oil field, Kom Ombo concession, south Egypt (Continued).

2. Research Projects Member 1. A principal member of a Research Internal Project and entitled: Fingerprinting of Biomarkers for Egyptian Crude Oil

Characterization". Financed by Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute (EPRI) (2010).

2. A principal member of a Research Project and entitled: Report on Crude Oil Fingerprint of El Hamd and Bakr Oil Fields, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Financed by Central Analytical Lab. For General Petroleum Company. Ch. Ref. 2009-04-09. S. Faramawy and M. El Nady (2009).

3. Conferences 25: 2017: 19

th International Conference on Petroleum Minerals Wealth and Developments, Egyptian Petroleum Research

Institute, Egypt, 20 - 22 Feb.2017 (Multivariate geochemical and statistical methods applied to assessment of organic matter potentiality and its correlation with hydrocarbon maturity parameters (Case study: Safir-1x well, North Western Desert, Egypt). Mohamed M. El Nady and Naira M. Lotfy.

24. 2017: 19

th International Conference on Petroleum Minerals Wealth and Developments, Egyptian Petroleum Research

Institute, Egypt, 20 - 22 Feb.2017 (Geochemical characteristics of organic matter from Rudeis and Kareem source rocks, Ras Budran oilfield, central Gulf of Suez, Egypt). Mohamed M. El Nady, Fatma M. Harb, and Naglaa S. Mohamed

Page 3: Curriculum vitae of Dr Mohamed  El Nady (EPRI)

Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Mohamed M. El Nady

3 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 1-Zaker Hussein, Hei Al-Zehour, 11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 22736349 Fax: (202) 22747433, www.epri.sci.eg

23. 2016: 19th

International Conference on Petroleum Minerals Wealth and Developments, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Egypt, 22 - 24 Feb.2016 (Oils and Source Rocks Correlation of Some Wells in the North Western Desert, Egypt). Fatma M. Harb and Mohamed M. El Nady

22. 2015: 18th

International Conference on Petroleum Minerals Wealth and Developments, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Egypt, 8-10 February 2015 (Biomarker characteristics of crude oils from Ashrafi and GH oilfields in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt: An implication to source input and paleoenvironmental assessments), Mohamed M. El Nady, Fatma M. Harb and Naglaa M. Saleh.

21. 2014: 11

th International Conference on the Geology of the Arab World (GAW 11) Geology and Development, Cairo

University, 5-10 April, 2014 (Oil-oil and oil-source rock correlations in Southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt), Naglaa S. Mohamed, Mohamed M. El Nady, and Ahmed N. Shahin.

20. 2014: 17

th International Conference on Petroleum Minerals Wealth and Developments, Egyptian Petroleum

Research Institute, Egypt, 9-11 February 2014 (Source Rock Quality from Oil Biomarkers of Abu Gharadig Basin in the North Western Desert, Egypt), Mohamed M. El Nady, and Fatma M. Harb.

19. 2014: 17

th International Conference on Petroleum Minerals Wealth and Developments, Egyptian Petroleum

Research Institute, Egypt, 9-11 February 2014 (Maturity Assessment of Some Egyptian Crude Oils Based On the Distribution of Saturate Biomarkers). Seham M. Al-Sabbagh, Ashraf Y. El-Naggar, Mohamed M. El Nady, Ibrahim H.A. Badr, Mohamed A. Ebaid and Eman S. Abdullah.

18. 2013: 40th

CIESM CONGRESS PROCEEDING 2013, Maresilla, Paris, France, V. 40, P. 369 , Effect of Different Bioremediation Techniques on Petroleum Biomarkers and Asphaltene Fraction in Oil Polluted Sea Water. N. S. El-Gendy , H. R. Ali , M. M. El-Nady , S. F. Deriase , Y. M. Moustafa and M. I. Roushdy

17. 2013: International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology, Cappadocia, Turkey, 18-21 June 2013,

(Alkyl Naphtrhalene and Phenanthrene as Maturity Indicators of Some Egyptian Crude Oils), Eann Abdullah, Seham El Sbabbagh, Ashraf El Naggar, Mohamed El Nady, Mohamed Ebaid and Ahmed Rashd.

16. 2013: 16

th International Conference on Petroleum Minerals Wealth and Developments, Egyptian Petroleum

Research Institute, Egypt, 10-12 February 2013 (Significance of aromatic hydrocarbons in recognizing source depositional environments and maturation of some Egyptian crude oils), Mohamed M. El Nady and F. M. Harb.

15. 2012: 15th

International Conference on Petroleum Minerals Wealth and Developments, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Egypt, 6-8 April 2012. (Evaluation of organic matters and crude oil as insight from pyrolysis, infrared spectrometric and biomarker analyses of some wells in the North Gulf of Suez, Egypt), Mohamed M. El Nady and Fatma M. Harb.

14. 2012: 15

th International Conference on Petroleum Minerals Wealth and Developments, Egyptian Petroleum

Research Institute, Egypt, 6-8 April 2012, (Kerogen Characterization in Miocene Sediments in the East Nile Delta, Egypt), Samir Awad, M. M Hamad, Mohamed El Nady, Doaa Mousa.

13. 2011: 14

th International Conference on Petroleum Minerals Wealth and Developments, Egyptian Petroleum

Research Institute, Egypt, 6-8 April 2011, (Fingerprinting of Biomarkers for Egyptian Crude Oil Characterization). Roushdy M. I Mohamed M. El Nady, Mostafa, Y. M El Gendy N.Sh and Ali H. R.,

12. 2010: 2

nd International Forum and Exhibitation on Economics of Mineral Resources in Arab Countries, Egypt, 23-25

February, 2010 (*Co- author). 11. 2010: 13

th International Conference on Petroleum Minerals Wealth and Developments, Egyptian Petroleum

Research Institute, Egypt, 7-9 February 2010, (Organic geochemistry and hydrocarbon potentiality of Miocene sediments in some wells, offshore Nile delta Egypt), Samir Awad, M. M Hamad, Mohamed El Nady, DA Mousa.

10. 2010: 12th

International Conference on Petroleum Minerals Wealth and Developments, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Egypt, 7-9 February 2010, (Biomarkers Assessment of Crude Oils and Extracts from Jurassic-Cretaceous Rocks, North Qattara Depression, North Western Desert, Egypt), Mohamed M. El Nady.

9. 2008: 9th

international Conference on Geology of the Arab World, Cairo University, Egypt. 27-27th March,. 2008. Geochemical Correlation of Oils and Source Rock Extracts of some Wells in the North Western Desert, Egypt), Mohamed M. El Nady and Fatma M. Harb.

8. 2007: 2

th International Conference on the geology of Tethys, Faculty of Science, Cairo University, Egypt, 19-23

March, 2007. (Impact of TOC and Rock Eval pyrplysis on the electric behaviour of Safa Formation, Coal Seams, Gebel El Moghra, North Sinai, Egypt), Baseem El Nabawey and Mohamed M. El Nady,

7. 2006: 8

th International Conference on Geology of the Arab World, Cairo University, Egypt. 13-16 February, 2006.

(Subsurface geology and source rocks characteristics of some Jurassic and Cretaceous sequences in the West Qarun area, North Western Desert). M. M. Hammad, Samir A. Awad, Mohamed M. El Nady and D. Mousa

Page 4: Curriculum vitae of Dr Mohamed  El Nady (EPRI)

Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Mohamed M. El Nady

4 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 1-Zaker Hussein, Hei Al-Zehour, 11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 22736349 Fax: (202) 22747433, www.epri.sci.eg

6. 2006: 9th

International Conference on Petroleum and Environment, Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, Egypt, 2-4 February 2006 (Source rock evaluation of Sidi Salem-1 well in the onshore Nile Delta, Egypt), Mohamed M. El Nady and Fatma M. Harb.

5. 2004: 9th

Ibn Sina international Conference on Pure and Applied Heterocyclic Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ain Shamis University, Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt, 11-14 December, 2004 (Evaluation of organic matters and crude oil as insight from pyrolysis, infrared spectrometric and biomarker analyses of some wells in the North Gulf of Suez, Egypt), Mohamed M. El Nady and Fatma S. D. Harb.

4. 2003. 11

th Meeting of the Sedimentlogical Society of Egypt, Ain Shams University, Cairo, 8 January, 2003.

(Geochemical characterization of source rocks and oil-source rocks correlation in some Wells within South Umbarka Area, North Western Desert, Egypt), Lobna M. Sharaf and Mohamed M. El Nady.

3. 1999: 7

th Meeting of the Sedimentological Society of Egypt, Ain Shams University, Cairo, 14 January, 1999 (Crude oil

characteristics and source correlation of Jurassic and Cretaceous oils in some fields, North Western Desert, Egypt). Ghanem M .F. Sharaf L. M. Hussein S. A. and Mohamed M. El Nady.

2.1999: 7

th Meeting of the Sedimentological Society of Egypt, Ain Shams University, Cairo, 14 January, 1999

(Contribution to petroleum source rocks and thermal maturation of Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence, South Matruh, Northern Western Desert, Egypt), Sharaf L. M., Ghanem M. F., Hussein S. A. and Mohamed M. El Nady.

1.1992: 11th Petroleum Exploration and Production Conference (The Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC),

Cairo 7-10 November (1992). (Geochemical studies on crude oils and extracts of potential source rocks from Upper Cretaceous Abu Roash Formation at Abu Gharadig Basin, North Western Desert, Egypt). M. M. Hammad, M. F. Ghanem, S. M. El-Sabagh and Mohamed M. El Nady.

Publications Since my graduation I have published [97] articles in addition [3 books + 2 chapter in book] in different international journals (available upon request) have High Citation Index) and available on Scopus, Academia edu, Google Scholar, Orcid, Research Gate, E. Science for Scientific researches. The Scholarly Contributions Provided by Scopus [Scopus ID: 6506311629, Orcid ID: 0003-4269-0620].

(Research 2017) 102. Omayma E. Ahmed, Abedel Aziz Elfadly & Mohamed M. El Nady “Evaluation of biogenic and anthropogenic inputs

sediment along the Suez Gulf Shoreline: An implication from aliphatic and alicyclic Hydrocarbons, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (39) 4: 389 –397 (2017).

101. Mohamed A. Younes, Mohamed M. Afife & Mohamed M. El Nady “Geochemical characteristics of crude oils dependent specific and biomarker distributions in the central-southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 39(2): 191–200 (2017).

100. Ali A. El Bassoussi, Seham M. EL-Sabagh, Fatma M. Harb & Mohamed M. El Nady "Crude oils geochemistry depended specific properties, metalloporphyrins, bulk compositions, and n-alkanes of some Egyptian oils in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 39(1): 110–120 (2017).

(Research 2016) 99. Fatma S. Ramadan, Mohmed M. El Nady, Emad A. Eysa & Samr A. Mahdy" Isopach, lithofacies changes, and

source rocks chracteristics of Khatatba and Alam El Bueib formations of some wells in North East Western Desert, Egypt. J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 34 (23): 1920 - 1928 (2016).

98. Omayma E. Ahmed, Sawsan M. A., Mohamed M. El Nady "Compositions, sources, and ecological risk assessment of poly-aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediments along the Suez Gulf”, Egypt. J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 34 (23): 1929 - 1938 (2016).

97. Abedel Aziz Elfadly, Omayma E. Ahmed and Mohamed M. El Nady " Significance of GC/FT-IR and GC/MS in recognizing the sources of organic materials from sediments along the Suez Gulf Shoreline, Egypt. J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 34 (20): 1681-1960(2016).

96. Mohamed M. El Nady and Ashraf Y. El-Naggar „Occurrences and distributions of normal alkanes and biological markers to detections of origin, environments, and maturation of crude oils in El Hamed oilfield, Gulf of Suez, Egypt”, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 38( 22): 3338–3347 (2016).

95. Mohamed M. El Nady, Fatma M. Harb and Naglaa S. Mohamed, Geochemical characteristics of organic matter from Rudeis and Kareem source rocks, Ras Budran oilfield, central Gulf of Suez, Egypt, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 38( 22): 3273–3282 (2016).

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Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Mohamed M. El Nady

5 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 1-Zaker Hussein, Hei Al-Zehour, 11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 22736349 Fax: (202) 22747433, www.epri.sci.eg

94. Naglaa S. Mohamed, and Mohamed M. El Nady "Utilizing the Rock-eval pyrolysis and biomarkers parameters to characterize the organic matters of selected wells in the Central Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 38(21): 3158–3166 (2016).

93 Mohamed M. El Nady, S. A. Hussein, L. M. Sharaf & M. F Ghanem "Quantity, thermal maturity of organic matter and relation to prospective source rock horizons inTut-1x well, North Western Desert, Egypt. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 38(21): 3187–3194 (2016).

92. Ashraf Yehia El-Naggar; Mohamed M. El Nady" Source input and maturation assessments of oil families depending on specific and gross geochemical aspects of crude oils from Bakr oilfields in the central Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 38(20): 3019–3026 (2016).

91. Omayma E. Ahmed, Sawsan M. A., Mohamed M. El Nady, Geochemical Constraints of Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbons (Egyptian Sediments) ) ISBN: 978-3-659-95-278-4 LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING, 2016 , Heinrich-Böcking-tr. 6-8, 66121, Saarbrücken, Deutschland, Germany.

90. Mohamed M. El Nady, Naira M. Lotfy, and Doaa A. Mousa, Multivariate statistical analysis for monitoring the hydrocarbon potentiality of the source rocks in the North Western Desert, Egypt, J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 34 (16): 1496-1502 (2016).

89. Abedel Aziz Elfadly, Omayma E. Ahmed, and Mohamed M. El Nady, Applications of biological markers in assessing the organic richness of the surface sediments of Suez Gulf, Egypt, J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 34 (15): 1378-1369 (2016).

88. Omayma E. Ahmed, Sawsan M. A., Mohamed M. El Nady, Application of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in identification of organic pollution in seawater around Alexandria coastal area, Egypt. Journal of Environment and Life Sciences, 1 (1): 39-55(2016).

87. Mohamed M El Nady and Ashraf Y El-Naggar" Petroleum Geochemistry of Crude Oils and Oil: Source Rock Correlation of Some Wells in the North Western Desert, Egypt. Journal of Arabian Geoscience, 9(13): 1 - 8 (2016).

86. Omayma E. Ahmed, Abedel Aziz Elfadly, Mohamed M. El Nady, Pollution of Surface Sediments, Gulf of Suez, Egypt (Biomarkers and Non-Biomarkers Applications) ISBN: 978-3-659-91452-2, LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING, 2016 , Heinrich-Böcking-Str. 6-8, 66121, Saarbrücken, Deutschland, Germany.

85. Mohamed M. El Nady, Fatma S. Ramadan, Mahmoud M. Hammad, Nira M. Lotfy, Organic richness, hydrocarbon potentiality, maturity, and timing of petroleum generation of the Cretaceous and Miocene source rocks in the central Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 38(18): 2711-2719 (2016).

84. Emad A Eysa, Fatma S Ramadan, Mohamed M El Nady, Nermin M Said , Reservoir Characterization using Porosity – Permeability Relations and Statistical Analysis: A Case study from North Western Desert, Egypt. Journal of Arabian Geoscience, 9(5): 1 - 9 (2016).

83. Mohamed M. El-Nady, Naira M. Lotfy, Multivariate geochemical and statistical methods applied to assessment of organic matter potentiality and its correlation with hydrocarbon maturity parameters (Case study: Safir-1x well, North Western Desert, Egypt), Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 25(4): 555-563 (2016).

82. Mohamed M. El Nady and Mohammed Hail Hakimi, The petroleum generation modeling of prospective Jurassic-Cretacouse source rocks in Tut Oilfield, North Western Desert, Egypt: An integrated bulk pyrolysis and 1D- basin modeling, Journal of Arabian Geoscience, 9(6): 1 - 14 (2016).

81. Mohamed M El Nady, Naglaa S Mohamed, Source Rocks Evaluation and Timing of Petroleum Generation of Selected Wells in Meleiha Area, North Western Desert, Egypt, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 38(9): 1246-1254 (2016).

80. Mohamed M. El Nady, Source rock potentiality of Middle Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous of wells, North Western Desert, Egypt, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 38(11): 1635–1642 (2016).

79. Mohamed M. El Nady, Timing of Petroleum Generation and Source Maturity of Selected Wells in Abu Gharadig

Basin, North Western Desert, Egypt. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 38(3): 330 - 338 (2016).

78. Mohamed M. El Nady, S. A. Hussein, M. F, Ghanem, and L. M. Sharaf, Oil-Source Rock Correlations of Jurassic and Cretaceous oils in the West Khalda Area, North Western Desert, Egypt, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 38(3): 330 - 338 (2016).

77. Mohamed M. El Nady, Fatma S. Ramadan, Emad A. Eysa, Nermin M. Said, The Potentiality of Hydrocarbon Generation of the Jurassic Source Rocks in Salam-3x well, North Western Desert, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum 25 (1): 97-105 (2016).

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Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Mohamed M. El Nady

6 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 1-Zaker Hussein, Hei Al-Zehour, 11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 22736349 Fax: (202) 22747433, www.epri.sci.eg

76. Mohamed M El Nady, Naglaa S Mohamed, Lobna M Sharaf, Geochemical and biomarker characteristics of crude oils and source rock hydrocarbon extracts: An implication to their correlation, depositional environment and maturation in the Northern Western Desert, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 25 (1): 263–268 (2016).

75. Mohamed M El Nady, Naglaa S Mohamed, Source rock evaluation of hydrocarbon generation in Halal oilfield,

southern Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 25 (3): 383-389 (2016).

74. Mohamed M. El Nady, Naglaa S. Mohamed and Ahmed N. Shahin, Source-Rock Potential of Miocene-Paleozeoic Sediments in GH-376 Oilfield, South Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 38 (1): 100-109 (2016).

73. Mohamed M. El Nady, Crude Oils in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. ISBN: 798-3-659-82350-3. LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING, 2016 , Heinrich-Böcking-Str 978-3-659-82350-3, Saarbrücken, Deutschland, Germany.

(Research 2015) 72. Mohamed M El Nady and Mahmoud M. Hammad. “Organic richness, kerogen types and maturity in the Shales of the

Dakhla and Duwi formations, Abu Tartur area, Western Desert, Egypt: Implication of Rock- Eval pyrolysis”. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 24 (4): 423-428 (2015).

71. Mohamed M. El Nady and Fatma M. Harb, Source Rock Quality from Oil Biomarkers of Abu Gharadig Basin in the

North Western Desert, Egypt. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 37(23): 2514-2523 (2015).

70. El-Sabagh, S. M., El-Naggar, A. Y., El Nady, M. M., Badr, I. H. A., Rashad, A. M., Ebiad M. A. and Abdullah, E. S.

Bulk Geochemical Characteristics of Crude Oils from Gulf of Suez, Egypt” International Journal of Current Research, 7(9): 20574-20580 (2015).

69. Mohamed M. El Nady, Samir. A. Awad and Lobna M. Sharaf. Source Rock Evaluation of Selected Wells in the North

Western Desert, Egypt. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 37(20): 2151–2162, (2015)

68. M. M. Hammad, M. M. El Nady, F. S. Ramadan, and N. M. Lotfy, Geochemical Characteristics of Crude Oils from

Ras Gharib Oilfields in the Central Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 37(18): 2029–2038, 2015

67. Mohamed M. El Nady, Evaluation of the nature, origin and potentiality of the subsurface Middle Jurassic and Lower

Cretaceous source rocks in Melleiha G-1x well, North Western Desert, Egypt, Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 24 (3) 317 – 323 (2015)

66. Mohamed M. El Nady, Fatma S. Ramadan, Mahmoud M. Hammad, Nira M. Lotfy. Evaluation of organic matters,

hydrocarbon potential and thermal maturity of source rock based on geochemical and statistical methods: Case study of source rocks in Ras Gharib oilfield, central Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 24 (2): 203-211(2015).

65. Mohamed M. El Nady, Organic Geochemistry Applications in Petroleum Exploration (Principals and Application).

LAP LAMBERT ACADEMIC PUBLISHING, 2015 Germany ISBN: 798-3-659-51614-8.

64. Mohamed M. El Nady, Biological Markers Characteristics of Some Egyptian Crude Oils Produced from Reservoirs in the North Western Desert, Egypt: As Indicated from Normal Alkanes and Triterpanes. Inventi Rapid: Chemical Engineering Vol. [2], Issue 3: 1-5 (2015).

63. Ashraf Y. El-Naggar and Mohamed M. El Nady, Original contribution for processing of fluid samples to produce high-quality natural gas and hydrocarbon liquids. International Journal of Engineering and Innovative Technology, Vol. 4, Issue 10: 54-49 (2015)

62. Mohamed M El Nady, Mahmoud M Hamad, Samir A Awad, Said A Atawy, Daa A. Mousa, Organic Geochemical and

Palynofacies Studies: Insights into Paleo-environments and Paleo-climatic Changes of the Miocene Sediments in the East Nile Delta, Egypt. Inventi Rapid: Water & Environment Vol. 2, Issue 2: 1-6(2015).

61. Mohamed M El Nady, Fatma S Ramadan, Mahmoud M Hammed Nira M. Lotfyl, Geochemical Composition and Specific Properties of Crude Oils from Ras Gharib Oilfields in the Central Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Inventi Rapid: Chemical Engineering, (1): 11-19 (2015).

(Research 2014) 60. Mohamed M. El Nady, Fatma M. Harb and Naglaa S. Mohamed, Biomarker characteristics of crude oils from Ashrafi

and GH oilfields in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt: An implication to source input and paleoenvironmental assessments, Egyptian Journal of Petroleum, 23 (4): 455-459 (2014).

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Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Mohamed M. El Nady

7 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 1-Zaker Hussein, Hei Al-Zehour, 11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 22736349 Fax: (202) 22747433, www.epri.sci.eg

59. Mohamed M El Nady, Naglaa S Mohamed, Application of gas chromatography and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for oil-oil correlation of some Egyptian oilfields in the Gulf of Suez, J. Reviews of Literature, 2,(5): 1-11(2014).

58. Mohamed M. El Nady, Biomarkers compounds as indicators of environments and maturation of source rocks of wells, north Western Desert, Egypt .J. Reviews of Literature, 1( 7) :1-10 (2014).

57. Mohamed M. El Nady and Bassem S. Nabawy, Relationship between Rock-Eval Pyrolysis –Total Organic Carbon

(TOC), Electric Resistivity (R) and Bulk Density (): Application on Coal Seams of Safe Formation, Gebel El Maghara, North Sinai, Egypt. J. Chemical Engineering, 1: 1-7(2014).

56. Naglaa S. M., Mohamed M. El Nady and Ahmed N. Shahin, Physical properties and gross composition of crude oils

of some oilfields, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. J. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 8(3): 360– 367(2014).

55. F. S. Ramadan, Mohamed M. El Nady, E.A. Eysa and N. M. Abdel Wahed, Subsurface geology and potential capability of oil generation of some Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous source rocks in North Western Desert, Egypt, Middle East J. Applied Sciences ,4(2): 300-317(2014).

54. Mohamed M. El Nady, Molecular Compositions, n-Alkanes and Isoprenoids Characteristics of Some Egyptian Crude Oils in the North Western Desert, Energy & Power, 4: 1-4 (2014).

53. El-Gendy, N.S., Ali, H.R., El-Nady, M.M., Deriase, S.F., Moustafa, Y.M., Roushdy, M.I., Effect of different

bioremediation techniques on petroleum biomarkers and asphaltene fraction in oil-polluted sea water. Desalinatin and Water Treatment, 52 (40-42): 7484-7494(2014).

(Research 2013 - 2012) 52. Mohamed M El Nady, Naglaa S Mohamed, A Comparison between Claypool and Schmoker Methods in a

Quantitative Evaluation of Kharita and Khatatba Source Rocks, North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Energy & Power, 2 1-5 (2013).

51. Mohamed M. El Nady, Oil: Source Rock Correlations of Oilfields in the North Western Desert, Egypt, J. Chemical Engineering, 1: 1-4(2013).

50. Mohamed M. El Nady and Fatma M. Harb, Applications of aromatic hydrocarbons in classification of crude oils in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt, J. Chemical Eng., 1: 1-5 (2013).

49. Mohamed M. El Nady and Fatma M. Harb, A Genetic relation between organic matters and crude oils in the North Gulf of Suez, Egypt. J. Chemical Engineering, 1: 1-6 (2013).

48. Mohamed M. El Nady, Volumetric calculation of hydrocarbons generation of source rock in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 3(3): 310 -320 (2013).

47. Mohamed M. El Nady, Geothermal history of hydrocarbon generation of wells in the North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Energy Sources, 35(5): 401 – 412 (2013).

46. Mohamed M. El Nady, A. Y. El-Naggar, S. A. Faramawy and A. A. Salem, Application of molecular and polycyclic aromatic sulfur compounds in evaluation of some Egyptian crude oils. J. Energy Sources, 34(24): 2243 - 2252(2012).

45. Mohamed M. El Nady, Bulk compositions, genetic origin, classifications and maturation of crude oils in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 30 (24): 2552 - 2562(2012).

44. Mohamed M. El Nady. The potentiality of source Rocks in Hayat oilfield based on Well Data, North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Energy Sources, 34(22): 2023 – 2030 (2012).

43. Mohamed M. El Nady. The Advantage of Rock-Eval pyrolysis, LG and GC/MS in characterizing organic matter: Case study of El-Khaligue-4 Well, Central Gulf of Suez, Egypt. J. Energy Sources, 34(15)1448 – 1458 (2012).

42. F. S. Ramadan, Mohamed M. El Nady, M. M. Hammad, and N. M. Lotfy, Subsurface study and source rocks evaluation of Ras Gharib onshore oil field in the Central Gulf of Suez, Egypt, Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 6(13): 334-353 (2012).

41. S. Faramawy, A. El-Naggar, Mohamed M. El Nady, S. El-Sabagh, F. Harb and A. Salem, An organic geochemical characterization of crude oils from El Hamd and Bakr Oil Fields in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. J. Energy Sources, 34(8): 720- 731(2012).

40. M. M. Hammad and Mohamed M. El Nady, Oil: Source rocks correlation based on biomarker distribution of EWD and Qarun oilfields, North Western Desert, Egypt, J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 30(2):133-146 (2012).

(Research 2011 - 2010) 39. Mohamed M. El Nady, and Fatma M. Harb, Role of acyclic biomarkers in identifications of oil characteristics from

wells in the Gulf of Suez, Egypt. J. Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2(2): 80 - 87(2011).

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8 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 1-Zaker Hussein, Hei Al-Zehour, 11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 22736349 Fax: (202) 22747433, www.epri.sci.eg

38. Mohamed M. El Nady, and F. M. Harb. Petroleum Characterization based on Oil Correlation Stars Diagrams of Oilfields in the North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Advances in Petroleum Exploration and Development, 2(2):70– 79 (2011).

37. Mohamed M. El Nady and Fared M, Thickness variations, lithofacies changes and time of hydrocarbons generation

in the Khalda West Area, North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Energy Sources, 33(23):2218–2229 (2011). 36. M. I. Roushdy, Mohamed M. El Nady, Y. M. Mostafa, N.Sh. El Gendy and Hager. R. Ali. Geochemical Parameters

and Oil: Source Rock Correlations of Some Oilfields in the North Western Desert, Egypt. J. American Science, 7(5): 715-729 (2011).

35. Mohamed M. El Nady, Geochemical characteristics of hydrocarbons and gases of some wells in the offshore Nile

Delta, Egypt. Published in InTech Geology/Book: 1-14(2011). 34. Mohamed M. El Nady and L. M. Sharaf, Organo-geochemical characteristics of Paleozoic source rocks in the vicinity

of Siwa Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt. J. Petroleum Science and Engineering, 76(2):110 -116 (2011). 33. Mahamoud M. Hammad, Samir A. Awad, Mohamed M. El Nady and D. Mousa, Subsurface geology and source

rocks characteristics of some Jurassic and Cretaceous sequences in the West Qarun area, North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Energy Sources, 32(10):1885–1898 (2010).

32. Fatma M. Harb and Mohamed M. El Nady, Physico-chemical properties, environmental sources, specifications and

maturation of crude oils, Gulf of Suez, Egypt. J. Egyptian Petrol, 19(1): 83-91(2010).

31. Samir A. Awad, M. M. Hammad, Mohamed M. El Nady and Doaa Mousa, Organic geochemistry and hydrocarbon potentiality of Miocene sediments in some wells, offshore Nile delta Egypt. J. Egyptian Petrol. 19(2): 95-119(2010).

30. Roushdy M. I Mohamed M. El Nady, Mostafa, Y. M El Gendy N.Sh and Ali H. R., Biomarker characteristics of crude oils from some Oilfields within Gulf of Suez, Egypt. J. American Science, 6(11): 911-925 (2010).

29- Mohamed M. El Nady and Fatma M. Harb, Source rock evaluation of Sidi Salem-1 well in the onshore Nile Delta,

Egypt. J. Petroleum Science and Technology, .28(4):1492-1502 (2010). 28. Mohamed M. El Nady and Fatma M. Harb, Geochemical Correlation of Oils and Source Rock Extracts of some Wells

in the North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Energy Sources, 32,(13): 1215-1223(2010).

27. Fatma M. Harb and Mohamed M. El Nady, Bulk Geochemical Characteristics of Crude Oils from Wells in the North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 28(7): 731-737(2010).

26. Fatma M. Harb and Mohamed M. El Nady, Geochemistry of gases and condensates in the Nile Delta, Egypt. J.

Japan Petroleum Institute, Japan, (25):1-5 (2010). 25. Mohamed M. El Nady, and Fatma M. Harb. Application of volumetric calculation in evaluation of hydrocarbons

generation from an active source rock of some Egyptian wells. J. Fuel Processing Technology, 36: 1018– 1026 (2010).

(Research 2007 -2009) 24. Mohamed M. El Nady and F. M. Harb, Significance of aromatic hydrocarbons in recognizing source depositional

environments and maturation of some Egyptian crude oils. J. Energy Sources, 31(9):773-782 (2009).

23. Mohamed M. El Nady, Biomarkers assessment of crude oils and extracts from Jurassic-Cretaceous rocks, North Qattara Depression, North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 26(9):1063-1080 (2008).

22. M. M. El Nady, M. M. Hammad, S. A. Awad and D.A. Mousa, Crude oil characterization and oil-source rocks correlation in the West Qarun area, North Western Desert, Egypt, J. Egyptian Petrol, 16(1):111-133 (2007).

21. Mohamed M. El Nady and F. M. Harb. The importance of volumetric calculations in evaluation of hydrocarbons generated from an active source rock: Applications on some Egyptian oil wells. Egypt. J. Egyptian Petrol, 16(1): 97-110 (2007).

20. Mohamed M. El Nady, Mohamed A. Barakat and Fatma M. Harb, Crude oil geochemistry and timing of petroleum

generation in the Central Gulf of Suez, Egypt. J. Egyptian Petrol., 16(2): 137-155 (2007).

19. Mohamed M. El Nady, Organic geochemistry of source rocks, condensates, and thermal geochemical modeling of Miocene sequence of some wells, onshore Nile Delta, Egypt. J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 25(6): 791-818 (2007).

18. Bassem S. Nabawy and Mohamed M. El Nady, Impact of TOC and Rock Eval pyrplysis on the electric behaviour of Safa Formation, Coal Seams, Gebel El Moghra, North Sinai, Egypt. J. Applied Geophysics, 2(2):47-63 (2007).

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Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Mohamed M. El Nady

9 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 1-Zaker Hussein, Hei Al-Zehour, 11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 22736349 Fax: (202) 22747433, www.epri.sci.eg

(Research 2001 -2006) 17. Mohamed M. El Nady, Origin and composition of liquid hydrocarbons and natural gases of some wells in the offshore

Nile Delta, Egypt. J. Egyptian Petroleum, 15(2): 61- 75 (2006).

16. Lobna M. Sharaf and Mohamed M. El Nady, Application of light hydrocarbons (C7+) and biomarker analyses in characterizing oil from wells in the north and north central Sinai, Egypt. J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 24(6):607–626 (2006).

15. Mohamed M. El Nady. The hydrocarbon potential of Miocene source rocks for oil generation in the South Gulf of

Suez, Egypt, J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 24(5): 539-561(2006).

14. Mohamed M. El Nady and Fatma S. D. Harb. Evaluation of organic matters and crude oil as insight from pyrolysis, infrared spectrometric and biomarker analyses of some wells in the North Gulf of Suez, Egypt. J. Egyptian Applied Science, 20(1): 39-61(2005).

13. Mohamed M. El Nady and Lobna M. Sharaf, Contribution to the organo-geochemical characteristics of Paleozoic source rocks in the vicinity of Siwa Oasis, Western Desert, Egypt. Ann. of Geol. Survey, 27: 445 -458 (2004).

12. Lobna M. Sharaf and Mohamed M. El Nady, Geochemical characterization of source rocks and oil-source rocks correlation in some Wells within South Umbarka Area, North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Egyptian Sedimentology, 11: 61-76 (2003).

11. Fatma S. Harb, Mohamed M. El Nady and Janet S. Basta, Oil: oil correlation for some oil fields in the North Western

Desert, Egypt. J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 21(3-4):1583– 1600 (2003). 10. Mohamed M. El Nady, Fatma S. Harb and Janet S. Basta, Crude oil geochemistry and its relation to the potential

source beds for some Meleiha oil fields in the North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Petroleum Science and Technology, 21(1-2):1–28 (2003).

9. Hammad M. M. and Mohamed M. El Nady, Organic geochemistry of Late Cretaceous black shale in Abu Tartur Phosphate Mines, Western Desert, Egypt. J. Egyptian Mineralogist, 14: 307- 327 (2002).

8. Mohamed M. El Nady, Nature and origin of hydrocarbons for some Middle Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous source rocks of Meleiha area, North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Egyptian Petroleum, 10(2): 91-109 (2001).

7. Mohamed M. EL Nady, Evaluation of geochemical characteristics of petroleum from some oil fields within Gulf of Suez, Egypt. Bull. Faculty of Science, Zagazic Univ., 23(2): 43-69 (2001).

(Research 1992 -2000) 6 Mohamed M. El Nady and Hammad, M. M., Evaluation of Cretaceous hydrocarbon source rocks in Badr El Din

concession, North Western Desert, Egypt, J. Environ, Science, Mansura Univ, 20: 25-51(2000).

5. M.M. Hammad, M. F. Ghanem, S. M. El-Sabagh and Mohamed M. El Nady, Geochemical studies on crude oils and extracts of potential source rocks from Upper Cretaceous Abu Roash Formation at Abu Gharadig Basin, North Western Desert, Egypt. Bull. Faculty of Science, Zagazic Univ, 14(1):42-56 (1992).

4. M. F. Ghanem, M. M. Hammad, M. D. El-Diry and Mohamed M. El Nady. Subsurface geology and organic geochemistry of potential source of Abu Roash Formation, Abu Gharadig, Basin, North Western Desert, Egypt .Bull. Faculty of Science, Zagazic Univ,14(1):174-200 (1992).

3. Sharaf L. M., Ghanem M. F., Hussein S. A. and Mohamed M. El Nady, Contribution to petroleum source rocks and thermal maturation of Jurassic-Cretaceous sequence, South Matruh, Northern Western Desert, Egypt. J. Egyptian Sedimentology, 7: 71-81 (1999).

2. Ghanem M .F. Sharaf L. M. Hussein S. A. and Mohamed M. El Nady, Crude oil characteristics and source correlation of Jurassic and Cretaceous oils in some fields, North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Egyptian Sedimentology, 7:85-98 (1999).

1. Mohamed M. El Nady, Contribution to petroleum source rocks and thermal maturation of cretaceous sequence in the West Razak-Alamein area, North Western Desert, Egypt. J. Egyptian Petroleum, 8(10): 89-103 (1999).

5 List of Papers and Journal Review (Research 2017) 45. Research of Geochemical Parameters in the São Paulo River, Todos Os Santos Bay, Bahia, Brazil. For Publication

in International Journal of Oceanography & Aquaculture (2017). 44. Bulk geochemical characteristics and carbon isotope composition of oils from the Sayhut sub-basin in the Gulf of

Aden with emphasis on organic matter input, age and maturity. For publication in Egyptian Journal of Petroleum (2017).

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Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Mohamed M. El Nady

11 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 1-Zaker Hussein, Hei Al-Zehour, 11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 22736349 Fax: (202) 22747433, www.epri.sci.eg

43. Application of Nuclear Techniques for the Measurement of Radionuclides Concentration & Radiation Dose from Petroleum Samples in the State of Kuwait and in the Arab Republic of Egypt. For publication in African Journal of Environmental Science and Technology (2017).

42. Rare earth element contents of the Lusi mud: An attempt to identify the environmental origin of the hot mudflow in

East Java - Indonesia. For publication in Journal of Open Geosciences (2017). 41. Evaluation of the Alam El Bueib Formation AEB shale as Unconventional Reservoir. For publication in Journal of

Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2017). 40. Organic geochemistry characterization of crude oils from Mishrif reservoir rocks in the southern Mesopotamian

Basin, South Iraq: Implication for source input and paleoenvieromantal conditions. For publication in Egyptian Journal of Petroleum (2017).

39. Hydrocarbon source potential of the Silurian Hot Shale and Tanezzuft Formation, Murzuq Basin, SW Libya: An

organic geochemical approach. For publication in Egyptian Journal of Petroleum (2017).

(Research 2016) 38. Organic geochemistry of oil and natural gas in the west dikirnis and El- Tamad Fields, Onshore Nile Delta, Egypt:

Generation By Upper Cretaceous – Lower Tertiary Terrigenous source rocks. For publication in Journal of Petroleum geology (2016).

37. Dual-shale-content method for total organic carbon content evaluation from wireline logs in organic shale" For

publication in Journal of Open Geosciences (2016). 36. A computational method for determining oil expulsion efficiency based on the ideal effective oil expulsion mode. For

publication in Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology (2016). 34. Modeling of Organic Richness and Thermal Maturity of Cambay Shale Formation – A study from Ankleshwar area,

Cambay Basin, India. For publication in Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2016).

33. The Geochemical Evaluation and Biological Effect by Aspergillus Niger on the Kerogen –Bearing Limestone of El Galal El Qebbliay plateau, Wadi Araba area, North Eastern Desert, Egypt. For publication in Egyptian Journal of Petroleum (2016).

32. Hydrocarbons generation potential of the lower part of First Member of Shahejie Formation and oil-source rock correlations in the north-central Lixian Slope, Raoyang Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, Northern China" For publication in Arabian Journal of Geosciences (2016).

31. Biostratigraphy, depositional environment and sequence stratigraphy of Late Cretaceous clastic-evaporate-carbonate deposits, east of central Iran, Bajestan. For publication in Journal of Geology & Geophysics (2016)

30. Geochemical Characteristics of Oils in Amara Oil fields and Biomarker Correlation with Kirkuk Oil, Iraq. For publication in Journal of the Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, (2016).

29. Petrography and Geochemical Characteristics of Maceral Groups of the Maghara Maine Coal Seam, North Central Sinai, Egypt. For publication in Journal of the Sedimentological Society of Egypt, (2016).

(Research 2015) 28. Geochemical Characterization of Cretaceous Sediments-Sindh Basin, Pakistan. For publication in Energy Sources,

Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2015).

27. Thermal Maturity And Hydrocarbon Generation of The Duwi Formation, Belayim Marine Oil Field, Gulf Of Suez, Egypt: A 1D Basin Modeling Case Study. For publication in Arabian Journal of Geosciences: (2015).

26. Petroleum oil & gas industry waste treatment; Common practice in indonesia. For publication in journal of petroleum & environmental biotechnology (2015).

25. Comparative Study of Local Cements with Imported Class 'G' Cement at Different Temperatures for Oil Well Cementing Operations in Ghana. For publication in journal of petroleum & environmental biotechnology (2015).

24. Analyzing in situ geothermal energy contribution to hydrocarbon reservoir pressure. For publication in journal of petroleum & environmental biotechnology (2015).

23. Review on the fundamental aspects of petroleum oil emulsions and techniques of demulsification. For publication in journal of petroleum & environmental biotechnology, (2015).

22. Solvent dewaxing of heavy crude oil with methyl ethyl ketone. For publication in journal of petroleum & environmental biotechnology (2015).

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Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Mohamed M. El Nady

11 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 1-Zaker Hussein, Hei Al-Zehour, 11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 22736349 Fax: (202) 22747433, www.epri.sci.eg

(Research 2013-2014) 21. Extraction of Oil from Egyptian Oil Shale. For publication for Environmental Sciences Group (2014). 20. 3D Geometric Modeling of the Abu Madi Reservoirs 1 and its implication on the Gas Development in Baltim Area

(Offshore Nile Delta, Egypt). For publication in International Journal of Geophysics, (2014).

19. Major and Rare Earth Element Contents in Organic Matter-Bearing Rocks of the Haymana Formation, Ankara, Turkey. For publication in Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2014).

18. Mineralogical, Geochemical and Hydrocarbon Potential of Subsurface Cretaceous Shales, Northern Western Desert,

Egypt. For publication in Egyptian Journal of Petroleum (2013).

17.“Characteristic and utilization of pyrolysis productions of Dianchi Lake‟s sediment in Yunan province of China." for Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2013).

16. Stratigraphic distribution of the palynomorphs and the particulate organic matter in subsurface lower/middle Cretaceous deposits, Western Desert of Egypt: palynological and geochemical approach. For publication in Egyptian Journal of Petroleum (2013).

(Research 2011-2012) 15. A Petroleum Source Rock Assessment of the Middle Oligocene-Lower Miocene Coal Bearing Deltaic Sediments in

NW Turkey for Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2012). 14. The Upper Cretaceous – Palaeocene Organic rich-facies: New potential Hydrocarbon Source Rocks in Southern

Tunisia. For publication in Egyptian Journal of Petroleum (2012). 13. The Impact of Water Content and Ionic Diffusion on the Uniaxial Compressive Strength of Shale" For publication in

Egyptian Journal of Petroleum (2012). 12. Structural Interpretation of Seismic Profiles Integrated with Reservoir Characteristics of Bitrism Block (Sind

Province), Pakistan" for Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2012).

11. Organic Geochemistry of Shaly Intervals in Kangan Formation, South of Iran" for Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2011).

10. Source Rock Assessment of the Southwestern Thrace Basin, NW Turkey" for Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2011).

9. Geochemistry, an economic solution in oilfield development decision-making" For publication in the Journal of Energy Part "A" Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2011).

8. Oil and gas potential of the Eurasian western Arctic shelf" for Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2011).

(Research 2008-2010) 7. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediments from the Ologe lagoon, Nigeria" for Energy Sources, Part A:

Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2010).

6. Petroleum source-rock potential and thermal maturity of Zarama 10 and Zarama 11 oil wells in the Niger Delta, Nigeria." for Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2010).

5. Chromatographic Characterization of Bitumen in Selected Black Shales from Western Desert, Egypt" for Egyptian Journal of Petroleum (2010).

4. Calculation of the Amounts of Hydrocarbons Generated from the Lower Antalya Nappes, Western Taurus Region Importance of the Fractional Conversion (ƒ) Value" for Petroleum Science and Technology.(2010).

3. Using Diagenetic Processes in Facies Modeling of a Carbonate Reservoir" for Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2010).

2. Predicting Benzene Transport in Subsurface under Uncertainty through A Coupled Monte Carlo and Factorial Analysis Approach" for Petroleum Science and Technology (2009).

1. Fridel-Crafts Alkylation of Benzene with 1-hexadecene in Ionic Liquids Prepared in Situ" for Petroleum Science and Technology (2008).

6. List of Master and Phd Review and Investigation 5. Nisreen Nuri Ramadan Qasem Agha, Sedimentological characteristics, organic geochemistry and palynofacies

analysis of the Upper Cretaceous-Paleogene succession, west Sirte Basin, Libya, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, Phd.. (Petroleum Geology, 2016).

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Curriculum Vitae of Prof. Mohamed M. El Nady

12 Egyptian Petroleum Research Institute, 1-Zaker Hussein, Hei Al-Zehour, 11727, Nasr City, Cairo, Egypt, Tel: (202) 22736349 Fax: (202) 22747433, www.epri.sci.eg

4. Mohamed Fares Ibrahim Sabik, Evaluation The Petrophysical Model Of Ras Fanar Oil Field, Gulf Of Suez, Egypt,

Faculty of Science – Benha University, M.Sc. (Petroleum Geology, 2016). 2. Ahmed Mahmoud Abd-Elsalam Hassan, Depositional Environments Study and Hydrocarbon otentialities of the

Upper Cretaceous Successions in North Eastern Part of Aswan, Egypt, Faculty of Science, Zagazig University, M.Sc. (Geology, 2016).

3. Adnan Qadhi Mahdi, Source Rock Evaluation of the Najmah, Chia Gara and Balambo Formations and Related Crude

Oils, Northwestern Zagros Basin, Northern Iraq, Faculty of Science, Mansoura University, M.Sc. (Petroleum Geology, 2015).

1. Nermin Mohamed Mohamed Said Abdel-Wahed, Subsurface Studies and Source Rocks Potentiality of khalda Oil

fields in the North Western Desert, Egypt,