Chief Leonard Andrew’s Photos of Father W. Scott

Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott

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Page 1: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott

C h i e f L e o n a r d

A n d r e w ’ s P h o t o s o f F a t h e r W .

S c o t t

Page 2: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 3: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 4: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 5: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott

Father Scott Blessing the Bell

Page 6: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott

Father Scott Blessing the Belfry

Page 7: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott

Father Scott Blessing the Bell

Page 8: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott

At Father Scott’s Retirement Home in Ontario

Page 9: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 10: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 11: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 12: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 13: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 14: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 15: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 16: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 17: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 18: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 19: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 20: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott
Page 21: Chief Leonard Andrew's Photos of Father Scott