Español 1, 2, 2H Etowah High School 2011-12 Profe Frantz

Class procedures 2011 12

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Español 1, 2, 2H

Etowah High School 2011-12

Profe Frantz


Welcome to the class!

Instrucciones y Procedimientos de la clase de español

These are the class procedures for Spanish 1, Spanish 2, and Spanish 2 Honors 2011-2012

¿? ¿Qué hago yo cuando necesito

hablar con la profe?

What do I do when I need to speak

with Profe Frantz?

Email: [email protected]

Planning: 3rd period

Voicemail Extension: 525

Instrucción #1Deben estar en sus asientos con la tarea, la

agenda, el lápiz y la pluma afuera y listos y

todo lo demas guardado cuando la maestra

empieza la clase.

Please be in your seats with your

homework, agenda, pencil and pen out and

ready and everything else put away when

Profe Frantz begins the class.

Empezamos con un “diario” en la

pizarra. Empieza a escribir el diario


We begin the class with a “diario”

on the board, begin to write the

diario immediately.

Continua con tu diario y no teacerques a la profe hasta quetermine con su trabajo necesario. (Usualmente 2 minutos)

Continue with your diario and do not come to speak with Profe Frantz until she has finished with her necessary tasks (attendance, etc.) –this may take about 2 minutes.

Al regresar después de estar

ausente: busca el calendario de la

clase en la computadora.

When returning after an absence,

check out the class calendar on the

class website - you may use our

class computer. Then, see me if you

have any questions or concerns.

Sigan las instrucciones la PRIMERA

vez que son dadas.

Follow instructions the FIRST time

they are given.

Traten a cada persona en este

salón con respeto y dignidad.


Treat every person in this room

with respect and dignity.

NO BULLYING – never ever ever!


No complaining!!

Continua trabajando hasta que

la profe termine la clase.

Continue working until Profe

Frantz ends the class.

Pongan las tareas en la caja

enfrente de la clase.

Put completed assignments

in the tray in the front of

the classroom.

¡Reciclen todo que puedan!

Recycle everything that you


I need to use the restroom?

Please wait for a time when it is not a disruption, write in your agenda where you are going and the time, then discreetly raise your hand so that I can see what you need. I will come to you, initial your pass, and then you may leave.

I’m hungry?

You may bring light snacks, such as crackers or trail mix, and water to class. Of course, items that look like lunch should be eaten at lunch time. Light snacks and water that do not cause disruption are a better choice for class time. Please be sure to clean up after yourself and keep water bottles in your backpack or on the floor.

What if I arrive


You must have a

pass to enter the

class after the late


Enter the class and

sit quietly. I will

come to you and

pick up your pass

when there is a

break in what we

are doing.

I’m not feeling well? Can I sleep?

If you are not feeling well, please let me know. It is best that you let your parent(s) know as well, so I will write you a pass to the attendance office where you may call your mom or dad. You may not sleep in class. Sleeping is only for when you are at home.

What if I need extra help?

Then I will help you!

Let me know as soon as you think you might need help.

You can schedule a help session with me or with a member of the National Spanish Honor Society. Don’t be afraid to ask! That is what we are here for!

Remember to always check my website first!

There you will find:

All assignments

All handouts

Links to practice sites and pop culture sites

Test and quiz announcements

A link to my email address

A link to our syllabus

A link to the Family Grade Portal to check

your grades

1. Where should I be when the late bell rings?

2. What do I do if I need to use the restroom?

3. What do I do when I return from an absence?

4. May I have food in class?

5. May I have a sandwich and fries in class?

6. What can I drink in the classroom?

7. Where should I keep my drink?

8. What if I need another copy of a handout?

9. What should I do if I’m not feeling well?

10. What may I never, ever, ever do in this class?