Creative jobs ESL/EFL communicative lesson plan for advanced students

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ESL/EFL lesson plan on the theme Creative Jobs. Links for a video, a text and an article on the topic. Warmers and speaking questions.

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Lesson plan

Today we are going to:

Watch an excerpt of a video in which a writer talks about the creative x non creative jobs

Talk about creative work

Analyse some modern, slanguish vocabulary

Read a text on strategies to be more productive on creative endeavors

Have a writing piece of homework assigned

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For you, what is the role of inspiration in doing a creative work/piece of work?

What percentage would you attribute to inspiration and what percentage for hard work?

Do you think that creative work can have its results somehow related to chance?

How can you make creative work less likely to be unstable?

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Word expertise

Arent you afraid youre never gonna be able to top that?

That’s reassuring.

I was met with the same kind of fear-based reaction.

People would say: aren’t you afraid that…

… You’re never gonna have any success?

… Humiliation and rejection will kill you?

…You’re gonna work your whole life at this craft and nothing is gonna come out of it?

… You’re gonna die in a scrappy, broken dream with your mouth filled with the bitter ash of failure?

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about the video

What is the work routine that a writer or any other creative professional can adopt to decrease the ups and downs of inspired moments?

For the society, what are the consequences of the frame of mind presented by the author (that the creative work is risky, “dangerous”, something to be afraid of)?

What are the consequences of it for the people with such innovative inclinations?

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word expertise

Thinking mulling Time for musing Hghly underrated Help recall half-baked ideas Offhanded format Set up catch-ups Commute time Hands-on work Pay off greatly

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warmer 2

Can you think of 5 ways to make your mind be more creative?

1 2 3 4 5

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text http://blog.redbubble.com/2014/04/how-to-keep-your-creative-mi


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about the text

The title is 5 ways to keep your creative mind constantly working.

What is the core motivating idea of this text?

The gist of the text is that you can work or prepare to work all the time, everywhere, while doing basically anything.

What do you think about it? What is the degree of operating requirements related to this sort of work schedule?

Do you follow any routine to keep your mind working?

Would you adopt any of the ideas presented? Why/why not?

Do you think the ideas presented are efficient? Why (not)?

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about the text

How would you rate the importance of items below for your development in work using a scale from 1 to 10?

The thinking time

Have conversations about your work

Taking notes

Using commute time

Contact with work-related material before sleeping

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

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writing task

Write about the nature of the creative work and its universe. Compare and explore the differences between the lives of creative professionals and people from other less creative fields, such as engineers, nurses or mechanics. Contrast different styles of creative work as well, such as writers, designers, musicians, etc. Highlight the best and worst of each side. Use the tips you find in the article (linked in the cell on the left).

Use tips from https://www.linkedin.com/today/post/article/20140521231314-28170248-do-you-need-to-reinvent-your-writing-for-a-digital-world to make your text more appealing, modern and reader-friendly.

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that’s it!

Have a nice week!