Comparison and Criticism By Elliot Tildesley

Comparison and criticism

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Comparison and Criticism

By Elliot Tildesley

Final Production Preliminary

Criticism of my Preliminary

• It is evident to see that my Preliminary could have been better – I put this down to my early lack of experience in media.

• The main image in the centre is crudely cut out of the background and placed in the centre of the page.

• The teasers around the outside of the image look out of place, with no specific order.

Compared to my final production

• The images of artists in the centre of the page, have an outer glow in order to make them stand out.

• The teasers follow an order down the left side of the page.

• The Masthead looks prominent and conventional for any genre of magazine.

What I have learnt….

• Images look better with an outer glow, as they look more at one with the page.

• Teasers need a specific order to their composition.

• Bright colours attract certain audiences – whether it be bright colours for a pop audience or for a youthful, school audience.

• Consistency with type of text across the page is important.