http://rryshke.wordpress.com/2011/09/07/where-is -the-sweet-spot/ The Question:

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  • 1.http://rryshke.wordpress.com/2011/09/07/where-is-the-sweet-spot/ The Question:

2. The Sweet Spot of the School is Where the Past Meets to Future Free Cool ToolsImagefromaliexpress.com The Library, Of Course! 3. My Background 4. A Sweet Voice Tool: Voki http://intothe21stcentury.weebly.com/ Subject Standard Foreign Language W.1-5 all levels US History 1865- Present USII.3c, USII.6c Art 7.10- 7.17 5. Limitations to Voki Imageretrievedfrom:http://michelfalcon.com/four-obstacles-achieving-customer-loyalty/ 6. Wordle A Sweet Word Cloud 7. Uses for a Word Cloud Subject Standard Science LS4 English 7.4 b and e Physical Education 7.3 b Image retrieved from www.jackson.stark.k12.oh.us521 Image from livelylatin.com www.complete-health-guide.com228 8. Limitations to Word Clouds Imageretrievedfrom:http://michelfalcon.com/four-obstacles-achieving-customer-loyalty/ 9. Sweet Images from Big Huge Labs English SOL 7.7d http://bighugelabs.com/magazine.php 10. Options at Big Huge Labs 11. More Options at Big Huge Labs 12. Sweet Posters Poster format is from http://bighugelabs.com/motivator.php Photofrompersonalfile. Health 7.2d and Physical Education 7.4 13. Sweet Photos Made Sweeter URL: http://www.tuxpi.com/photo-effects/colorswirl Photo from personal file. 14. Sweet Story Telling with Foldplay http://foldplay.com/book.action Subjects and SOL 15. Limitations to Image Tools Imageretrievedfrom:http://michelfalcon.com/four-obstacles-achieving-customer-loyalty/ 16. Sweet! Info Graphics Quick Information At a Glance Tells a Story Sequence of Events Patterns InfoGraphic Creators URL 17. Two Examples of InfoGraphics Time Spent on Line Info Graphic of Digitally Responsible Teacher 18. Sweet! Classroom Applications Images retrieved from http://digitalnewsgathering.wordpress.com/2010/04/24/10- tips-for-designing-infographics/ Math SOL 7.5a and b Health SOL 7.2a. 19. Limitations to Info Graphics Imageretrievedfrom:http://michelfalcon.com/four-obstacles-achieving-customer-loyalty/ https://infogr.am/kids-use-phones-with-cracked-up-faces?src=web 20. Sweet Video Clips Past. Present. Future. URL: www.animoto.com History Social Studies Sol 7. 21. Videolicious Sweet! Videolicious is a free app for your iPhone or iPad Maker Spaces: The Sweet Spot for Libraries 22. Limitations to Video Tools Imageretrievedfrom:http://michelfalcon.com/four-obstacles-achieving-customer-loyalty/ 23. Maker Spaces: Sweet Spot http://makerspace.com/ Community Spaces Metalworking Woodworking Textiles Electronics CNC Cutting Computers 3-D Printing Laser Cutting Middle School Spaces Puppeteering Textiles Paperfolding-- Oragami Paper cutting Quilting Knitting/Crocheting 24. My Sweet Dachshund All Subjects and SOLs Dachshund Logo 25. The Dachshund Logo 26. Scout and Sheba PreZENtation 27. Sources Slide 4Uses for Voki http://www.readwritethink.org/professional- development/strategy-guides/speak-teaching-with-voki-30884.html Slide 5 Limitations for Voki http://teachbytes.com/2012/05/09/voki-create-speaking- avatars/ Slide 6 Uses for Wordle http://21centuryedtech.wordpress.com/2012/05/21/108- ways-to-use-word-clouds-in-the-classroom-word-clouds-in-education-series-part-2/