Codes and conventions

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Page 1: Codes and conventions


Page 2: Codes and conventions


Barcode and pricing kept small and out of the way of the more visually stimulating content

Main title (Masthead) is clearly present yet hidden behind the central image as the repeat buyers are well aware of which magazine this is. There is no need for entire clarityDirect mode of

address. The artist is making a personal connection with the audience (uses and gratification theory)

Sell lines such as ‘Disturbed, causing chaos down under’, encourage buyers as it offers a piece of content perhaps attractive to an individual and appeals to peoples tastes and preferencesThe general prospect of

freebees is extremely appealing to customers and gives the impression that you will be receiving far more than your moneys worth

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Rock SoundPredominant colour scheme of pinks, purples and generally feminine, girly tones helps the magazine reach out to a female audience.

Once again there is a clear example of an artist audience relationship being created by direct eye to eye contact. (direct mode of address

Although the main image of Hayley Williams does not represent a typically beautiful, media perfected princess, it does show a person null of all blemishes. Such representation conforms with theories put forward by Kilbourne regarding the false representation of women within media.

As well as offering a series of freebees such as cd’s posters and stickers, the magazine also offers up the prospect of winning a grand prize (guitar)

Defies Fredrickson and Roberts theory of objectification as the female character is shown to be a Tomboy and she has chosen not to be plastered in makeup nor is she revealing and parts of her body notably

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Metal HammerClear blue and black colour scheme more driven toward male attraction no clear feminine touches to the overall layout

Masthead incorporated into the temporarily adjusted colour scheme to fit in better with the overall appearance of the page

The sell line ‘The road ahead…is metal dying’ injects a dramatic theme to this issue and provides audiences with something worth investigating. By asking questions, it infers that inside you will find all of the answers, for buyers this may be an exciting prospect and in turn a useful pull factor

Direct mode of address. The artist is almost reaching out to the potential buyer and reader as well as the ordinary eye to eye contact. The direct mode of address falls into the uses and gratification theory

The barcode and pricing is central to the image and therefore in keeping with the ordered and symmetrical nature of this particular issue

The broad nature of the featured bands list helps the magazine to reach out and entice audiences of all kinds. As a result of this it will increase its potential market and in turn sell more issues

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QThe main colour of red often associated with Q magazine is enforced in both the logo and the featured quotations + band titles Generally masculine colours help guide the magazine to a target audience and suggest who it may most aimed at

A freebee is combined with an exclusive to essentially form a doubly effective pull to the magazine. The reader will receive an entirely cost free Foo Fighters album and furthermore, the album is unreleased and exclusive to this magazine.

The barcode and pricing are almost incorporated into the list of features in perhaps and attempt to altogether disguise it presence. As a whole item, the cover has very little in the way of empty white space and blank spots yet refrains from looking messy or busy at all.

Formal font throughout may indicate the characteristics most associated with the target audience. From this we can deduce the idea that this is a music magazine solely aimed at the adult population and serious enthusiasts not a mildly interested individual.

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NME‘Exclusive’ features in one sell line regarding a new band line-up. This encourages the idea of exclusivity within this piece of media. Only in this magazine will you find this information

Predominantly red, white and yellow colour scheme. Genderless colours to a degree, however this front cover features a male figure (Gauntlett’s representation theory)

Small and discreet barcode and price. Kept in an orderly fashion in correspondence to the formality of the overall arrangement

The word ‘Revealed’ is relatively enticing even without further description. Adding to this encouragement of purchase, the small bubble to the left of the primary sell line read, ‘AS CHOSEN BY YOU’. This creates a personal relativity and informs the reader that its their say being taken into account and they have essentially played a part in the composition of this individual issue of NME

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NME Clear continuation of brand promotion in top banner. The logo is reinforced on the page

The content is listed with formal and bold titles for each page. Furthermore each set of pages in put into a series of categories such as REVIEWS, NEWS…

This page has also been used to advertise the products commercial value. It displays an offer which may be attractive to potential chain buyers

This particular contents page has a feature seemingly unique to NME magazine. Its band index allows the reader to locate sections of the magazine most relevant to their tastes and interests. This feature also displays how vast and diverse the contents actually are

The main article of this issue is advertised using a large visually attractive image located centrally to the page. This draws attention to the primary feature and in turn audience interest

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QBrand and colour scheme reinforcement on the contents page for further expression of the themeStrong use of images to help make the page more visually stimulating and enjoyable to browse Left side lists artists feature in a formal fashionQ has an interesting and unique section entitled the ‘Regulars’. This helps build a sense of familiarity between the magazine and it’s readers. It shows that most readers will know what to expect from this area of the magazine.The images are all connected to certain articles within the magazine. This helps to attract people to each of these sections

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Rock Sound

Rock Sound magazine have employed an extremely simplistic approach when considering the design of this contents page. There is only one main image of the most featured artist with a short relative quotation. Approximately one quarter of the page is taken up by the simple and seemingly plain list of features. Only the most important areas are listed in the contents with the featured bands name written in a bold white font above the brief descriptions of what else is in there.

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Metal HammerMetal Hammer have chosen to try and fit as much as possible onto their contents page for this particular issue.

The white black and red colour scheme has been followed through into this page from the front cover and helps keep a formal theme throughout.

This page has also been used to advertise upcoming events and shows the page number at which more detail is awaiting the readers.

This page features a variety of images covering a wide span of artists.

These images help with the general visuals of the page and make it far more attractive the potential readers.

Furthermore, all of the images display direct mode of address. This helps to build personal relationships between the reader and the

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Kerrang Direct mode of address build personal relationship between the musical artist and the reader

The content is listed with formal and bold titles for each page. Furthermore each set of pages in put into a series of categories such as REVIEWS, NEWS

This page has also been used to advertise the products commercial value. It displays an offer which may be attractive to potential chain buyers

The main article of this issue is advertised using a large visually attractive image located at the top of the page. This draws attention to the primary feature and in turn audience interest

Predominantly black, white and yellow colour scheme. Genderless colours to a degree, however this contents page features a male figure (Gauntlett’s representation theory)

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KerrangThe artist is making direct eye contact and therefore creating a connection with the reader. This page is extremely stylish and consists of a predominantly neutral white colour scheme with smaller bursts of vibrant colour to maintain attraction. The large text box containing capital letters and exclamation marks is particularly eye catching a potential pull factor for the browsing reader and in turn increases the appealing nature of the page

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Despite the substantial amount of text on these two pages, they are manageable due to the good arrangement of each paragraph. By organising it two look like many different micro articles, the designer had reduced how overwhelming the pages may appear at first glance significantly. Furthermore, there are eleven individual images spread out over both pages. These images add great visual appeal to the article and help to further dissect it. A quotation at the top makes it clear that this a memorial article which may reach out to the sensitive side of the fans and encourage them to read it out of respect if anything.

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RockSoundDark red and black colour scheme matches the gothic nature of the magazine and perhaps more importantly the bands styling. The arrangement has ensured that neither character is strongly affected by the crease down the centre of the page. Mysterious direct mode of address enables the artists to connect with the fans / readers and encourages them to read the article. A quotation in the center of the main article almost breaks the text into two more manageable extracts and therefore it seems far nicer to read. This quotation may also appeal to readers sense of humour

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NMEMain feature of the body (face) is positioned on one side of the page split to ensure no imagery is spoilt by a crease. Furthermore there is clear use of direct mode of address which helps to create a relationship between the celebrity and the ordinary reader.Simple black and white colour scheme and font imitate the style often associated with the punk genre perhaps in harmony with this articles general theme. Casual and relatable styling make this page more appealing to audiences not interested in formal detail.

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QRepresentation Theory (Wolf) Women being shown as sexual objects. Eye catching 50% photo spread catches the audiences attention. Direct mode of address makes this an extremely personal image. Large bright ‘L’ stands out in a stylish and bold fashion. Kilbourne’s theory of female media representation is ideal for highlighting Lady Gaga’s seemingly perfect blemish-less skin and generally faultless appearance. No unnecessary page fold makes the article easy to read and ensures it is smart.