CHAPTER 1 SECTION 3 NOTES The Protestant Reformation

Chapter 1 sec 3 powerpoint

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The Protestant Reformation

Abuses in the ChurchPope competed with princes for political powerMaintained a lavish lifestylePatron of the arts- but increased fees of the church in order to pay for this

sold indulgences- lessening of the time a soul would have to spend in purgatory

SELLING OF INDULGENCESThe Roman Catholic Church preached that Christians could decrease their time (or a loved ones) in purgatory by giving to the church.

Luther’s Protest

A German monk (Martin Luther) disagreed with the teachings and abuses in the Church

wrote 95 Theses against indulgencesno basis in the biblePope had no authority to release

souls from purgatory, Christians could be saved only through faith

He was excommunicated from the church


“Unless I am convinced by Scripture and plain reason—I do not accept the authority of popes and councils, for they have contradicted each other—I am captive to the Word of God. I cannot and will not recant anything, for to go against conscience is neither right nor safe.”—Martin Luther, Speech Before the Diet of Worms

Luther’s Teachings

argued salvation was achieved through faith alone

Bible the sole source of religious truth (not the Pope)

Rejected the idea that priests had special powers Creates the Protestant religion- Lutheran Church

John Calvin

Born in France and trained as a priest and lawyer

Predestination Idea that God had long ago determined who

would gain salvation World divided into two kinds of people:

saints or sinners Like Luther in some ideas

Salvation is achieved through faith aloneBible is the sole source of religious truth