When comparing the album advert to the album there are various components that account for the recognition and link between the advert and album cover. This is in order to effectively promote the album and using unique selling points of the band. Starting with the font used both for the name of the album but also the artists’ name with subtle differences in the fill of the font with no fill on the advert and so block white fill on the actually album. The reason being for the removed white fill was to make the band name stand out more. The impact this has, with unique font has filling up the majority of space and positioned central is that the name becomes the key focal point and instantly links both advert and album together. One interesting detail is the lack of emphasis on the band itself as it is a big name and has a large following. With small font but also no images of the band members on either the advert or the album itself. The only reason I could draw from this is to put more focus on the music by limiting the star image of the band. Continuing with the actual images on the album and advert the main images are of graffiti, giving an urban look typically relating to maybe a younger audience who are closer to underground urban life making it appeal to that audience. Making a possibly more relatable album cover which both catches the eye and gives the audience a feel that the music is potentially a partial

Coldplay digi packs

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When comparing the album advert to the album there are various components that account for the recognition and link between the advert and album cover. This is in order to effectively promote the album and using unique selling points of the band. Starting with the font used both for the name of the album but also the artists’ name with subtle differences in the fill of the font with no fill on the advert and so block white fill on the actually album. The reason being for the removed white fill was to make the band name stand out more. The impact this has, with unique font has filling up the majority of space and positioned central is that the name becomes the key focal point and instantly links both advert and album together. One interesting detail is the lack of emphasis on the band itself as it is a big name and has a large following. With small font but also no images of the band members on either the advert or the album itself. The only reason I could draw from this is to put more focus on the music by limiting the star image of the band. Continuing with the actual images on the album and advert the main images are of graffiti, giving an urban look typically relating to maybe a younger audience who are closer to underground urban life making it appeal to that audience. Making a possibly more relatable album cover which both catches the eye and gives the audience a feel that the music is potentially a partial representation of themselves. This relating to the colour schemes used, with a vibrant array of colours used which clearly catches the eye with brighter more positive colours in the centre then darker streaks towards the edges. Almost using the bright colours as the core of the album. The vibrancy does reflect the genre that being pop-rock with the variation of upbeat songs and more emotional songs.

Here the advert clearly takes very distinct features from the album whilst putting greater focus on the band name. Using the same images and font acting as almost a copy of the album but with additional information. Therefore making it more recognisable.