CHILD LABOR One of the major problems in India

Child labor

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One of the major problems in India

Child labor is a working child under the age specified by law.

It is work for children that exploits them physically, mentally, morally, or by blocking access to education.

Child labor in India

The country accounts for the second highest number where child labor in the world is concerned.Today millions of children work as laborers in various businesses in India. You find children being exploited in restaurants, silk industry, carpet weaving, firecracker units, etc.

Count of child labors in Andhra Pradesh

In 1997, research indicated that the

number of child laborers in the silk-

weaving industry in the district of

Kanchipuram in India exceeded


According to the statistics given by Indian government there are 20 million child laborers in the country, while

other agencies claim that it is 50 million.

The Asia-Pacific region has the largest number of child workers in the 5-14 age group in the world – some 127 million, about 60% of working children worldwide.

Child Labor in Asia

Statistics of the world

•The ILO estimates that 218 million children ages 5-17 are engaged in child labor all over the world.•61% in Asia, 32% in Africa, and 7% in Latin America, 1% in US, Canada, Europe and other wealthy nations.•8.4 million children are trapped in slavery, trafficking, debt bondage


Causes for child labor • Poverty• Over Population• Parental Illiteracy• Social apathy• Lack of education & exposure • Exploitation of cheap and unorganized labor.

Children in rural families who are ailing with

poverty perceive their children as an income

generating resource to supplement the family


The Right to survival - to life, health, nutrition, name and nationality.The Right to development - to education, care, leisure, recreation.The Right to protection - from exploitation, abuse, neglect.The Right to participation - to expression, information, thought and religion.

As per ILO the CHILD RIGHTS are ….

Child labor laws in India:

•The Child Labor Act, 1986•The Factories Act, 1948•The Mines Act, 1952•The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009•The Juvenile Justice of Children Act, 2000

Many NGOs like Bachpan Bachao Andolan, care India, Child Rights and You, Global march against child labor, etc. have been working to eradicate child labor in India.Pratham is India's largest non-governmental organization with the mission 'every child in school and learning well.'

NGO’s for child labor:

The present face of anilliterate child in the society is this……


"World Revolves around the Children , Children's Future

revolves around Education”

Stop Child Labor


