Creative Profile

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Page 3: Creative Profile

Creativity is very important to me. I have realized over the years that being creative and imaginative, makes life more enjoyable. Now that the first assignment is over, and I have a better understanding of where I am at, I would like to build on my creative abilities. I have always been the creative type, but my problem has always been, trying to figure out how to release this energy and effectively express it. My creative hobbies include writing, and taking pictures. With this class I hope I can reflect the concepts I learn into my hobbies, and in the business world. Next are a list of abilities that best describe my creative characteristics.

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A view from my cousin’s house in India overlooking his orange farms.

A view from hill-top at a beach resort in India. Perfect for day-dreaming.

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My strongest ability would be my ability to imagine. I could sit around all day and just conceptualize ideas. Even if the ideas have no chance of actually “being” I will still sit there, dwell, and critique the ideas. I am a natural day dreamer, letting my mind travel where ever it pleases; and then in the end pulling something from it. Many of the ideas and concepts I hold most dear, are a product of my imaginative side. Einstein once said that imagination is more important than knowledge. I believe this is true. I have been in many positions, whether working or learning, where I have been able to use my imaginative ability to find a solution, and yet someone who is credited with a higher education struggled. 


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This was one of many poverty stricken children I came in contact with while in India. She holds an axe to cut branches needed for the nights fire.

It is common in India to see children working instead of going to school. This was a server for us at chicken restaurant.

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I find it very intriguing to look at the effect things will have, if we do them opposite of how we normally do them. I have found that when I am trying to be creative, just to look at the problem or concept I am dealing with from a contradictory point of view helps immensely. It is an ability that really helps me build on ideas. Very often my final projects have characteristics that are unique and not seen before. Half way through a project I will stop and try to think how to make it one-of-a-kind, and in order to do this, I combine contradicting ideas.


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I wonder what he’s thinking..?

Looking out a shop in busy Indian city.

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I have a strong ability to assume different perspectives. Perspective is really important to me for two reasons. First, because being able to look at ideas from different point of views allows me to think with a wider scope of thought. This is most apparent when I am taking pictures, since I will always have pictures taken from the least expected spots. The view from an uncomfortable position is most times my best picture. The second reason why perspective is important is because I believe i have strong ability to acknowledge the perspective of others. At work I have been able to put together a project many times that ended up perfectly fitting the customers perspective, and did great for pulling them in.    


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This is a machine that turns grains into flours found in many Indian homes.

One of many methods of transporting grains in India.

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When it comes to being clever and inventive, I excel. I find I have a very good ability to create or brainstorm completely new ideas or combining a number of ideas that are not normally been known to go together. I have noticed many times where my thinking process automatically acknowledges and connects the unapparent misconnections we encounter in every days tasks, through new inventive ideas. I am the type of person who has lists and lists of possible inventions and concepts; with ideas still coming. Although many may be feeble, they are a result of ingenuity.


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Brick architecture found in many Indian homes.

Lush Oranges at a road side Juice Stand. So Good!

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There is an obvious trend in society today. The concept of creating something with idea that it has to profoundly surpass expectations, and set a new bar. This trend is seen in music, literature, film, fashion, and many other industries. This is one of my weaker skills. The ability to create something that is the brilliantly opposite of what was expected. I feel I can be very creative but I tend to stay within the boundaries. I need to begin convincing myself into trying a new way of doing things by using an abstract way of thinking.


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My nephew at home in India, riding his bike in the open courtyard.

Found a deserted beach in India. Tranquil and quiet.

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When I get going, I don't stop. I have a strong ability of breaking into the creative process, and just letting the creative juices loose. Once I'm a roll I can go for a long time, patiently building on ideas, and discarding those I don't need. I always give myself a chance to make errors, and never a project. When I’m in this phase I don't pay attention to any distractions by letting them hinder the flow. I stay completely concentrated and ride the creative wave until the end.


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I picked 5 abilities originally because I thought they fit my profile perfectly. Now that a few weeks have pasted, and I have done more involved activities I would add one more ability; and that is flow. I have learned with activities we do in class and the things I do outside of school, that I have a strong ability to stay composed while maintaining a rich flow of ideas.

The main difference from the start of the assignment would be that I now have a foundation of abilities to build on. Originally I had never outlined what my creative abilities were but in doing so, I have realized how to critique my creativity. The combination of a list of constantly evolving abilities, and the skills I’ve picked up in class has got my creative process fully running.

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The house on the left is new and modern, while the one on the right is basic and of the same type used for 100’s of years; believe it or not both houses are in the same neighbour hood only a little walk away.

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After the first assignment was complete it felt like the class really picked up in momentum. I have noticed a shift in how I approach everyday tasks, school assignments, and work related projects. Instead of being naive and passive, now I have began to thoroughly analyze and learnt to better put to use each of my creative abilities. I am much more open minded when it comes to situations that make my brain think different from what I am normally use to. The method with which I take on problems has completely changed, now I always try to get the most out of my six creative abilities.

Over the past month I feel the class has really started to contribute. Classes like the creative assessments, guest speakers, picture day, and brain teasers, all planted little creative seeds that have started to sprout. The creative assessments are always a true test of our creative minds. The guest speakers were all inspirational. I took something from everyone, and look forward to more. I will remember the concept of reflection through photography my entire life. These are the classes that had the most profound effect on me.

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