Creating my double page spread

Creating my double page spread steps

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Page 1: Creating my double page spread steps

Creating my double page spread

Page 2: Creating my double page spread steps

Main image

First I added the main image to my DPS after lassoing the image I had chosen out. I edited this on Photoshop before I added this to the page to make it brighter and stand out more from the page.

Page 3: Creating my double page spread steps


Then I added a footer with the page numbers in the corner, I did this my making boxes and lines that were black and red, I then made a triangle to put the page numbers in. The colour of this links in with the running theme throughout the magazine.

Page 4: Creating my double page spread steps

Main article/text

Next I added the main article to my DPS along with the by-line and quote from the artist. I put this into three columns as this is a typical convention of a magazine. I used up a whole page for my image to make it stand out and show the audience who the main feature of this edition of the magazine is.

Page 5: Creating my double page spread steps

Masthead/drop cap/ final adjustments

Then I added another masthead to the top of the image page as this linked with the other two pages I have created and it let the reader know what they were about to read so they can decide if they want to read that bit or not.