Connect your classroom to the globe Anne Mirtschin Hawkesdale P12 College ([email protected])

Connect your classroom to the globe

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Page 1: Connect your classroom to the globe

Connect your classroom to the globeAnne Mirtschin Hawkesdale P12 College ([email protected])

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Hawkesdale P12 College – a small rural prep-year 12 school

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Synopsis• Students live in a world where they want to connect,

communicate and create. Collaborative global projects provide strategies that build skills of productive collaboration, virtual teamwork and develop a range of higher order thinking processes. Global projects also prepare students to compete and survive in a global workforce and world by following appropriate digital citizenship procedures, netiquette and codes of conduct. This session will discuss some of the synchronous and asynchronous tools that may be used and the projects that schools may get involved in. These tools include blogs, wikis, nings, google applications, twitter, skype, flickr, liveblogging, voicethreads etc. Stories from the classroom will be shared.

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Connect, Collaborate and Create

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• Project based learning• Share cultures• Prepare for life, work and play in a flat world• Learn digital citizenship skills• Learnt netiquette, online responsible learning, plaguarism• Digital literacy• Increase knowledge of geog and history• Enable self directed learning• Skills for life long learning • Awareness of global issues• Parental involvement

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Pedagogy• Years 9/10 students work at 6.75 of Community

Engagement dimension – investigate responses to issues such as global warming, world poverty etc, examine the extent to which the international community is cohesive and able to manage conflict.

• From the Global Citizenship strategy, “students are equipped with skills, knowledge and attitudes needed to prosper and thrive in a world characterised by global mobility and cultural, political and economic connectivity.”

• “Learning connects strongly with communities and practise beyond the classroom.” (PoLTS)

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Preparation for Life Beyond Education

• Business is becoming increasingly globalised eg a British structural engineer, working with an Italian builder and a German architect working together on a tower in Italy

• Students need to learn how to connect, communicate, collaborate and create in virtual teams.

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How do we help children to come to terms with globalisation?

• Involve and immerse them in collaborative, interactive global projects.

• Establish personal learning networks• Work with other countries in real time• Compile codes of conduct • Follow appropriate netiquette

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asynchronous connections

• Blogging. • Wikis• Nings• Google applications• Online Mailing lists• Voicethreads

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Synchronous connections• Liveblogging http://www,coveritlive.com • Videoconferencing www.skype.com • virtual classroom http://www.elluminate.com and DiscoverE• Back channels eg http://www.chatzy.com and http://www.tinychat.com• http://www.twitter.com• Google applications• Bridgit conferencing software which comes with Interactive White Boards• www.flickr.com an online image sharing site• Virtual worlds – reactiongrid in Open Sim• superclubsPLUS – “facebook” for the young, safe environment• Etherpad• Edmodo

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Typhoon in Manilla

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Mt Rouse

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Look at the beautiful sunset over my backyard. We had a severe drought this year. Our cows lost a lot of weight while the drought was on. My dad was awfully busy trying to keep water and hay up to them. Since the downpour of rain, they are in much better condition.

We have a mountain in our backyard called Mt Buggery. It is really a volcanic tumulus and has 2 trees - a dead pine tree and a young pine tree on top.

Flick, year 8 blog post

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Comments!!!Your “backyard” is beautiful! Thank you for

sharing it with the world. Lori, CaliforniaThank you so much for sharing your

backyard. When we all share like this, it makes our world just a little smaller and better.

She Wolf

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From me to you!

• Projects by Jen:- http://www.jenuinetech.com/

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ms1001tales• Read Kim Cofino’s blog post• MS1001tales:


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• There are plenty of illegal immigrants in australia and each day many are sent home. illegal immigrants tend to have a non valid visa. some people who come here dont have a visa at all. Illegal immigrants come from all over the world. what happens to all of the illegal immigrants once they have been found out is they get relocated back to the country they came from.

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Melissa // Oct 18th 2008 at 2:30 pm • That is what happens here in the United States as well. Visas are

really a big part of it because visas take a long time to get, and then people just come illegally. Where are the illegal immigrants that come to Australia from?

Juliet Pham // Oct 18th 2008 at 5:21 pm • How do you feel about the fact that the illegal immigrants are

relocated? Do you believe that it’s fair? I don’t think that it is. I really think that it would depend on the reason. Are the immigrants doing any harm really? That’s pretty interesting that Australia does have illegal immigrants because I never thought a place like Australia would because of the fact that it doesn’t have any countries near it or any land bridges.

Travis Bugge // Oct 18th 2008 at 5:21 pm • how do they get there? are they snuck on a plane or something? fur

us, its pretty much peole crossing the border, or swimming over here. which part of austrailia do they go to?

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Moon Project


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Flat Classroom Projects

• Flat classroom projects• Digiteen• Netgened projects• Eracism

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Flatclassroom wiki -http://flatclassroomswikispaces.com

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Let’s walk a ninghttp://netgened.grownupdigital.com/

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School’s in at 9pm!

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Keynote speaker – uni lecturer from Doha, Qatar, speaks to students at Qatar Academy and Hawkesdale P12 College about citizenship journalism.

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Listening to the citizenship journalism address

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Digital movie stills on Semantic Aware Appications

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Awards Ceremony

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This is a flatclassroom!

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Mumbai Flat Classroom Workshop 2010

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Should Australia go to India to play sport?

• Foresee and sense cultural misunderstanding

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discoverE – virtual classroom software

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Claret School, Manila

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West Java EarthquakeSeptember 8th

• 7.3 richter scale• 64 deaths, 37 people missing, and 27,630

people displaced in nine districts in West Java and one in Central Java.

• Approximately 54,231 houses were damaged in 12 districts in West Java and one district in Central Java.

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Speaking directly with earthquake victims 12 hours after the occurrrence using skype

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Australian food – the meat pie with sauce

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Students from Malaysia show national costumes

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Students from Malaysia ‘wow’ us with street dancing rendition

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Sharing objects that are symbolic of our countries

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A linkup with a school in Russia

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Grades 3 to 7 listen to students from Singapore talke about racial harmony

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Skyping Endang from Indonesia in the batik markets

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Interviewing Professionals -an English project

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• Time management• Language• Time zone• Cultural differences and expectations• Infrastructure• Leadership

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Social networking

• The biggest and best is classroom2.0

• Edna for Australian educationalists

• Global projects

• http://guidetoinnovation.ning

• http://www.learncentral.org

• use a search engine as there are many

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Year 12 Mandarin LOTE student (distance education) talks to Malaysian student in Chinese using skype

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A true global classroom – a student from Hawkesdale, two from China, two from Bangkok and one from USA are taught by an optician about the eye, using discoverE virtual classroom software.

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What tips/advice o ensure that these projects run smoothly?

• Start with small, short projects• Communication is of prime importance• Commitment and dedication are essential• Get to know the other staff prior to and throughout the project, to

gain confidence in each other• Do not be frightened to ask for help or ask questions of any nature.• Be prepared to work hard (as hard as you may have ever worked in

your life) and take risks• Work your blogs to the fullest giving step by step instructions to

classes where possible for each lesson to clarify the tasks that need to be done in your own mind and also for student reference.

• Give out check list sheets to ensure that students remain on track• Enjoy the journey into the best that 21st century learning can give.

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Where to find global projects?


•Edna for Australian educationalists

•Global projects

•Flat Classroom Projects

•Jenuinetech Projects

• use a search engine as there are many

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Where to find global partners?

• Learn Central • Skype partners• Around the world in 80 schools• ePals• TwitterAnd google for more

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• Time zones• Languages • Holiday periods• Testing and Examination times

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Where to learn more

• Tech Talk Tuesdays (3:45-4:45pm): goto http://education.vic.edu.au and search for online events, find calendar, select Tech Talk Tuesdays for the session title and elluminate link

• eT@lking Wed 8-9pm: part of the Australia series in http://learncentral.org or read my blog at http://murcha.wordpress.com

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What do I need?

• Patience• Enthausiasm

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Contact Me

[email protected]• Skype: anne.mirtschin• Twitter/plurk id: murcha• Teacher blog: http://murcha.wordpress.com• Class blogs: http://murch.globalteacher.org.auhttp://backyard.globalstudent.org.au• Delicious and diigo: murcho/murcha