Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable and uncountable nouns

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Page 1: Countable and uncountable nouns

Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Page 2: Countable and uncountable nouns

Determiners for Countable and Uncountable Nouns

With Countable Nouns With Uncountable Nouns

a(n), the, some, anyThis, that, these, thoseNone, one, two, three, …Many

A lot ofA large/great number of(a) FewFewer … thanMore … than

the, some, anyThis, thatNoneMuch (usually in negatives

or questions)A lot ofA large amount of(a) LittleLess … thanMore … than

Page 3: Countable and uncountable nouns

Examples of uncountable nouns

- Sand - soap - physics - politics

- News - mumps - air - homework

- Advice - weather - bread - information

- Fog - traffic - luggage - baggage

- Meat - courage - music - knowledge

- Slang - patience- food - equipment

- time - work - money - advertising

Page 4: Countable and uncountable nouns

Identify the following nouns as Countable nouns or Uncountable nouns.

1. Television2. Car3. News4. Geography5. Atmosphere6. Person7. Water8. Pencil9. Food10. tooth

11.Soup12.Cheese13.Cup14.Hydrogen15.Minute16.Human being17.Clothing18.Transportation19.Fun20.Enjoyment

Page 5: Countable and uncountable nouns

Choose the correct determiners in the following sentences.1. He doesn’t have (many/much) money.2. I would like (a few/a little) salt on my vegetables.3. She bought (that/those) cards last night.4. There are (less/fewer) students in this room rather

than in the next room.5. There is (too much/too many) bad news on television

tonight.6. I do not want (these/this) water.7. This is (too many/too much) information to learn.8. A (few/little) people left early.9. Would you like (less/fewer) coffee than this?10. This jacket costs (too much/too many).

Page 6: Countable and uncountable nouns

Choose the correct determiners in the following sentences.1. He doesn’t have (many/much) money.2. I would like (a few/a little) salt on my vegetables.3. She bought (that/those) cards last night.4. There are (less/fewer) students in this room rather

than in the next room.5. There is (too much/too many) bad news on television

tonight.6. I do not want (these/this) water.7. This is (too many/too much) information to learn.8. A (few/little) people left early.9. Would you like (less/fewer) coffee than this?10. This jacket costs (too much/too many).