1. In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Chloe Read

Codes and conventions evaluation work

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  1. 1. 1. In what ways does your media product use, develop, or challenge forms and conventions of real media products? Chloe Read
  2. 2. Codes and Conventions For our genre research task, we listened to 3 radio stations: Lincs FM, BBC Radio 1 and Radio Humberside and compared specific aspects of them. Codes and conventions are the common elements of a radio station such as an ident, a jingle, a presenter, the language that presenters use. This was useful as it gave us inspiration on what the codes and conventions of our radio news broadcast would be, for example, what our jingle should sound like in relation to our radio news, how we should structure our radio broadcast, and also how the presenter should address the audience in relation to the tone/pitch of their voice. It was also useful to research these radio broadcasts as we knew we needed to include the key codes and conventions of a radio broadcast, which are a sound bed, a variety of vox pops, a sting an outside broadcast and a specialist interview.
  3. 3. Jingle Overall, the codes and conventions of each radio station were very similar, as they all have a jingle at the beginning of the show. This is important to any radio broadcast as a jingle helps to establish the genre of the radio station and what the radio station is called, and also the frequency. When researching Lincs FM, BBC Radio 1 and Radio Humberside, it was clear that all jingles were similar for the purpose of introducing the radio station and establishing the genre. They were all similar in the sense that each radio jingle used a serious tone so it was appropriate in relation to the seriousness of the news they were broadcasting.
  4. 4. Comparison Our Jingle for Waves FM This is our jingle which was created on Adobe Audition using copy right free sources. Our jingle consists of classic and contemporary music. Local Radio 2 Jingle This jingle is slightly more upbeat than ours due to possibly the content of the news stories that they have done are considerably lighter stories than what weve done and therefore there is a less serious tone National
  5. 5. Presenter Style - Comparisons Similarities Formality - Both presenters of Waves FM (Our radio news broadcast) and Lincs FM speak with formal language due to the seriousness of the news stories. Tone Both presenters speak with a low pitch voice, again, due to the seriousness of the news stories. However, when talking about a positive, light hearted story both presenters voices increase in pitch to make it sound more exciting and enthusiastic. Differences Age The age of our presenter is considerably younger than the Lincs FM presenter due to differences in the target audiences. Our target audience is 15 28 due to the genre of music we play (Indie/Rock) which is generally listened to by younger people and therefore a younger presenter seemed more relevant and appropriate whereas Lincs FM presenter is older (mid 50/60s) due to the fact they play older music such as classical and contemporary and therefore an older presenter is suited. Language Although both presenters speak with relatively formal language, the language differs slightly due to the fact that Lincs FM uses more explanatory lexis possibly due to their older target audience. Here is a preview of both Waves FM and Lincs FM. It is clear that both differ due to these reasons: LINCS FM WAVES FM
  6. 6. Comparison: News Stories Waves FM and Lincs FMs top headlining stories differ in the sense that we have used a less serious story due to our younger audience of 15-28 than Lincs FMs story as they have used a more serious, hard hitting story as they have a significantly older target audience and therefore the headlines are different due to the different audiences. For our first story, we have spoke about a new TV programme appearing on Channel 4 known as skint which is based in the Grimsby area, however Lincs FM have used a story of 2 people in court who had allegedly murdered a young woman and therefore this story is more hard-hitting than ours. Here are both radios headlining stories. LINCS FMWAVES FM
  7. 7. Comparison: News Stories - Both Lincs FMs and our radio news broadcast Waves FM stories both compare in the sense that Waves FM is based in a small, local area (Grimsby) and Lincs FM is broadcasted regionally and therefore their stories are going to cover a larger area scale hence they are less likely to broadcast a headline story on the TV programme skint being based in Grimsby as it is less relevant to the area they are based in which is the whole of Lincolnshire.
  8. 8. Comparison: News Stories