Definition Risk Management The process of determining the maximum acceptable level of overall risk to and from proposed activity, then using risk assessment technique to determine the innitial level of the risk and if this excessive, developing a strategy to ameliorate appropriate individual risks until the overall level of risk is reduce until acceptable level. Chapter 1 Risk Management

Chapter 1 risk management

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Page 1: Chapter 1 risk management

Definition Risk Management The process of determining the maximum

acceptable level of overall risk to and from proposed activity, then using risk assessment technique to determine the innitial level of the risk and if this excessive, developing a strategy to ameliorate appropriate individual risks until the overall level of risk is reduce until acceptable level.

Chapter 1 Risk Management

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Risk management is the identification, assessment, and prioritization of risks (defined in ISO 31000 as the effect of uncertainty on objectives, whether positive or negative) followed by coordinated and economical application of resources to minimize, monitor, and control the probability and/or impact of unfortunate events or to maximize the realization of opportunities

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Risks can come from uncertainty in financial markets, threats from project failures (at any phase in design, development, production, or sustainment life-cycles), legal liabilities, credit risk, accidents, natural causes and disaster as well as deliberate attack from an adversary, or events of uncertain or unpredictable root cause.


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Risk to What?Risk to achievement the objectives

Risk is “ A chance of of something happening that can effect the objectives

Theory and Concepts

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Risk Management does not exist in isolation by itself or for itself . The Risk Management exist if need to satisfy the other party in any condition of the third party.

Why does Risk Management Exist

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What can happen How , why can it happen?

Identify the Risk

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Political Technologies Economic External Events Management activities People events ( Behavior, culture, gender,

Lifestyle, ETC

Risk can happen from this sources

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Evaluate the Risk with 2 factors i) The probability of something happening that

we don't want ii) the consequences if it does. For Example An airplane flight is a very good

example. The consequence of a airplane crash is usually the loss of most, if not all life on board - dreadful. Fortunately, when we fly, the probability of being in an airplane crash is very small (1 in 52.6 million according to the National transportation Safety Board). This very low probability makes the risk very acceptable

Two Factors of Concept of Risk

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1. Political Those with failure either the government policy

or uncertainties of government political scenario For Example Wrong political priorities Not meeting government agenda Too slow or failure to modernize Decision based on incorrect information Unfulfilled promises to electorate Community planning oversight / errors

Category of Risk

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2 Economic those affecting the ability of the Council to

meet its financial commitments.  These include internal budgetary pressures, the failure to purchase adequate insurance or the consequences of proposed investment decisions. 

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For Example General/regional economic problems Missed business and service opportunities Failure of major projects Failure to prioritise, allocate appropriate

budgets and monitor Inadequate control over expenditure or

income Inadequate insurance cover

Continue ….

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Social those relating to the effects of changes in

demographic, residential or socio-economic trends on the Council’s ability to deliver its objectives

For Example Failing to meet the needs of disadvantaged

communities Failures in partnership working Problems in delivering life-long learning Impact of demographic change Crime and disorder

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Technology Those associated with the capacity of the

Council to deal with the pace / scale of technological change, or its ability to use technology to address changing demands.  They may also include the consequences of internal technological failures on the Council’s ability to deliver its objectives.

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For Example Breach of confidentiality Failure in communications Insufficient disaster recovery for key

data/systems Failure of big technology related project Breach of security of networks and data Failure to comply with IT Security Policy


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Legislative Those associated with current or potential

changes in national or International law For Example Inadequate response to new legislation Not meeting statutory duties/deadlines Failure to implement legislative change Misinterpretation of legislation Exposure to liability claims e.g. motor accidents,

wrongful advice Breach of confidentiality / Data Protection Act

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Environment Those relating to environmental

consequences of progressing the Council’s corporate objectives (e.g. in terms of energy, efficiency, pollution, recycling, etc).

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For Example Impact on sustainability initiatives Impact of planning & transportation policies Noise, contamination and pollution Crime & Disorder Act implications Inefficient use energy and water Incorrect storage/disposal of waste

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Competitive Those affecting the competitiveness of the

service (in terms of cost of quality) and / or its ability to deliver best value.

For Example Take over of services by government Failure of bids for government funds Failure to show value for money Accusations of anti-competitive practices

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Customer / Citizen Those associated with the failure to meet

the current and changing needs and expectations of customer and citizens

For Example Lack of appropriate consultation Bad public and media relations

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Reputation Those relating to public confidence and failure to

recruit high caliber staff For Example Adverse media attention Policies misunderstood or misinterpreted Negative implications identified by other which have

not been previously considered Failure to keep partners on side Breach of confidentiality Lack of business continuity plan Failure to maintain and upkeep land and property

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Partnership Those associated with working in partnership

with another organization For Example Non compliance with procurement policies Poor selection of partner Poor contract specification, deficiencies Failure of partner to deliver Inadequate contract terms & conditions Bad management of partnership working

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1. Strategic Risk Management How to strategize to tackle and manage the

Risk 2. Credit Risk Default or non payment debtors Payment Schedule 3.Operational Risk 4. Market Investment , Cash Flow 5.IT Risk or System management Risk 6. Legal Risk / Reputation Risk

The Six Domains of Risk