Today’s Goals - Review the unit and share what you learned - Write basic code using blocks - Solve problems and think critically

Coding Introductory Lesson Lower Elementary

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Today’s Goals

- Review the unit and share what you learned

- Write basic code using blocks

- Solve problems and think critically

ReviewWhat have we learned in this unit?



Checking Flight Status

Are we ready for takeoff?

Two thumbs up if you think:Yes, we can we soar high today!

Programming and Computer Chips

How do robots work?

• Think Time

• Brainstorm

• Group Share/ Shout Outs

Turn and TalkDiscuss: How do robots work?

Challenge: Tell why or give an example.

You Do

Checking Flight Status

Are we ready for takeoff?

Two thumbs up if you think:Yes, we can we soar high today!



What does that word mean?

codesequencedrag and drop

Are we soaring high?

• Flight Status

• Time Check

What if I programmed you?

Program your neighbor!

• One person raise hand. You are programmer.

• Other person is robot. Only can move when told by the programmer.

• Then we’ll switch

Turn and TalkYou Do

Share one thing you learned about programming and computer chips.

Challenge: Justify your answer and give examples.

Are we STRIVING for the goal?

• Class Status for STRIVE

• Time Check

We Do

Quick ConnectHow did I program the bus?

Quick CheckHow did I program the red car?

Vocabulary what does this word mean?


I Do

a set of symbols and rules used to represent directions or instructions to a computer; a computer program

to put in a certain order

to move

a visual programming language

to keep going

Are we STRIVING for the goal?

• Class Status for STRIVE

• Time Check

We Do

Guided Practice Time

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We Do

Guided Activity: Basics of Code

Raise your hand if you are..


Ready to show me what you


Crack the Code!solve the puzzle

We Do

Model Independent Activity

• Drag blocks• Put in order• Click Run

• Reset and debug if needed

We Do

Independent Practice Time

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You Do

Wrap Up

• Exit all programs

• Review what we learned today

• Give feedback and record flight status

Partner Teach

Share the most important thing you learned today during our lesson

You Do