Industrial and Social Revolutions Changing Societies

Changing Societies

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The Industrial Revolution for Junior Cert Students

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  • 1. Industrial and Social Revolutions

2. Agricultural Revolution Changes in farming allowed farmers to grow more food Industrial Revolution People invented machines to produce more and more goods Transport Revolution new ways of transporting products Urbanisation people moved from the countryside to cities 3. The population grew in Britain due to: An end to plagues New food and fewer famines Cleaner water supplies Medical discoveries (like vaccination against smallpox) 4. Before 1750, farming was very inefficient Because all animals grazed together, disease spread easily Birds ate a lot of the seed scattered by hand 1/3 of the land was left fallow (to rest it) that meant only 2/3 of the land was ever in use Farmers shared fields which meant it was hard to plan for the future all the farmers had to agree on what to do with one field 5. Enclosure building walls around fields New Farm Machinery Selective Breeding for best animals Crop Rotation different crop planted each year 6. Farms used to be common farmers shared fields and jobs Enclosure meant creating seperate farms for each farmer out of the common land that originally existed. This allowed farmers to manage their own land more efficiently Was unpopular with many small farmers & labourers but was supported by Parliament passing Enclosure Acts which made the process legal. 7. All villagers worked together All the land was shared out Everyone helped each other Everyone had land to grow food For centuries enough food had been grown ADVANTAGES 8. Strips in different fields Fallow land Waste of time Waste of land Common land DISADVANTAGES 9. How are the fields different? Can more food be grown? Why? Whats missing? Who wanted change? Who did not want change? 10. Advantages All the village land was shared Villagers shared work eg Harvest time Disadvantages Each villager had land to grow crops for his family. . .. 11. Up to the 1700s, most work on farms was done by hand Some new machines invented were: The Seed Drill by Jethro Tull The Mechanical Reaper by Cyrus McCormick (below) 12. Invented by Robert Bakewell who only allowed the best animals on his farm to have offspring Led to bigger and more productive animals on farms 13. Before 1800, fields were left idle (fallow) every 4th year to allow the soil to recover Charles turnip Townshend came up with the four field system to use the land more effectively Plant different crops every year the land never gets worn out 14. Commons Showgrounds for farmers Disease Invented a seeder Fallow Brought Crop Rotation to Britain Crop Rotation Open fields shared by farmers Smallpox Land left idle Britain Spread easily amongst animals Charles Townshend Different crops each year Selective Breeding Cured by Edward Jenner Jethro Tull Country of Social Change Royal Dublin Society Invented by Robert Bakewell