Battle of Gettysburg Alphabet Book Shane Beitel, Steven Winn, Justin Buckwalter, Richie Bruce, Evan Kirsten, Noah Golas

Choice L Final

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Battle of Gettysburg Alphabet BookShane Beitel, Steven Winn, Justin Buckwalter, Richie Bruce, Evan Kirsten, Noah Golas

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A is for Abraham Lincoln.


Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States. During the Civil War he controlled the telegraphs and was a huge benefit to the North and helped the North win the Battle of Gettysburg.

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B is for Big Round TopWhere the Union and Confederates fought. Big round top was not as memorable as little round top.


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C is for Cemetery Hill


A hill that won us thewar at Gettysburg (shaped like a fish hook) Gave the north high ground.

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D is for Daniel SickelDaniel Sickle was a general during the Civil war for the North. During one battle his leg was shot off and after amputation he sent it to a museum. You can still see his leg in the museum today.


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E is for Richard Stoddert EwellHe was blamed for not taking Cemetery Ridge.


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F is for Fish Hook


The fish hook is the shape of the battle atlittle round top.

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G is for gettysburg addressThe gettysburg address was given by Abraham Lincoln. His speech lasted only two minutes, but was one of the greatest speeches everwritten.


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H is for horsesHorses were a huge role in the Battle Of Gettysburg. Commanders often rode them andso did many soldiers. They helped the soldierget around the battlefield much faster than ifthey were to do it themselves. Also used byCalvary.


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I is for independence

I is for Independence

By the North winning the war African Americans living in the South gained independence for the first time in history. The North was fight for their independence.


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J is for July

The battle of Gettysburg took place in the month of July. On the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd the North then won the whole civil war on the 4th.


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K is for killed

Many people were killed in the Civil War


There were 618,222people were killed.

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L is for Little Round Top

Little Round Top was a battle ground in Gettysburg. It was very memorable because of the Unions actions.hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu4636

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M is for minie ball


The minie ball changed the way wars will be fought forever. These bullets were much more accurate and had much more range. They were made out of led, and when it hit an enemy it was deadly. Both sides used the minie ball during the civil war.

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N is for North


The North also known as the Union fought in the civil war to help free the slaves in the South. They won the civil war.

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O is for operations

The hospitals had to perform many operations on woundSoldiers. Their operations involved many amputations and were usually unsuccessful.


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P is for photograph

The Civil war was the first time photography was used to take pictures of the battle grounds. These photographs allowed civilians not fighting in the war to see what really was happening during these wars.


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Q is for quittingNeither the North or the South quit duringthe civil war they were both dedicated to winning this war. At the end of the warof Gettysburg the South retreated andthe North won


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R is for Robert E. LeeLee was a major confederate general in the civil war. Lee was one of the best generals in the civil war and gave the south a huge advantage.


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T is for Tacticsthe troops had to change the way they fought due tothe invention of the minie ball. The minie ball was too powerful for troops to stand in line and fire straight at the enemys. They had to start taking cover and planning out more of how they will defeat the enemy.


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U is for Ulysses S. Grant

He was the 18th president and a general in the war.


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V is for victoryThe union won the Battle of Gettysburg and the Civil War. Since the North won slaves were now free in the South. Slavery was now officially illegal everywhere.


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W is for war

The North and the South fought in the Civil War. The Civil War was one of the most deadliest wars to ever take place in America.


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X is for explode (cannons)

Cannons were used by both sides of the war. The cannons could shoot as far as to two miles and cause devastating damage to were the cannon ball impacted.


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Y is for year

The year the civil war started was during 1861 with the North and the South. The Civil war officially ended in 1865 after Robert E. Lee surrender the South to the North.


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Z is for zoom (bullets)

The miniball was a type of bullet both sides used during the civil war. These new form of bullets shot faster and farther than ever before.
