Group no:- 4 Prepared by:- Pavan Patel Namresh Patel Rushin Shah Soham Patel Tejas Patel

Cpd ch 10 enlightned self interest

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Group no:- 4

Prepared by:-

Pavan PatelNamresh PatelRushin ShahSoham PatelTejas Patel


Enlightened Self interest:

Enlightened self interest is a way to create good for self and good for all at the same time, including team mates, bosses, customers and organization. Contributors think in enlightened self interest.

Unenlightened Self-interest:

In unenlightened self-interest most or all persons act according to their own  selfishness. He/she is not concerned about the impact (positive or negative) on the other person, so that the group suffers loss as a result of conflict, decreased efficiency because of lack of cooperation.

Hey, Is the girl going to come??

Oh! Yess!!PLEASE WAIT for few minutes…


Hey!! Thank you for waiting..

No need of THANKS!! It is my DUTY.


I would like to take a real life example of 'ANNA HAZARE'. He has been a great contributor to the society. He initiated a change for betterment & upliftment of the society.

He initiated the LOKPAL BILL movement for the betterment of our country INDIA.

The main reason behind LOKPAL BILL was to eradicate corruption from our country.

He went on hunger strike to force the government to accept the BILL.

He had a vision of corrupt free India for the younger generations to come.


One example I would like to quote for a official is that of Mr. Suresh Kalmadi.

Although he might have worked hard for the commonwealth games but still there were a lot of negative points that were revealed at a later stage.

He with the support of few other people did many things which were not in the welfare of the society. There was a huge expense which was done during the CWG but the same was actually not utilized for that or rather the way it was utilized was not proper. This created a wrong image in the eyes of the foreign players about us as the game at an international level.

The incidence shows to a great the act of Kalmadi as non contributor team member.


The picture shows two football players named ROONEY and CHICHARITO.

They both are strikers of MANCHESTER UNITED. In this picture CHICHARITO has already scored a goal.

ROONEY is happy for him and celebrates goal with him.

In second picture CHICHARITO is going through bad phase and not scoring goals.

This picture shows ROONEY encouraging CHICHARITO.

Though being one of the best football player RONALDO is selfish player.

The picture shows that RONALDO is fighting with other player of the opposite team.

This should not be the spirit of the game.

SACHIN on 194!! & the innings are declared by captain

Team spirit shown by SACHINHe walked

without any complains

When it comes to team spirit, one cannot forget Team INDIA’s JUMBO, ANIL KUMBLE.

While playing TEST against West Indies, he broke his JAW.

Yet, he came on the field next day, and bowled with same passion.

He also got wicket of legendary batsman BRIAN LARA on the very same day.

Harbhajan-Sreesanth SLAP GATE.

The picture shows Harbhajan and Sreesanth during an IPL match.

Harbhajan had slapped Sreesanth when Mumbai Indians team lost against KINGS 11 Punjab.

It was definitely not in spirit of the game.


KABIR KHAN OF CHAK DE INDIA !!!Didn’t want the Indian Girls hockey team to suffer the same loss he had suffered when he captained the Indian Male’s team and so he turned the bunch of arrogant, selfish and quarrelsome girls into the girls who started playing with a team spirit and fought together to bring laurels for the country.


Schindler's List is a 1993 film about Oskar Schindler, a German businessman who saved the lives of more than a thousand mostly Polish-Jewish refugees during the Holocaust by employing them in his factories which saves them from being transported to concentration camps, or being killed.


The Batman character saves the Gotham city from the hands of the JOKER by risking his own life and gives the credit to the two faced Mayor of the city to prevent from a chaos to happen in the city and people losing hope from their officials.


In The Dark Knight, the Joker is depicted as a maniacal criminal mastermind who terrorizes Gotham City and whose goal is to create "a world without rules.” and a city full of chaos.


In Jannat, Emraan Hashmi plays a character of a bookie who earns his livelihood and fulfills all his dreams but fails to understand that all the money which he earns goes behind funding the Pakistani terrorists groups.

The pictures shows a perfect example of team work.

The example is of MATKI FOD.

To reach the MATKI which is very high, coordination and concentration of every person is required.


For the team work we can give the example of the any movie making , if director,producer,actors,muasic director all works together , to make his/her movie super hit and mostly like by people. If they will not work as a team then they can not achieve the success.




An old farmer's three sons were quarrelling- the farmer gave a stick to his youngest son to break it - he broke it - then he gave a bundle of sticks to his eldest son to break it - he failed - the farmer taught them the value of unity.


Why enlightened self – interest is important?

If human beings did not have an inherent will to protect themselves and further their own interests, they would not survive.

Knowing what is in your interests will help you get what is best for you and avoid what is harmful. It will keep you moving toward your goals and ensure that your goals are the right ones for you.

But you had better simultaneously take into account the interests of others. Getting people to have positive feelings toward you is a good idea. They will be more likely to treat you well and less likely to harm you. Contributing to their welfare will encourage them to contribute to your welfare.

Contributing to the development and survival of the society in which you live will mean a better environment in which to pursue your interests.

If you acknowledge that self-interest is inherent in your nature, you will feel less guilty about looking after yourself.

If you acknowledge that altruistic behavior is in your interests, you will be more likely to cooperate with others. If you do both, everyone gains.


People should try to follow their enlightened self-interest.

One should prefer a long-term interest over a short-term one.

“Helping each other to help ourselves.”

In every transaction, If one operates with the win lose attitude, then one cannot collaborate with anybody.

By operating out of deep enlightened self interest, contributors are able to account for all stakeholders in complex real world situations.

“Swami Vivekananda disliked small minded and fearful selfishness. He wanted us to be large, unselfish, and therefore free and bold in all our dealing with the world”