English classes Complete with there is or there are. 1.- ____________ two light bulbs under the table. 2.- ____________ a dog in the box. 3.- ____________ two cups on the table. 4.- ____________ a mop under the table. 5.- ____________ a broom next to the dustpan. 6.- ____________ a boy behind the wall. 7.- ____________ girl in front of the wall. 8.- ____________ a dustpan on the floor. 9.- ____________ boys and girls at the school. 10. - ____________ many animals at the zoo. 11.- _____________ some beautiful flowers in the garden. 12.- _____________ a cow at the farm. 13.- _____________ a barn outside of the city. 14.- _____________ movie theaters downtown. 15.- _____________ trees in the park. Designed by Euler Ruiz

Clases de ingles 1994

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Comprender los elementos más principales de un lenguaje es muy importante para nuestro superación personal y la calidad de vida.

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Page 1: Clases de ingles 1994

English classes

Complete with there is or there are.

1.- ____________ two light bulbs under the table.

2.- ____________ a dog in the box.

3.- ____________ two cups on the table.

4.- ____________ a mop under the table.

5.- ____________ a broom next to the dustpan.

6.- ____________ a boy behind the wall.

7.- ____________ girl in front of the wall.

8.- ____________ a dustpan on the floor.

9.- ____________ boys and girls at the school.

10. - ____________ many animals at the zoo.

11.- _____________ some beautiful flowers in the garden.

12.- _____________ a cow at the farm.

13.- _____________ a barn outside of the city.

14.- _____________ movie theaters downtown.

15.- _____________ trees in the park.

Designed by Euler Ruiz

Page 2: Clases de ingles 1994

Read and answer the next questions.

1.- What does a barber do?

2.- What does a carpenter do?

3.- What does a coach do?

4.- What does a computer programmer do?

5.- What does a dentist do?

6.- What does your mother do?

7. What does a pilot do?

8.- What does a teacher do?

9.- What does a firefighter do?

10.- What does a plumber do?

Page 3: Clases de ingles 1994

Complete the sentences

1.- A ____________ helps sick people.

2.- A ____________ brings the mail.

3.- A ____________ types letters.

4.- A ____________ teaches sports.

5.- An ___________ designs buildings and houses.

6.- A ____________ cuts hair.

7.- A ____________ flies an airplane.

Write sentences using always/ never / sometimes / usually.

1.- What do you always eat for breakfast?

2.- What do you sometimes do with your family?

3.- What do you usually do after doing your homework?

4.- What do you never do at school?

Designed by Euler Ruiz

Page 4: Clases de ingles 1994

Complete with before or after.

1.- I wake up __________ I get up.

2.- I eat breakfast _________ I brush my teeth.

3.- I take a shower _________ I comb my hair.

4.- I get dressed _________ I go to school.

5.- I eat lunch _________ school.

6.- I go to bed _________ I eat dinner.

Complete the sentences.

1.- He ___________ TV before doing his homework.

2.- She __________ her teeth after lunch.

3.- He __________ his bike after school.

4.- We __________ dinner before we go to bed.

Rides, watches, brushes, eat, ride, watch, brush, tell, let.

Page 5: Clases de ingles 1994


1.- Bee 13.- sweat pants 25.- breakfast

2.- Cow 14.- blouse 26.- cat

3.- Butterfly 15.- dress 27.- shelf

4.- Fish 16.- shoes 28.- dinner

5.- Sheep 17.- socks 29.- desk

6.- Starfish 18.- skirt 30.- face

7.- Dog 19.- shorts 31.- family

8.- Bird 20.- jeans 32.- friends

9.- Whales 21.- backpack 33.- hair

10.- Dustpan 22.- ball 34.- hat

11.- Shirt 23.- baseball 35.- home

12.- Pajamas 24.- bat 36.- shower

37.- vegetables 38.- weekends 39.- teeth

40.- tomorrow 41.- mirror 42.- story

43.- snack 44.- night 45.- moon

46.- Earth 47.- left 48.- Right

Page 6: Clases de ingles 1994

Carmen is a person who dislikes almost everything. She hates

rainy days because they are cold. She dislikes sunny days

because they are hot.

She doesn’t like school because she hates doing homework.

She also dislikes working with people. She is intelligent but

she doesn’t like work.

She hates any kind of exercise too¡ But she loves watching

ballet on TV. She likes to watch all the ballet news, and loves

to read anything about ballet in the newspapers.

She loves solving crossword puzzles. She works on them for


Dear grandma,

How are you? I hope you are fine. My parents and I are OK,

but I miss you. I want to tell you about my classmates and

friends at school.

Bob is sitting in front of me, Jane is sitting on his right and

Peter is sitting on his left. Mary Anne is sitting on my left and

Jim on my right. Gerald is sitting behind me; he is between

John and Leslie.

Guess the names of my friends¡ There are three of them, two

boys and one girl.

See you soon, Granny¡

A big hug, Any

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Jim Thomas is a famous baseball player. His nickname is

“jimbo”. People love to watch him play because he is a

spectacular left-handed pitcher.

He is also popular because he is a good-humoured person

and he is nice to his fans, particularly children.

He loves playing baseball but he hates exercising at the gym

and running.

He has a weight problem because he loves “junk food”. He is

on a diet now, but he doesn’t like eating salads or vegetables,

he prefers burgers and fries.


1.- bored 12.- excited 23.- good

2.- cold 13.- energetic 24.- bad

3.- hungry 14.- short 25.- elegant

4.- nervous 15.- Tall 26.- strong

5.- thirsty 16.- long 27.- weak

6.- tired 17.- nice 28.- dry

7.- happy 18.- intelligent 29.- wet

8.- sleepy 19.- smart 31.- cloudy

9.- hot 20.- Lazy 32.- salty

10.- calmed 21.- popular 33.- rainy

11.- sad 22.- open maid 34.- chilly

Page 8: Clases de ingles 1994

The Iowa State Fair

“I couldn´t believe my eyes”, said Pablo Ospina. “I expected a

small fair with rides and animals. I loved it. I went to the fair

with my friend on Friday night. Then, I drove back with my

family on Saturday and again on Sunday.”

Pablo is talking about the Iowa State Fair, one of the largest

state fair in the United States. This year the Fair was 10 days

long and almost one million visitors attended. The first Iowa

State Fair was in 1854, on a small farm.

Farmers came together and talked about farming, animals,

and new ideas. Today the Fair is the size of a small town. It´s

not only for farmers. City and country people enjoy the many

rides, hundreds of exhibits and competitions, and the

fireworks at night.

Pablo enjoyed the contests. He watched the Pie Eating

Contest. The winner ate two pies in ten minutes. He laughed

at the Mother and Daughter Look-a-Like Contest. He listened

to the Guitar-Playing Contest.

Pablo´s two boys wanted to see Heritage Village.

Grandfather´s Farm showed farm life in early times. They

went into the old-fashioned general store, the country

schoolhouse and the barber shop. The boys also liked all the

animals, so they stopped at the Horse Barn and the Sheep

Barn. They watched how to milk a cow and how to make

butter. Of course, the boys went on many rides at the Midway,

such as the Ferris Wheel and the Sky Glider.

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Everyone was hungry and thirsty all day. They stopped every

hour and tried different food. The most popular kind of food at

the fair was food-on-a-stick.

They tried chicken-on-a-stick, pork chop-on-a-stick, and fried

candy-bar-on-a-stick. Later in the afternoon, the family walked

to the race track and watched car races. They stayed for the

fireworks in the evening. Everyone had a great time. Pablo is

already planning to return for next year´s fair.

Laura grew up in Lima, Peru. She came to the U.S. in August

1990. She found a good job at Tropicana Restaurant. She

began English classes at the local college.

Laura met her future husband, Luca, in her class. After one

month, they fell in love. Laura made engaged to Luca on

February 14, 1991. Luca had the local soccer team. Laura

and Luca went on a honeymoon to Peru.

When I came to this country three years ago. I didn´t know to

drive. Bus service wasn´t good, so I needed to drive to get to

my job. My brother taught me how to drive. Every weekend,

he took me to the high school parking lot. I practiced going

straight, backing up, turning, stopping, and parking. After six

weeks, I took the driving test at the Department of Motor

Vehicles. I made a lot of mistakes. I forgot to signal when I

turned, I didn´t stop at a stop sign, and I didn´t park correctly. I

failed the test. After that, I practiced in my neighborhood and

downtown. Four weeks later, I passed the test.

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Death Valley National Park is the largest national park in the

continental 48 states. This 3.3 million acre park in southern

California is the lowest, hottest, and driest place in North

America. The lowest point is 282 feet (86 m) below sea level.

In the summer, the average temperature is 115° 46 Celsius),

and the highest temperature ever recorded here was 134°

(56.6 Celsius). There are some summers when Death Valley

receives no rain, and the average precipitation is fewer than

two inches.

The first visitors to this desert area were different tribes of

Native Americans. They walked through this desert area but

did not stay. In 1849, people heard about the discovery of

gold in California. Thousands of people began the long trip to

the west. This large desert area was so difficult to cross that it

received the name Death Valley.

Today, tourists and nature lovers from all over the United

States travel to Death Valley to enjoy its natural beauty. There

are over one thousand varieties of plants in this desert,

including many kinds of cactuses and flowers. Cactuses, with

their interesting and unusual shapes, need very little rain.

Their roots are close to the surface of the ground so they can

quickly collect any rainfall. A few days after the first rain in the

spring, thousands of wildflowers cover the desert.

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There are also many animals that have learned to adapt to

this hot climate. Most area active at night, sleeping during the

day to avoid the hot desert sun. For example, the kangaroo

rat sleeps deep underground while the sun is out. It can live

its entire life without drinking any water, getting its water from

the food it eats.

If you are planning a trip to Death Valley, winter is the best

time to visit. There are nine campgrounds with more than

fifteen hundred campsites. The main visitor area is Furnace

Creek with nature exhibits, a museum, and a bookstore.

Be sure to watch the informative film on desert life. After that,

you can explore the desert by car, by bike, or on foot. Park

rangers offer programs on desert life, the history of Death

Valley, and the desert sky at night. If you are planning a trip to

Death Valley, don’t forget these four essentials: a sun hat,

sunblock, lots of water, and a camera.

Page 12: Clases de ingles 1994

The colonial period in the United States lasted from 1607 to

1776. Most early colonists were men and women from

England who decided to start a new life in the United States.

The colonists settled along the eastern of what is now the

United States, from Georgia to New Hampshire. Many people

made the difficult trip across the Atlantic Ocean to find

religious freedom. Other people came for political freedom.

The new country offered other families the opportunity to own

land and to earn a living in farming, trade, or fishing.

The first settlements were small and life was very difficult. In

1607, three shiploads with 105 settlers arrived in what is now

Virginia and started the colony of Jamestown. Life was difficult

in the new land and over half the settlers died in the first two

years from the cold, disease, and lack of food. The colonists

learned about tobacco and smoking from Native Americans

and discovered that tobacco grew well in Virginia. The

tobacco crop finally gave the colonists a way to earn money

as pipe smoking became popular in Europe.

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California is on the west coast of the United States and it´s the

third largest state. Its border are Oregon to the north, Nevada

and Arizona to the east, Mexico to the south, and the Pacific

Ocean to the west. Sacramento is the capital. The population

is over thirty-four million.

California is a beautiful state. The coast of California has

hundreds of miles of beautiful beaches. There are two

mountain ranges, the Sierra Nevada in the east and the Coast

Ranges along the Pacific. There are several deserts in the


Two of the major cities are San Francisco and Los Angeles.

San Francisco is on the hills over San Francisco Bay. Tourist

visit Chinatown and ride up and down the hills on the cable

cars. Los Angeles is in southern California. It is the home of

Hollywood and the movie industry.

For most of the year, the weather along the coast is sunny

and mild. In the winter, there is snow in the mountains. In the

south, the weather is hot and dry.

Agriculture and tourism are two of the major industries.

California grows more than half of the nation´s fruits and

vegetables. Many Californians also work in the tourist industry

in the cities, parks, and resorts.

Page 14: Clases de ingles 1994

How to become a successful structural designer

To be a successful seismic Engineer, you need to/ have to

learn quite about of mathematics (algebra, trigonometry,

analytic geometry, calculus, linear algebra) and physics (solid

mechanics, structural design) knowledge and to know about

the different construction systems. To work for long hours in

your projects, improving your best skills and drawing your own

ideas, and of course trying to travel. In this way, you would

learn and to appreciate other types of buildings and


Trying to take courses for being in your career better and to

be patient with yourself, being careful in each design you do,

still being creative, it could be a good way to succeed in

seismic engineering to continues being peculiar, it is

something you need much because there are so much

competition in others countries. Because if you have been a

sensible person and responsible, you will be needed and your

services will be require all time.

Page 15: Clases de ingles 1994

I usually get up at 6:00 am. I take a shower and I get dressed

I have a breakfast, but before to take it I need to prepare it.

I like to eat vegetables for example: carrots, broccoli, lettuce,

cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, green beans, onions, garlic,

avocados, cauliflower and cucumbers, because I like to take

care of my healthy.

I like to read scientific journals. I studied civil engineering

twenty years ago. When I was at the college I used to resolve

a lot of problems about structural designs, for example design

a concrete beam, steel beams and columns.

I love so much to work as researcher in many facts, for

example: medicine, physics (solid mechanics, static,

dynamics, hydrostatic, soil mechanics, etc.), education and

philosophy matters.

I love so much to listen music like to: blues, country,

instrumental and classical. I don’t watch television programs.

I used to go bed after midnight because I work so hard looking

for the best way to understand how to teach science (biology,

chemistry and physics).

Science is for me a very interesting activity because I can

spend a lot of time doing many things and reading scientific

journals. Nowadays this knowledge has many followers in

over the world.

Adriana Gallegos Carrillo y Ramón Ruiz Limón, 14 Feb 1995.