Managing Acceptable Use Graham Quince VLE Coordinator, CLV

Cramlington Learning Village Presentation from #frog12

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Managing Acceptable Use

Graham QuinceVLE Coordinator, CLV

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• CLV: 2,200+ students, 120 teachers• Approx 1500 PCs on site• 300 mobile tablets in Year 7 (expected to

double in September)• 3 Web Designers• CLV has been a Frog School since September


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• Social Networking was a big buy-in for us• Benefits of SN:– Communication, both non-directed and directed – Student Voice– Responsibility

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With great power comes great responsibility

With every PowerPoint comes an obvious pop-culture reference

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• We wanted to encourage responsibility,not limit student access.

• Social Networking exists in the ‘real world’, we should help our students learn how to use it

• Of course, there’s always some who will turn to the dark side…

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Clichéd use ofDarth Vader

image goes here.

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Acceptable Use Policy

• All students when first starting at CLV are introduced to the computers and our AUP

• The AUP is a contract with the students explaining:– how they should use the school’s computers– what is acceptable on the internet– when they can play games, etc…

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• There are consequences for breaking the AUP just as there are for any inappropriate behaviour in school.

Acceptable Use Policy

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The Banned List

• Manual Frog Group: The Banned List

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The Banned List

• Students who break the AUP are added to the group

• A Frog IF Brick surrounding each fun section on the VLE prevents those students accessing that resource.

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In the Toolkit

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On a page

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• Immediate• Solves behaviour issues quickly• Students know why they are banned• Classroom teachers don’t become involved,

allows them to avoid arguments of behaviour

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• We feel it is right to encourage responsibility

• We need to also ensure our students are respectful to each other and to staff when online.

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Time Saving

Saving/making money

Improving behaviour

Increasing use of VLE

Improving learning

Scores: 0/30/33/32/33/3

• Social Networking provides us with the opportunity to foster the culture we want.

• The Banned List allows us to prevent misuse when a student doesn’t live up to that trust.


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[email protected]

