Connected Learning, GeoGebra Institute of Kerala Asna Abdeen 9 yrs Giana Vijay 2 yrs (USA) Asna, 9 year old Malayalam Tutor, celebrated her Diwali from Startup Village. She invited her friends in Malaysia to wish Startup Village a Happy Diwali അഅഅഅ അഅഅഅ അഅഅഅഅഅ അഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅ അഅഅഅഅ അഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅ അഅഅഅഅഅ അഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅ. അഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅ അഅഅഅഅഅ അഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅ അഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅഅ.

Connected learning

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Page 1: Connected learning

Connected Learning, GeoGebra Institute of Kerala

Asna Abdeen 9 yrs Giana Vijay 2 yrs (USA)

Asna, 9 year old Malayalam Tutor, celebrated her Diwali from Startup Village. She invited her friends in Malaysia to wish Startup Village a Happy Diwali

അസ്�നഎന്നഒന്‍പതു� വയസ്സു�കാ�രി� രിണ്ടു� വയസ്സു�കാ�രി�യെയ മലയ�ളം� പഠി�പ്പി�ക്കു�ന്ന�. വ�ട്ടമ്മമ�ര്‍ക്കു� മലയ�ളം�അധ്യാ"�പകാരി�കാ�ന്‍വഴി�യെയ�രി�ക്കു�ന്ന�.

Page 2: Connected learning
Page 3: Connected learning

Veronica Woo accepts the invite to celebrate Diwali at Startup Village

Diwali CelebrationAt Startup Village,

by Fatima 13 years, Asna 9 years

Women Of Wiki,Startup Village

Page 4: Connected learning

Asna’s global friends ready to wave “Happy Diwali” to Startup Entrepreneurs,waiting for Startup Meeting to begin