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Classical conditioning notes

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  • 1. Chapter 6 Classical Conditioning Notes

2. Ivan Pavlov Rings a Bell Conducted an experiment to see if he could get dogs to salivate in response to any stimulus (something that produces a reaction) that he chose. He rang a bell seconds before giving the dogs food and repeated this several times Then he rang the bell, but did not give the dogs food afterward The dogs still salivated in response to the bell 3. Letters of Learning Unconditioned stimulus (US)- stimulus that causes a response that is automatic or not learned The dog food Unconditioned response (UR)- automatic response Salivating for the dog food 4. Letters of Learning Conditioned stimulus (CS)- stimulus that is repeatedly associated with the unconditioned stimulus Bell Conditioned response (CR)- learned response to a stimulus that was previously meaningless Salivating when they hear the bell ring 5. Applications of Classical Conditioning Taste aversion- a learned avoidance of a particular food Example: if you have ever gotten food poisoning and then could not eat that kind of food for a long time? Extinction- when the conditioned stimulus is disconnected from the unconditioned stimulus Example: if Pavlov keeps ringing the bell, but stops giving the dogs food, they will stop salivating when the bell rings Spontaneous recovery- the reappearance, after a pause, of an extinguished conditioned response 6. Applications of Classical Conditioning Generalization- responding in the same ways to stimuli that seem to be similar Example: the dogs may salivate when they hear a chime Discrimination- responding differently to stimuli that arent similar to each other 7. Applications to help change behavior Flooding- exposing a person to the stimulus until the fear is gone Systematic desensitization- taking baby steps to rid a person of a fear Counter-conditioning- pleasant stimulus is repeatedly paired with a fearful one