Contents Page Analysis By Theresa Hackman

Contents Page Analysis

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Contents Page AnalysisBy Theresa Hackman

Colour Scheme:The colour scheme is red, black and white. These colours are all bold, contrasting colours. You could argue that the blood dripping from her forehead contrasts to the red colour scheme, it could also be connotations of danger as blood is usually associated with danger. The red and white page numbers would allow the reader to make a quick decision on what page number they would like to read, this could be because red is considered as being a stimulant colour making you make quick decisions.

Photography:The main image is an extreme close-up of the artist who is also the main image on the front cover, relating to the feature article. Even though it is an extreme close up the left side of the artists face has been zoomed into an extent where the right side of her face has been cut out. This shows the importance of the blood dripping down her face. Conventions:The contents page consists of other smaller images. Which makes the contents page more interesting to read as visuals make it easier. The date and issue number allows the reader to feel up to date with the magazine.

Conventions continued:The page numbers and the descriptions gives the reader an idea of what the magazine will include.

Photography: The main image consists of the artists who is also featured on the front cover of the magazine. There is no direct mode of address as Cheryl Cole is not making eye contact with the reader. A long shot has been used to possibly show her outfit, which is rather gothic relating to the front cover. The idea that black represents unhappiness and mystery could be presented in the artists facial expression as the artist is looking down to an extent that her eyes look closed.

Writing Style:The contents page features formal language to give a small description of the articles within the magazine. The small description of the articles, tells the reader information to an extent so that the reader will purchase the magazine to find out more. All the articles feature other popular celebrity artists, which would attract the readers to purchase the magazine.

The page numbers are bold and large enough for the reader to see, allowing them to easily move from page to page.

Conventions:The contents page consists of an issue number and date. This is a typical convention of a magazine as it allows the reader to keep up to date. The articles and images surround the main image without covering the main image

Front cover of the magazine

Photography:Straight away the main image will attract the readers eye because of its size as it stands out compared to the rest of the contents page. The main image also consists of a small description at the bottom, revealing minimal information. This is a typical convention of a contents page as it will allow the reader to continue reading the rest of the magazine. Both the main image and the other image are not still photographs as the artists are moving, which makes the contents page appear to be more interesting.

Writing style:The contents page consists of formal language which will help draw the attention of the reader, especially if it is an older audience. Article 52 features Beyoncé, who is an extremely popular artist. Her popularity and fame will encourage the reader to purchase the magazine and read the article.

Conventions:The articles have page numbers and bold titles to help the reader to easily go to any page. This convention helps as the reader is given a brief summary of what is featured in the article.