
Content Migration Without Migraines

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Tim SenftWeb Content Strategist

ILR [email protected]


Migrating Content Without Migraine


image: http://www.meschinohealth.com/


image: http://nyuniversity.tumblr.com/


image: http://nyuniversity.tumblr.com/

● Speech Writer● Government Relations● PR and Marketing● Web Communications

● Migrate NYU.edu from a static site to CMS (Adobe CQ)● Bringing groups and sites from outside into a single


+1 +1x +1n

ILR not IRL(but IRL)



Drupalimage: Rube Goldberg

image: David Scott Smith - http://www.spacebase8.com/

(not agile)

Hard Deadline January 15, 2015

Agile Shop.

image: http://smokejumperstrategy.com/

Most Valuable Player≠Minimum Viable Product=

image: http://upstate.apaleagues.com/

MVP Content Strategy● Thorough content inventory (finished but ongoing)● Work as much with clients/stakeholders as possible

given the timeframe● Rethink / Rewrite / Reorg, Move As Is● Migrate content


Pro● identify content that doesn’t need to be migrated● improve the contributor experience● improve site reliability● everyone has to go along with it ● you’re going to finish the task ● you’re going to produce something new

Con● not flexible if things change● it really is a minimum product● no time for content assessment● no time for content rewrites● no time for content collection

A Bare Bones Strategy(not the company that makes BBEdit)

Content Types● identified what content types were necessary for

functionality ○ basic page○ news○ events○ people○ promos○ videos○ registration○ courses

Content Types● identified specific, unique types that were necessary for

functionality○ articles (WIT, Workspan)○ microfilm/microfiche○ neutrals○ student portraits○ featured books

Content Types● built in tags to help meet use cases● created categories to increase functionality● used publishing options (featured, sticky) to create

additional use cases

Theming● mobile first● limited theming based on limited content types● basic branding changes● three column layout

○ sidebar and content bottom wrap below the content area,

○ content top and content primary content spaces● limiting navigation● keeping side navigation operation same in mobile as


User Roles● limited number of user roles (admin, contributor)● specialty user roles for specific functionality (Neutrals,

WIT)● contributors have the ability to edit the whole site● everyone on their best behavior● encouraging content exchange across the site● encouraging familiar user experience

Migrate, Migrate, Migrate

image: http://www.maxisciences.com/

The Aftermath● site launched on time● essential content was in● site is now on Acquia and has had no downtime ● spawned conversations with stakeholders (not all positive)● broken things are now fixed ● identified key projects moving forward● identified areas where we need to improve as a team● not the best client interaction● content still needs a rewrite ● things are moved, but not necessarily in the best places


Student Feedback● 38 Undergraduate and 3 Graduate students interviewed

● 25 of those polled had used the new website since January 15

● 17 had not. That's roughly 40%.

● Of that 25, 18 liked the new website, 2 strongly did not, and 5 were

ambivalent toward it.

● Of that 25, 17 found what they were looking for, 8 did not and had to go

through some other means to get it, i.e call or visit associated office.

+1 +1x +1n
