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Page 1: Chernobil



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Chernobyl - a small town situated on the banks of the Kiev reservoir, between the rivers Oh, and Pripyat, the town is surrounded by green forests. It was the garden city! Beautiful boulevards and plenty of greenery made it a pleasant place to stay.

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In the 1970s, about 10 km from Chernobyl was built first nuclear power plant in Ukraine.


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Atoms for Peace

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April 26, 1986 at one of the reactors of Chernobyl there was the infamous Chernobyl accident, which has become the biggest disaster in the history of nuclear power.

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In the early days of the reactor can not be approached as the temperature it reaches 5000 degrees. At this time of the nuclear radioactive cloud was hanging, which carried the wind. Cloud three times circled the globe, resulting in a lot of radiation spread all over Europe. Most of all, of course, went to Ukraine, Belarus and Russia.

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All the work was done manually. Liquidators in masks and costumes of lead shoveling shovels and hand selected pieces of radioactive substances discharged into the burned reactor. After the clean-up work on the construction of the sarcophagus over the reactor (large box) to prevent radiation leakage.

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Robots, specially bought from well-known Western companies were carved with electronics and did nothing. Radiation takes them out of order.

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Immediately after the disaster killed 31 people and 800 thousand liquidators involved in fire fighting and clean, have received high doses of radiation.     Exposed to the radiation of almost 8 million 400 thousand inhabitants of Belarus, Ukraine and Russia.    Contaminated were about 155 thousand square meters. km area.    Nearly 404 thousand people have been relocated.

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Dead city

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Significant contamination were lesa.urovni contamination of forest products such as mushrooms, berries and game, are dangerous. The level of pollution of rivers and most lakes are currently low. However, some of the "closed" lakes, of which there is no flow, the concentration of cesium in water and fish back in the decades can be dangerous. Pollution is not limited to a 30-kilometer zone. Was no increase in the content of cesium-137 in lichens and reindeer meat in the Arctic regions of Russia, Norway, Finland and Sweden.

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Since 1986 he has lived, and will continue to live in our hearts is a terrible word: Chernobyl. This word has become synonymous with terrible disasters that led to the great sacrifice.

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Ukraine, Kyiv region. g.ChernobylReason: 1193 (XII century.) Liquidation: 1986 (XX century).The causes of extinction:Objects thrown from Disasters (classic ghost towns)Current state:uninhabited settlementChernobyl - the city a regional value in the Kiev region, Ukraine. Located on the river Pripyat. Before the accident, in 1986 the city's population 12,500 people. At present, the city is home to only staff of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

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My ghost town, you're so weird alive. -Fill in the

avenues and boulevards,Trees occupy

floorsresidential buildings and auditorium

                                                      Lyubov Sirota

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