Jodie Scoffield 6 th Grade Cultures of the World Objectives: To explore other cultures through dance, music, food, games, holidays, stories/folk tales, flags and heroes/role models; gain perspective on many aspects of life in other cultures. (Because of the richness of the content, this Webquest will be done over the course of two or three days depending on students’ interests and levels of engagement). Cultures are full of all kinds of things! Together, we will explore just a few of the things that help make the cultures of the world what they are today. One of the major ways that a group of people come together is through dance and music. Let’s start there! DANCE http://fitforafeast.com/dance_cultural.htm Click anywhere on the map to pick a region whose dances you would like to explore.

Culture Webquest

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Page 1: Culture Webquest

Jodie Scoffield6th GradeCultures of the World

Objectives: To explore other cultures through dance, music, food, games, holidays, stories/folk tales, flags and heroes/role models; gain perspective on many aspects of life in other cultures. (Because of the richness of the content, this Webquest will be done over the course of two or three days depending on students’ interests and levels of engagement).

Cultures are full of all kinds of things! Together, we will explore just a few of the things that help make the cultures of the world what they are today. One of the major ways that a group of people come together is through dance and music. Let’s start there!



Click anywhere on the map to pick a region whose dances you would like to explore.

On the sides, the countries will be listed. Click on the name of the country to watch the video.

Spend some time watching at least six different folk dances from other countries.

Pick one of your favorites.

1. What country is it from?

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2. Draw a picture of the dancers:

3. Explain what you liked about the dance and the dancers:


http://www.mamalisa.com/?t=eh Click on the Asia icon. Go to Turkey (3rd column, second to last country listed) Click on the English translation of Song for Our Mommy (2nd song) Listen to the MP3 and pay attention to the words

1. Copy and paste both the Turkish and English translation of the lyrics here (hint: you can resize the font so it fits better)

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2. What does this song teach children about their mothers and how they should treat them?

Now explore this page on your own! Go to other continents and countries. Find a song where you can listen to an MP3 or watch a video (ones

with an MP3 say MP3 by the name of the song, video have a little black camera by the name of the song, and ones with just the tune of the song have a note by the name).

1. Copy and paste the original language lyrics as well as the English translation:

2. What is this song about? What kind of song is it? (For example is it: a

celebration song or a lullaby?)

Food is another important part of a culture. Let’s spend some time feasting on some tasty facts of about food and cooking from all over the world!


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Scroll down (below the interesting world food facts) There is a list of countries Click on Greece (9th from the top)

1. List one of the three food facts from Greece:

Pick one of the Greek recipes. Copy and Paste the recipe here:

2. Does this recipe sound like it would be yummy? 3. Have you ever had food like this before? 4. Did you like it? 5. Why or why not?6. If not would you like to try it?

Now go back to the lists of countries Pick any country that you want to learn more about their food.

1. List one of the food facts from that country:

Pick one of the recipes. Copy and paste it here:

2. Does this recipe sound like it would be yummy?

3. Have you ever had food like this before?

4. Did you like it?

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5. Why or why not?

6. If not, would you like to try it?

Children everywhere play games! Games are part of cultures. Let’s see what kinds of game they play around the world, and if they are anything like ones that you have played.



On the left column, under “Same game, different variations” there is a list of games.

Click on either Jacks or Hopscotch. Pick two of the variations of the game.

1. Make a list of what is similar and different about the two variations:Similar:


Now that we’ve learned about games in other countries, let’s find out ways that kids around the world celebrate! Holidays are HUGE parts of cultures. Let’s discover why!


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Read about the different winter holidays Pick two of them

1. Write the when, where, why, and how that this holiday is celebratedWhen:Where:Why:How:

Another important part of cultures is how they use symbols to represent their country. Flags are a simple, powerful way to unite a country, people, and a culture!


http://www.worldatlas.com/webimage/flags/flagcnty.htm Pick any flag Under the paragraph about the flag, there is a link that says “map

of…” whatever country you picked. If you click that, it will show you where that country is located!

1. Copy and paste the image of the flag:

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2. Tell about when the flag was adopted:

3. Why did they pick the colors and/or symbols that they used on their flag?

Stories and Folk Tales are ways for parents to teach kids lessons that they think are important. Each culture has unique, beautiful, and interesting stories. But there are also many similarities between stories from across the globe. Let’s delve into these stories to learn more!


http://www.pitara.com/talespin/folktales.asp Scroll down. Pick one of the stories. Read it!

1. Summarize the story in one paragraph:

2. Can you guess what country or culture this story is from?

3. What clues lead you to guess that?4. Can you think of a story that you know that sounds similar to this story?

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Everyone needs a hero! The hero’s that a culture has shows what kinds of values they think are important. This is a great way to better understand the ways other people think. It also helps us to discover that we share many of the same values.

Heroes and Role Models


On the left side, there are some colorful tab buttons. Click the Hero Power tab (It’s green. 4th from the top) Pick one of the heroes and read about them –try to pick one from

another culture.

1. What country is this hero from?

2. Explain why the people of that country feel that he or she is a hero.

3. In you opinion, is that person a hero? Why or why not? (Please remember to be respectful of other people’s beliefs).

Although many cultures have famous heroes, it is also important to think about the ways that we can all be heroes, where ever we live!

Every day heroes

http://mag.amazing-kids.org/category/amazing-kids-of-the-month1/ Read about one of these amazing kids.

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1. What is his or her name?

2. What countries, cultures, or heritages are they from?

3. What did they do that was amazing?

After exploring all these awesome parts of so many cultures, it’s time to take moment to think about something new. Let’s jump into another kid’s shoes to see what it would be like to live somewhere else in the world!

In Another’s Shoes

http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0212302/akidslifein.html Pick another country and read about children’s lives there.

1. Share one fact you learned from your reading:

2. Write a short, one paragraph story about how you would feel at the end of the day if you lived in that country. Use your imagination! (You can write more than one paragraph if you want!)

3. Do you feel that you have anything in common with the child from that country? Why or why not?

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1. Do you think that learning about someone else’s culture could help you get to know them better? Why or why not?

2. Did you learn something in this webquest that you didn’t know before? If so, what was it?

3. What was the coolest thing you watched or read about, or listened to? Why?

4. Do you think that knowing things about other cultures help you get along with other people better? Why or why not?

5. If you could teach someone something about your own culture, what would it be? Why?