Chapter 8: Conflict Resolution By: Lauren Ramos Mariano Vidal Carolina Calimano

Conflict Resolution

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How to solve a conflict. Wether its external or internal.

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Chapter 8: Conflict Resolution

By: Lauren Ramos Mariano Vidal

Carolina Calimano

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Today my classmates and I will be talking about chapter 8: Conflict Resolution.Conflicts are part of everyday lifes.Some conflicts are settled easily and other indefinetly.The conflict resolution process is a proven method for sucessfully resolving conflicts.This chapter also is gonna teach that people who are tolerant and can control their anger are better able to resolve conflicts peacefully.We hope that this presentation teaches you how to solve your problems.

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Vocabulary Words: Conflict-is a disagreement, dispute or fight

between people with opposing point of view.

Escalate-to grow a conflict into disagreements that are destructive on unsafe to everyone.

Conflict Resolution-the process of setting a conflict by cooperation & problem solving.

Compromise-when people settle a conflict by each agreeing to give up something she or he wants.

Tolerance-means acepting & respeting others people customs & beliefs.

Negotiation-is a process of discussing problems face to face to reach a solution.

Mediation-a neutral third party is used to help reach a solution thats agreeable to everyone.

Peer Mediator-is a a young person who listens to both parties in conflict & helps the find a solution.

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Part 1:Understanding a conflict

Part 1:Understanding a conflict

People are different, with different thoughts and emotions.Sometimes this differences can create conflicts.A conflict is a disagreement,dispute or fight between people with opposing points of view.It can involve individuals or groups such as friends, family members, community organizations or even nations.Some conflicts are easily resolved but other times they become continuous struggles or even turn into fights.

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Part 2: Types of Conflict External ConflictsWhenever one person's wants,

need or values clash with those of another person. This type of conflict happens between family members, friends & community members.

Internal ConflictsAre those that are inside your

head or your heart. Like for example: Joseph had seen her friend cheating on a test & he didn't know wether to keep quiet or to tell his teacher he decided to talk to her & help her study.

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Part 2: Types of Conflict External ConflictsWhenever one person's wants,

need or values clash with those of another person. This type of conflict happens between family members, friends & community members.

Internal ConflictsAre those that are inside your

head or your heart. Like for example: Joseph had seen her friend cheating on a test & he didn't know wether to keep quiet or to tell his teacher he decided to talk to her & help her study.

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Part 3 :Causes of conflictsHave you ever argued with someone and later couldn't

remember what caused the fight?

Instant Flare-up

Sudden disputes or arguments that can happen anytime people interact, wether they live, work or play together. Fortunately, this type of conflict is instant & doesn't last long. Most people deal with a quarrel & go on with their relationship.

Personality differences

Differences help make like fun & exciting but they can also create conflict like for example: maybe you like being around large group of people but your friend feel uncomfortable around them. As a result, conflict might result when deciding what to do when your together.

Power Issue

Happens when several types of people try to control a situation Many arguments with teens & families involve power issues. For example: sometimes a teen choice of friends leads to a power struggle with a parent.

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Part 4:Responding to conflictWhen a conflict develops you can either face it or ignore it.Before

deciding what you should consider this points: Think Safety-your personal well being & safety should be

your first concern.

Weigh your options-when the other person is someone you don't know really well you should try to ignore it but when the conflict is with someone you care about try to communicate your feelings in a calm & reasonable way.

Leave the conflict behind-avoid the physical violence by simply walking away. Leaving a potentially dangerous situation is a positive choice not a sign of cowardice.

In some cases people let conflicts escalate or grow into disagreements that are destructive or unsafe to everyone. Some teens think that becoming involves in a conflict, may prove they're tough & fearless.

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Part 5: Resolving Conflict

Wether a conflict seems unavoidable or test your pride you can resolve it peacefully. Conflict resolution is the process of settling a conflict by cooperation & problem solving is a proven approach.

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Part 6: Conflict Resolution Process

Steps to solve problems:

1)Define the problem

2)Suggest a solution

3)Evaluate a solution



6)Seek Help

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Part 7: Respect & Tolerance

When giving respect you can avoid a conflict. Why? Because showing respect mean you value another person as an individual. Tolerance is also a good

thing to avoid conflict, because if you accept people for who they're with tolerance it helps you

understand that difference people have a right to behave & express themselves as they like as long

as they don't hurt others.

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Part 8: Anger Management Everyone feels angry at times.

When they do ,they tend to feel annoy. Other times, they may as well yell, argue , use a harsh tone of voice, walk away, fight, etc. When anger isn't control conflict can become worst. When you're like that you won't be able to think clearly. The ancient martial art of Jujitsu teaches to control anger . This type of self control isn't just a martial art. Because with this martial art you can develop techniques to control your anger & resolve conflicts in positive ways.

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Hot anger-occurs suddenly when a conflict flames up between two persons.

To control hot anger you should consider:

Tell yourself I choose to be focused I choose to be relaxed

Think of your anger as energy & uses it solves things positively

Breath & exhale

Type of angers:Pent Up-It builds over time & if not released in a healthy way pent up anger can explode To control:

Exercise-walk, jog, swim or shoot some baskets.

Talk out your feeling

Listen to soothing music

Find a private place where you can cry and yell if you need to

Sit quietly for a while

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Part 9: Negotiation

Negotiation is a process of

discussing problems to reach a agreement. Negotiation involves talking, listening, considering others persons point of view & compromising, like for example: Lisa was saving money for a new cellphone but her parents wanted her to put her earnings in the bank to buy a new car . Instead of fighting Lisa decided to negotiate with her parents, now she will find a solution that satisfy her parents and herself.

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Part 10:How to deal with bulliesBullies are not open to conflict resolution because their conflict

is really within themselves.Meanwhile this are some tips to deal with them:

Show Confidence-Bullies choose easy targets but if you show that you not likely to be bothered they look elsewhere

Stand & Up for yourself-Tell the bully to leave the behavior then leave calmly.

Ignore Verbal Abuse-Show no reaction on to insults or cruel jokes aimed to you.

Stand Up for Others-Come forward to defend someone who is being abused. Bullies often back down when faces with real power.

Talk to an Adult-Tell a parent or teacher or other trusted adult if you are bothered by a bully

Put Safety before Posession-If a bully demands anything you own, your physical well being is more important thatn any material item.

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Keep the following guidelines in mind when negotiating to resolve a problem

Select an appropiate time & place to work out your problem

Keep an open mind

Be flexible

Accept responsibility for your role in the conflict

Don't give up

Find help

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Part 11: Mediation

Sometimes people can resolve a conflict on their own using either negotiation or conflict resolution, so they use mediation. Mediation consist of a neutral third person that an study the problem & give you suggestions for solution. Some schools have instituted peers mediation programs. A peer mediation is a young person who helps students with their problems.

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Part 12: Working Through Conflicts

Although some conflicts are never resolved, both sides can learn to accept & respect each other differences. Jacob and his parents may never agree on which music is best, but they agree to respect each other choices. Fortunately, most conflict can be resolves when people are willing to cooperate & work toward positive solution.

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1. Identify causes of conflict:

Instant Flare-Up

Personality Differences

Power Issues

2. Demonstrate ways to response to conflict:

Think safety

Weigh your opinion

Leave the conflict behind

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Objectives:3)List the steps in conflicts resolution process:

-Define the problem

-Suggest solution

-Evaluate a solution


-Seek help

4)Explain how tolerance ad respect can contribute to conflict resolution:

-Because when you show respect you avoid having a conflict because you're showing to that person that you value him/her as an individual.And you can also you can avoid problems if you have tolerance,and accept the person as they are they will accept you too.

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Our conclusion is that we shoud avoid having conflict.And know that we know what steps to do to solve a problem it can be easier to us to solve them.Also that respect and tolerance are some of the bases to avoid them.

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