preliminary task and final product. By Josh Davey

Comparison between my preliminary task and final product

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Page 1: Comparison between my preliminary task and final product

Comparison between my preliminary task and final product.By Josh Davey

Page 2: Comparison between my preliminary task and final product

Front cover- Conventions Within the transition between creating my preliminary task and final product I have developed more skills in creating a conventional magazine cover.

The preliminary task covers very few conventions being a large masthead, and having contrasting colours, but the majority of conventions are missing. But I’ve gained better knowledge and created a more conventional magazine.

My use of images is a lot better as I’ve included an image that’s conventional of the genre, compared to my preliminary task where the images use an unconventional shot type.

Page 3: Comparison between my preliminary task and final product

Front cover- Photography and mise-en-scene

My use of photography has improved as the image on the preliminary task is very unconventional and doesn’t use a very good shot type or angle. These points have been improved dramatically in my finished product which features a very conventional low angle mid shot. Also my use of mise-en-scene has improved, as there’s no indication of the setting in my preliminary task, whereas my use of mise-en-scene has improved as the setting, props and costumes used are a lot better in my final product.

Page 4: Comparison between my preliminary task and final product

Front cover- Image editing

My image editing has improved since creating my preliminary task as I didn’t edit my image correctly, and in my finished product I edited the brightness and contrast in order to make it more conventional.

Page 5: Comparison between my preliminary task and final product

Front cover- LayoutI’ve also not included a very appealing layout in my preliminary task, yet now I’ve included a more conventional layout that uses the route of the eye better and also is more conventional because it actually appeals to the target audience that it’s aiming at.

Page 6: Comparison between my preliminary task and final product

Front cover- Fonts The fonts I used in my preliminary task were not conventional at all as they were in sans serif which didn’t appeal to the target audience, of parents of the students. Also the use of the same font throughout the whole cover on the preliminary task was not conventional or appealing at all, which has been improved on my finished product where I use multiple conventional fonts.

Page 7: Comparison between my preliminary task and final product

Front cover- Colours The colours used on my preliminary task are very basic and doesn’t flow greatly, as certain parts are hard to read. Also the colours are not very conventional of the genre so therefore doesn’t help appeal to the audience. This has been improved as my knowledge has improved in colour connotations and what they convey, so therefore my final magazine includes appealing colours that relate to the genre and appeals to the audience.

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Front cover- Mode of addressThe mode of address on my preliminary task is very simple and doesn’t make the magazine stand out to the target audience. But since then my knowledge has improved and now my final magazine cover conveys a conventional mode of address, with connotations such as aggression and violence, which create the tone that is conventional of the rock genre, and will therefore appeal to my target audience.

Page 9: Comparison between my preliminary task and final product

Contents page-Conventions My preliminary task included minimal conventions of magazines in general and magazines of that sort. Since creating this it’s helped me gain more knowledge in the importance on conventions. My final contents page now includes many conventions in areas including layout, images, colours and fonts, as it now includes colours, fonts and images that connote conventions of the genre and it includes a conventional layout involving the route of the eye.

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Contents page- Photography and mise-en-scene

My use of photography and mise-en-scene is hard to compare with my preliminary task as I didn’t take any photos for the contents page as it’s only a draft, but I’ve learnt more about where to place photos as on my draft I was planning on having three small photos, but it’s more conventional to include at least on large main image, which I have done for my final contents page.

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Contents page- LayoutThe contents page has improved dramatically in the form of layout, as my preliminary task featured a very unconventional layout with everything placed randomly with know means of appealing to any audience. This has improved in my final contents page as it now effectively appeals to the target audience with the everything easy to read, the most important items standing out the most and also the use of the route of the eye. So overall my layout knowledge has improved and allowed med to create an effective contents page.

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Contents page- Fonts and coloursFor my preliminary task I hadn’t fully decided on which fonts and colours where to be used, but since creating it, my knowledge has improved and I have not created a conventional magazine contents page with conventional use of fonts and colours.

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Contents page-Mode of address

The mode of address on my preliminary contents page is very simple, mainly because it’s only a draft, but this has been improved in my final music magazine contents page, as it has an aggressive and lively mode of address which is conventional of the genre and will therefore appeal to the target audience.