CLIPFLAIR Foreign Language Learning Through Interactive Revoicing and Captioning of Clips LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME - KEY ACTIVITY 2 LANGUAGES, MULTILATERAL PROJECT 519085-LLP-1-2011-1-ES-KA2-KA2MP D6.5 Summative Evaluation Report WP No. WP6 WP Title Quality Assurance and Evaluation Activity description The summative evaluation report presents the final results of the project, assessing its overall evolution. It considers the totality and legacy of the project, its overall success and failures, the results of its transnational application and its final deliverables and dissemination. Authors Josélia Neves (IPLeiria – External evaluator) Reviewers Status (D: draft; RD: revised draft; F: final) F File Name D6.5.SummativEvaluationReport.doc Date July-2014 July-2014 Page | 1

ClipFlair Evaluation Report - July 2014

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CLIPFLAIR Foreign Language Learning Through Interactive Revoicing and Captioning of Clips



D6.5 Summative Evaluation Report

WP No. WP6

WP Title Quality Assurance and Evaluation

Activity description The summative evaluation report presents the final results of the project, assessing its overall evolution. It considers the totality and legacy of the project, its overall success and failures, the results of its transnational application and its final deliverables and dissemination.

Authors Josélia Neves (IPLeiria – External evaluator)


Status (D: draft; RD: revised draft; F: final) F

File Name D6.5.SummativEvaluationReport.doc

Date July-2014

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The aim of the summative evaluation report is to present the final results of the project, assessing its overall evolution. It will consider the totality and legacy of the project, its overall success and failures, the results of its transnational application and its final deliverables and dissemination. It will present the outcomes of the application of the evaluation plan and the assessment of the final products, services and educational material, including results of their pilot use. It will also list the project’s affordances and provide pointers for its afterlife and possible suggestions for further developments in new projects.

Table of Contents 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 3

2 The ClipFlair Project ............................................................................................ 4

2.1 Aims and objectives ............................................................................................................ 4 2.2 Methodology for the analyses of the main components ................................................. 4

2.3 Organizational / Project development issues ................................................................... 5

2.4 Language learning through revoicing and captioning ..................................................... 7

2.4.1 Conceptual Framework and Pedagogical Methodology................................................ 7

2.4.2 Revoicing and captioning activities ............................................................................... 9 2.5 Web platform development and design ........................................................................... 10

2.5.1 Storage and management of materials (Libraries for clips, activities and effective metadata management): ............................................................................................................... 11

2.5.2 Authoring tools for the development of activities: ........................................................ 12

2.5.3 Activities for students / user experience: ..................................................................... 13

2.5.4 Interaction, integration and Social platform(s) ............................................................. 13

2.5.5 Outstanding issues: ..................................................................................................... 14

3 Final remarks and Project affordances .............................................................. 16

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1 Introduction The Summative Evaluation Report of the Foreign Language Learning Through Interactive Revoicing and Captioning of Clips (ClipFlair) project, addressed as

D6.5, aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of the Project’s overall evolution.

As envisaged in the initial proposal, this report is to consider the totality and legacy of

the project, its overall success and failures, the results of its transnational application

and its final deliverables and dissemination. It is also to present the outcomes of the

application of the evaluation plan and the assessment of the final products, services

and educational material, including the results of their pilot use. In addition to the

aims provided in the initial proposal, and given the project’s outcomes, it seems

appropriate to list the project’s affordances and provide pointers for its afterlife and

possible suggestions for development in further projects.

The considerations presented in this report are based on:

• thorough analyses of each work package’s (WP) outcomes – deliverables – in reference to the objectives initially presented;

• direct contact with the online language learning activities, both as a user and as an author;

• practical use of online learning activities with students;

• participation in meetings;

• continuous access to the partners’ communication/interaction on the virtual workspace;

• informal exchanges with project coordinator, partners and participants.

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2 The ClipFlair Project

2.1 Aims and objectives

The ClipFlair project took up from a previous project, the Learning Via Subtitling

(LeViS) project, and set out to address: (a) the insufficient quantity of online

educational materials for lesser used languages and their promotion; (b) the need for

new educational tools and ideas for foreign language learning; (c) the stagnancy of

research for new methodologies in FLL; and (d) the little awareness of accessibility

issues when it comes to audiovisuals and FLL.

The objectives of the project are to:

• establish a methodological framework for FLL through the interaction of text

(written and spoken), image (still or moving) and sound;

• develop educational materials for FL learning by covering the four skills

(reading, listening, writing and speaking) and reinforcing cultural awareness.

These materials include: (a) a web platform containing the user interface in 15

languages, (b) the library of resources (audiovisual files or clips), i.e.

audiovisuals with activities for all CEFR levels of the target languages,

accompanied by (c) corresponding lesson plans as well as (d) metadata and

(e) guidelines for activity creation and evaluation criteria. Instructors will have

the option to create their own activities or use the ones already implemented;

• create a web community, with the use of appropriate web 2.0 tools that will

give learners and instructors the opportunity to cooperate with other users and

provide their own input to the process. The social-networking aspect will be

the prevailing key factor;

• disseminate and exploit the project products.

2.2 Methodology for the analyses of the main components

A general overview of the ClipFlair project, formally organized into 8 distinct work

packages, may be addressed within three major areas: (a) the organizational /

project development issues (WP1, WP6, WP7 and WP8); (b) pedagogical issues of

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language learning through revoicing and captioning (WP2, WP4 and WP5); and web

platform design and development (WP3). These three areas, and the work packages

they comprise, are not self-contained and are closely interconnected and therefore

have a high impact on each other. This division into three main areas serves the

purpose of simplifying this report that will inevitably direct readers towards specific

and detailed reports written up by various stakeholders within the different work

packages and will make direct reference to the deliverables that were produced

throughout the project. This will require that this report be read in conjunction with, or

after, that of other deliverables.

2.3 Organizational / Project development issues

A major element for the success of the ClipFlair project is to be found in its

organizational / project development strategies. The Combined Management (Project

Coordinator and Local Coordinators) approach adopted proved to be highly effective,

thanks to a strong leadership of the project leaders – Patrick Zabalbeascoa,

Stavroula Sokoli and Carmen Pérez Vidal –, on behalf of the coordinating institution,

who undertook the overall management of the project, covering administrative

issues, monitoring the global progress of the project and the coordination of the

partner activities and the commitment of the partners who led the various work packages. This shared responsibility guaranteed greater commitment on behalf of

all those involved, even if it put extra pressure on the project leaders who had to

coordinate the work of sub-groups within the main project and had to ensure that all

those involved where on track in their assigned tasks, working out remedial

strategies (with the WP coordinators) whenever needed.

Coordination and communication between partners was eased by the setting up of

the Redmine online virtual workspace (http://colsrv.cti.gr/) that proved to be an

important tool for all. The virtual workspace served to centralise and organise that

whole process and proved vital for monitoring the groups’ activities. It can also be

addressed as an important element for the evaluation of the whole project in that it

has a detailed register of all the activities and the routes that were followed to solve

the problems that came to be in the development of the different WPs. This

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management tool also speaks of the open and honest way in which all aspects of the

project – achievements and shortcomings – can be accounted for, on behalf of each

person involved, and the coordinating team, in particular. An overview of the

discussion threads in the forum (http://colsrv.cti.gr/projects/ClipFlair/boards) is

revealing of the intense discussion that took place throughout the project’s

development and the documents that are posted in the “Documents” folder

(http://colsrv.cti.gr/projects/ClipFlair/documents) provides further evidence of the academic and technical quality of the ClipFlair project.

Another evidence of the effectiveness of the organizational approach is the way the

four project meetings developed (see meeting reports D1.3a, D1.2b, D1.2c and

D1.2d). Project meetings proved to be effective thanks to clear agendas, partner’s contributions with thorough preparatory work and the open debate of ideas.

These meetings also allowed for the project partners to know each other better, thus

making interaction easier when working on-line and at a distance.

Quality assurance and evaluation was carried out by all the participants (WP

leaders, web developers, activity authors, teachers and students) and in particular by

the internal evaluators. See D6.1, D6.2, D6.3, D6.4, as well as D5.1a, D5.1b for

detailed accounts of different aspects of the project. It needs to be noted that reports are all very self-critical and show a clear notion of the project’s limitations. These

are always followed by proposals for improvement, which demonstrate the

constructive and pedagogical approach taken to monitoring, accessing and reporting.

Dissemination (WP7) was carefully planned and consistently carried out by all

the partners and by the work package coordinators (UCL). It is believed that the

ClipFlair project is now widely known – in European and non-European contexts –

and the platforms for dissemination that have been created – leaflets and posters, as

well as social media, such as Facebook, and the Project’s webpage, will continue to

make the project known to many more.

A special reference needs to be made to the final conference, which took place in

Barcelona, 18-19 June, and served as an important forum for dissemination,

evaluation of the Project’s impact and possible ways forward. A reading of D7.5

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provides ample insight into the richness of this specific event and its impact on all

those who took part.

Still within the Project Management work package, Exploitation (WP8) was carefully

planned and carried out throughout the Project. It is, however, believed that the

Project’s outcomes will be further exploited, now that the Project is complete. The

potential that lies within the ClipFlair deliverables, highlighted at various points

below, may be seen as one of the Project’s affordances.

Other issues pertaining to the operational management of ClipFlair, such as its

financial administration, were not analysed, once they are considered beyond the

scope of this report.

In short, it may be concluded that the collaborative approach and the organizational

plan, carried out in continuous and sometimes concurrent and intersecting cycles –

planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating – within each WP, and throughout

the ClipFlair project as a whole, was effective and allowed every element to fall into

place within the greater whole and to contribute towards the success of the collective


2.4 Language learning through revoicing and captioning

2.4.1 Conceptual Framework and Pedagogical Methodology

One of the main deliverables of the ClipFlair project is the Conceptual Framework and Pedagogical Methodology (D2.1) given that it is structural to all the work

carried out in the main (productive) work packages (WP3 and 4 and indirectly in

WP5). It sets the guidelines for the core business of the ClipFlair project: (foreign)

language learning through revoicing and captioning.

The intense debate over the project’s conceptual premises – which took place in

various discussion threads on the Redmine platform and, in particular, during the 2nd

project meeting in Tallinn – allowed for the development of a document that will

certainly become a reference in fields such as Foreign Language Teaching and of Audiovisual Translation. It will certainly be a “legacy of the project” (D2.1 p.2)

that will feed into numerous new (academic and practical) projects.

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As happens with other theoretical proposals, ClipFlair’s conceptual framework is

questionable and open to rewriting. This is particularly true in this case in that some

fairly set concepts from different fields – that of audiovisual translation and of (foreign

language learning, for instance) are being challenged when bringing together

domains that normally do not feed into each other. In fact, the novelty of the ClipFlair

framework proposal is its attempt to merge notions that up until now, were never

seen in conjunction. This has brought to the fore gaps in the distinct underlying


Evidences of such challenges may be seen, for instance, in the introduction of the

notion of “voice-on”, an AVT type that is seldom seen as different from voice-over; or

the enlargement of the 4 skill division in the Common European Framework to cater

for the audiovisual context that would better be accounted for through six skills.

The interesting list of descriptors, used in the Activity Description Form (D2.1, section

2.8.2), speaks of the thorough and systematic way in which this innovative learning

scenario (learning languages through revoicing and captioning activities) allowed for

further thinking about language learning materials and pedagogic approaches. The descriptors that have been used for ClipFlair may well be incorporated into language learning in general and possibly in other learning scenarios.

An issue that comes to the fore throughout the whole project, and that is particularly

evident in D2.1 is the amplitude of what is being truly addressed (in conceptual

terms), which opens various avenues for replicability and further development. Even though the ClipFlair project is all about Foreign Language Learning, its principles, methodological approach and technical affordances make it a sound framework for language learning in general; the development of creative writing and of linguistic and artistic skills (such as script writing, or the development of multimodal/audiovisual materials); or for the learning of audiovisual translation in general.

In addition, part 2 of D2.1 – Concepts and Terms. Terminology and Definition of Terms, might in itself de addressed as a deliverable in its own right, to be seen and used outside and beyond the ClipFlair project, with affordances that are still

to be established. This list of concepts might still be enriched with a closer look at the

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implications of intersemiotic translation (as happens with audio description, a

language transfer type that is widely used in the actual activities (WP4), but that is

not sufficiently rationalised in the conceptual rationale).

In short, WP2 will necessarily be seen as the solid corner stone on which the

ClipFlair project was developed and perhaps that of many other projects to come.

2.4.2 Revoicing and captioning activities

In the initial proposal, the ClipFlair Project set out to develop 317 language learning

activities for 15 languages, through the work of 42 teachers, from partner institutions.

At the date of this report, the count was 370 activities, for 15 languages, resulting

from the work of 36 authors. These figures are understated given that some

activities unfold into multiple possibilities, either because they are not language

bound or are open to follow-up activities. It needs also to be mentioned that the

activity development team grew in the project’s lifespan, thanks to the active

involvement and contribution of people who were not initially part of the consortium.

These contributions were very enriching and are a promising spin-off of a project that

has come to be of interest to many linguists and teachers beyond the actual project

partners. Authorship and usage issues The ClipFlair consortium brought together “domain experts”, with relevant experience

in foreign language teaching and in audiovisual translation to work within the set

languages and to develop the revoicing and captioning activities. The diversity of

backgrounds, experiences, cultural backgrounds, personal and contextual

circumstances made the project all the richer, but equally more difficult to manage.

Here again, the strong leadership of the coordinating team, the solid conceptual

premises, and clear and well-structured activity templates and guidelines made it

possible to find common ground on which to build the various activities. Issues such

as the selection of (audiovisual) materials, pedagogical traditions and preconceptions

and the perception of copyright, for instance led to heated but fruitful discussions that

will inevitably feed into the personal and national practice of the different partners.

The existence (or non-existence) of previous technical experience and competencies

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(for instance, with online authoring tools and multimedia/AVT activities) also proved

to be both a challenge and an asset to the development of new activities. Here too,

close collaboration between partners, through the workspace and direct contact)

showed how communities of practice can be healthy and productive. While stronger

partners pushed the project forward and helped the less experienced ones to

progress; the weaker, or less experienced partners put the authoring process to the

test and helped the IT developers to improve usability and to find ways to make the

whole authoring process more user friendly and effective.

It is firmly believed that the pedagogical quality and efficacy of the various activities

proposed has been safeguarded, through the actual authoring process, and mainly

through the piloting and peer review system (see D5.1a and D51.b, and the online

feedback in http://social.ClipFlair.net/). Now that the ClipFlair project comes to an

end, having clearly achieved its aims, all the materials that were developed are open

to further assessment and scrutiny (from new and different angles). The fact that the

activities can be used for other purposes than those proposed by ClipFlair, makes

them excellent ground for new projects and lines of research to be exploited in the


2.5 Web platform development and design

The analysis of the ClipFlair web platform could have easily been incorporated in the

previous section, given its close relationship with the Project’s central object – online

FLL revoicing and captioning activities. However, the work that was put into the

development of the tools made available in ClipFlair Studio, in particular, the site’s

overall layout and interface and its usability and accessibility features, makes it

deserving of specific considerations.

The development and design of the ClipFlair platform was addressed in WP3 and

was carried out by ICT and Educational Technology Experts from CTI – Research

Academic Computer Technology Institute (Partner 2 in proposal). The CTI team –

and Vasilis Delis, Thanasis Hadzilacos and George Birbilis, in particular, – worked in

close collaboration with the ClipFlair coordinators and various WP leaders in a

continuous effort to develop a platform and tools that would comply with the

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requirements of quite distinct (and highly demanding) needs. Such needs may be

summarised into 4 main areas: (1) storage and management of materials (Libraries

for clips, activities and effective metadata management); (2) authoring tools for the

development of activities; (3) activities for students; and (4) social space (blogs,


Bringing these different fields together to good effect – Audiovisual Translation,

Foreign Language Teaching/Learning and Web design and development – will have

required great efforts and may be one of the high notes of the ClipFlair Project, proving that multi-disciplinarity will lead to innovation. Before further considerations

it needs to be noted that the outcome of WP3 is essentially due to the CTI team’s

profound understanding of the Conceptual Framework and Pedagogical Methodology layout, provided in D2.1, the constant dialogue between all those involved in the Project and, above all, the team’s technical competence and their

will to find the best solutions possible, even if that meant redoing things and taking

experiments to the limit.

Careful planning (D3.1), consistent development (D3.3a D3.3b and D3.3c), continual

piloting (D5.1a and D5.1b) and the various quality assurance (formal and informal)

mechanisms made the final outcome possible.

A few notes on specific issues pertaining to the main development areas need to be


2.5.1 Storage and management of materials (Libraries for clips, activities and effective metadata management):

The simple and objective listing that is now available both for activity authors and

users is the result of an excellent approach to tagging and management of metadata.

By implementing the categorization proposal set forward in the Conceptual

Framework (D2.1a and b), and by fine tuning it in the process, the system responds

to the data provided by authors in the descriptive data input forms and provides

sufficient information to users in general.

A down side to the tagging process, which is in itself an asset as far as quality

assurance goes, is the (human) mediated process of feeding the system. The fact

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that the data provided by the activity authors has to go through an IT person before

becoming available online might be seen as an annoying step to authors and may be

questionable in the project’s afterlife; however, it is definitely the best way for the

Project to have control over its content.

2.5.2 Authoring tools for the development of activities:

The long and complex process that led to the present state of the activity

“playground” (activity development suite), minutely described in D3.1 System

Specification and Design Document, resonates of the difficulty of arriving at a

solution which is effective for the purpose (creating comprehensive multimodal

language learning packages); easy to use and intuitive; flexible enough to

incorporate very diverse activities and languages; and responsive. The use of

Microsoft Silverlight contributed significantly to the ClipFlair’s application’s outcome,

even if it could still be further improved (as happens with any new product).

The ClipFlair Studio was carefully shaped with “high level design features” to serve

the purpose of foreign language learning through captioning and revoicing,

guaranteeing easy manipulation of technical features, such as manipulating film; that

would be easily integrated with back office features, such as creating clip and activity

libraries; and that would easily interact with social media.

The user experience design underlying the whole project catered for user-friendly

interfaces for different users, among which authors, teachers and learners with

different profiles (as specified in 2.3 of D2.1).

Despite the great effort to make the activity development suite easy-to-use, less

technical savvy authors, may still find the authoring process confusing, even after

reading the detailed User Manual and Tutorial (D3.2) and watching the online

materials – tutorial activity, video tutorial, manual, FAQ, hints and tips – in the Social

webspace (http://social.ClipFlair.net/). Despite the hitches that might still be found

and the fact that creating activities is a time consuming (and still complex) process,

as happens with the development of any kind of teaching material, the ClipFlair

Studio may be seen as the only (open) online resource development suite that

serves the purpose of creating multimodal language learning activities. If one is to

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compare ClipFlair Studio to similar products (see 6.1. of D.1), it is clear that, here,

major steps have been taken towards the achievement of a fully integrated activity

development suite, that may well be used for purposes other than foreign language


2.5.3 Activities for students / user experience:

Counterbalancing the stressful process of creating effective learning activities, the

actual use (by teachers and students) of the materials produced prove that the paths

taken have been successful. The reports on the pilot use (D5.1 and D5.2) show how

students react to the activities and provide interesting feedback for improvement.

Here as with the rest of the project, the Conceptual framework and pedagogical

methodology resonates. Learners take an “active role”, in “unique and individual

learning processes” and learn from doing in what appears to be an “engaging and

attractive work space”. This engagement becomes all the more evident when

learners become authors and they too start contributing towards project with new

activities. The collaborative nature and the potential for further development is

highlighted in this ongoing process.

2.5.4 Interaction, integration and Social platform(s)

Given the Project’s collaborative nature – involving project partners from very

different parts and a large and diverse “community” of ClipFlairers (beyond the

stakeholders), special care was put into making the Project accessible to all through

the use of mainstream Web 2.0 social media. This meant finding ways to integrate

the Project with existing platforms (such as youtube, from which video clips were

sometimes taken) and using the tools that people in general are already familiar with.

The Redmine workspace proved itself very useful for Project management, but The

Clipflair tailored social platform – http://social.ClipFlair.net/– (with its forums, blogs

and groups) played an important role in dissemination, collecting valuable feedback

and keeping momentum for a whole community of practice that came together

through it. It needs also to be highlighted that the Project has a strong widespread

presence in non-specific social media and is widely disseminated on facebook,

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twitter, youtube, and through other mainstream tools. Its virtual presence can easily

be verified through regular web search engines.

2.5.5 Outstanding issues:

It is clear that the ClipFlair Studio is a very successful and sound result of the ClipFlair Project and that it withholds enormous potential for further developments. There is, however, an issue that was not considered in this Project

and that might be seen as a follow-up: web accessibility.

ClipFlair activities have an enormous potential for inclusive education. Its ingredients

– multimedia materials, multimodal communication solutions, online development,

“for all” approach to language learning and learner centred approach – will certainly

be appreciated by teachers working with Special Education and by learners with

special needs (particularly those with sensory impairment). However, the ClipFlair

Studio cannot be used by people with visual impairment. The Web design that was

followed is visio-centric in what will have been an effort to make the application

intuitive and easy-to-use. No alternative (verbal) components that might be read by

screen readers makes it totally inaccessible to a wide range of users (including

sighted persons whose learning modes are not visual).

As it stands, the ClipFlair Studio does not comply with the W3C

(WCAG1.0/WCAG2.0) criteria for accessible sites. Some of the pointers might still be

introduced, but in order to make a truly accessible platform, structural changes would

need to be made (something to be looked into should the Project have further


The main accessibility issues to be found with the present format are: a lack of

headings, no ALT-text in links and menus; no links to jump information blocks;

page’s main language is not identified; various CSS errors (mainly tables); the use of

Javascript; inadequate text formatting and poor colour contrast. In short, the whole

webpage is non-accessible and non-responsive.

These comments on accessibility issues should be simply addressed as food for

thought and a stimuli for future developments. They do not detract from the value

and quality of all that has been done.

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It needs to be said, however, that, despite the fact that the platform does not comply

with W3C guidelines, ClipFlair still manages to achieve its wish to cater for the needs

of people with disabilities, as stated in the proposal. The materials that are

developed, particularly those with captioning (useful as subtitling for the deaf and the

hard of hearing) and with audio description (useful for people with vision impairment),

are valuable assets not only for language learning but also for offering people with sensory impairment access to audiovisual materials. Another indirect effect

will derive from the impact that creating accessible materials will have on participants

at large. For instance, all the students who come across activities with audio

description (some of which explicitly stating issues pertaining to disability) will have

been offered an opportunity to think about disability and accessibility issues; topics which are seldom addressed in traditional mainstream educational settings.

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3 Final remarks and Project affordances If one more comment needs to be done to the ClipFlair Project it will be to reinforce

the highly critical self-assessment and tight quality assurance strategies that were

implemented throughout the whole process. Any criticism that might be set forward

by an external evaluator will have already been pointed out by those involved in the

development of the different work packages (in a number of deliverables) and will

have been amply analysed in search of adequate solutions. A positive and

constructivist approach to shortcomings has turned crisis points into productive

opportunities and has helped to limit what will always be an ambitious and

challenging Project.

To sum up, the most striking aspects of the Foreign Language Learning Through Interactive Revoicing and Captioning of Clips (ClipFlair) project may be listed

(in no particular order of importance) in the following way:

• an example of how collaborative networking and well organised communities

of practice can make diversity an asset;

• a strong promoter of linguistic and cultural understanding between widely used

and lesser known languages and cultures;

• a project that is promoting an expanding community (beyond the partners) –

involving teachers and learners (within and beyond Europe), who are

becoming authors and critical thinkers in different (linguistic, educational and

technical) domains;

• a solid online platform that may be changed and improved to cater for the

needs of different users and with potential for other uses beyond Foreign

Language Learning;

• a versatile and challenging conceptual framework that can feed into theoretical

thinking and that can be applied to other fields and domains;

• an open online activity based learning concept that could be useful for the

teaching/learning of other subjects (eg. maths, physics, history), that can be

an efficient learning tool for students who “learn by doing” and with great

potential for special education;

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• a collaborative organizational model that is based on solid ethical principles;

• A project with ample opportunities for a long, rich and diverse afterlife.

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