Commedia dell' arte Project

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  1. 1. Commedia dell'arte/Improvision Made by: Christian Camp
  2. 2. Commedia dell' arte Is an improvision form of comedy began in Italian theaters in the 16th century
  3. 3. Arlecchino Is also known as the harlequin. Is an acrobat, a trickster that wears a colored patch costume (the sign of a poor man) An example of this would be Constance Langdon, Who always steals Viven's Jewelry in AHS.
  4. 4. Columbina Is a stock character, and loves the Arlecchino. But doesnt always want him to know.
  5. 5. Innamorati Are 2 people in love with each other Their love is always obstructed in some way. An example of this in American Horror Story would probably be Tate and Violet
  6. 6. The Pantalone Is a character of a Venetian merchant who is rich, greedy, and haive An example of this would be Dandy Mott from AHS: Freak Show
  7. 7. II Capitano Is a caricature of the Professional Soldier in Italian Society He is a coward and tries to go away from all battles.
  8. 8. II Dottore Is a caricature of a Doctor. He is overweight, arrogant, ignorant, rich, retired, mean, and Miserly.
  9. 9. Brighella Is a cowardly villain, who would do anything for money. An example of this would be Stanley on AHS: Freak Show. He killed the Freaks and sold them to a museum for money.
  10. 10. Improvisation (or improv) Is acting without a pre-written script. Dont Deny! Create Conflict Listen. Make your partner look good, because it also makes you look good.