Integrating Emerging Technologies and Learning Theories Changing Paradigm in Interactive Learning System Design Heng Luo, Jing Lei. IDD&E, Syracuse University

Changing Paradigm in Interactive Learning System Design

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Luo and Lei's presentation at 2011 AECT conference

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Page 1: Changing Paradigm in Interactive Learning System Design

Integrating Emerging Technologies and Learning Theories

Changing Paradigm in Interactive Learning System Design

Heng Luo, Jing Lei.IDD&E, Syracuse University

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Different components in the





• A learning system in which different components act upon each other to facilitate learning.

• Different types of interaction

• Learner-content

• Learner-instructor

• Learner-learner

• Learner-interface

• Roots in three major learning theories

• Behaviorist

• Cognitive

• Social-learning

• Is there a learning system that is not interactive?

What is interactive learning system (ILS)?

technologies, theories Process, format, outcome, attitude…

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“click to select”

user-created virtual environments

The role of technologies

“Interactivity is an intrinsic characteristic for most technologies…” (Greenfield & Cocking, 1996)

• Longer information retention time (street & Goodman 1998),

• Increased learning speed and level (Horton, 2000),

• Enhanced collaboration among peers (Brown et al., 2008; Delwiche, 2006),

• Higher confidence and motivation from learners (Klassen, 2001).

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Type of ICT tools

Definition Examples

Educational Networking

Online learning platforms that connect learners using social networking technologies, exhibiting similar functions to sites like Facebook or MySpace.

Ning, Classroom 2.0, Elgg

Web-Based Learning

A set of online applications or services that expand learners’ abilities to interact and collaborate with each other in the process of searching, receiving, organizing, and generating educational content

Wiki, blog, podcasting, social bookmarking, virtual worlds

Mobile Learning

Mobile devices or technologies used for educational purposes that support different aspects of instruction or make new educational activities available.

Smartphone, PDA, GPS (for augmented reality games), interactive response pads

Classroom Equipment

Stand-alone devices that are used in traditional classrooms to facilitate the interaction between teachers and students in different class activities.

Interactive whiteboard, touch-screen computer, Kiosk

Four Types of Emerging Technologies

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Greater mobility

Broader channels for interaction

Wider scope of interaction

Better simulation

Easier operation

Change brought by emerging technologies

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Problems New Trend

More and more studies were conducted to explore the relationship between ICT and learning theories, seeking to design learning systems based on robust theoretical foundation (Jonassen, Peck, & Wilson, 1999; Vrasidas, 2000; Mandell, Sorge, & Russell, 2002; Kirschner et. al, 2004; Wang, & Woo, 2007)

The proliferation of studies on cutting-edge technology applications often fails to be built upon the existing theories and scholarship in the field of instructional design, ignoring both well-established principles of learning and findings from basic educational psychology research. (Ross, Morrison & Lowther, 2010)

Technologies are often used infrequently and inconsistently in educational settings and have little conclusive effect (Christensen et al., 2008; Brown & Green, 2008; Selwyn, 2011). Teachers often use computers as a minor supplement to enhance their teaching (Aslan & Reigeluth, 2011), and the use of emerging technologies is often limited to merely supporting the traditional standardized and centralized educational model (Cuban, 2001).

A shifting Paradigm in educational technology research

Media compariso

n and effect study

Design research

and formative research

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Technology Tools used in ILS Instructional Theory used in ILSCollaborative learning theory

Collaborative learning theory is based on four assumptions regarding the learning process (Smith & MacGregor, 1992):

1. Learning is an active, constructive process.

2. Learning depends on rich contexts.

3. Learners are diverse.

4. Learning is inherently social.

When designing an effective ILS, the affordances of ICT tools should be exploited in the pedagogic context that supports those learning assumptions.

• Using Ning, an educational networking site, to teach an undergraduate level technology course for pre-service teachers (Hoffman, 2009)

• Using the Nutrition Game, an educational game developed inside Second Life, to teach children knowledge of nutrition and healthy eating habits (Cooper, 2007)

• Using Environmental Detective, an augmented reality game that utilized GPS or pocket PC, to teach middle school students environmental science (Klopfer & Squire, 2008)

• Using an interactive whiteboard to teach science in elementary school (Gillen et.al, 2008)

A few good examples from research

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Positive learning experience

A sense of community and personal connection

Higher motivation, engagement and satisfaction.


Occasional dysfunction

Entry level computer skill requirement

Privacy concerns

Key Features

Customizable design features

Widgets include blogs, discussion board, individualized profiles, file sharing, synchronous and asynchronous messaging, and grouping and sub-grouping of its members.

Friends-making mechanism


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Fun learning experience

Providing different experience (personalized or hypothetical, extreme)

Significant self-reported knowledge game


Technical (lagging, unresponsive)

Unable to change body shape

Time consuming to design and develop

Key Features:

Simulated experience of dining in three restaurant (fast food, soul food, Chinese)

Personalized experience with real data like height, weight, age, gender and activity level.

A variety of choices and responsive results.

Nutrition Game

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Highly engaging and active learning experience

Scientific inquiry skills

higher-order learning

Collaborative learning experience


Not reported

Key Features

Combination of fantasy and reality

A problem-based learning experience

Supported by internal scaffolding and online data base

open-ended, with multiple paths to task completion

Environmental Detective

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Benefits (additional)

Better learner-learner, learner-instructor interaction. (work on the same task simultaneously)

Make the process visible (using cognitive tools)

Easier to prepare a lesson with IWB

Students are engaged and motivated


High demand on hardware and software

Teacher training needed

Too much attention to the IWB instead of content.

Key Features

All features of a touch-screen computer

Multiple presentation (video, audio, animation)

Integrated scaffolding tools like annotations, visual clues…

Shared work place (collaborative class project)

Interactive Whiteboard

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ICT tools should actively engage learners in meaningful learning activities which offer them an opportunity to apply newly acquired information and ideas in their constructive inquiries, such as theory testing, model development, and problem solving.

Example: The Nutrition Game.

The game did not provide direct lectures about the healthy eating habit, but rather offered learners a chance to explore different food choices and learn their impact on health.

Assumption No. 1: Learning is an active, constructive process.

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ICT should also provide various cognitive tools to guide such constructive processes, offering instructional scaffolds along the way.

Example: Environmental Detective (ED).

Learners were required to solve a simulated toxin spill problem by themselves, they received guidance by interacting with virtual avatars, searching online, and accessing the resource database.

Assumption No. 1: Learning is an active, constructive process.

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In contrast to most lecture-based teaching, ICT tools should establish a learning context that is learner-centered, allowing for constant exchange of ideas, frequent reflection, and multimodal presentation.

Example: Interactive Whiteboard (IWB)

The IWB case describes a learning context where teachers used the affordances of the IWB to present the concept of evaporation in different forms (lecture, video, image, text, and diagrams) and facilitate learners’ discussion and reflection using highlights, annotation, and prompts.

The other three cases also indicate that rich contexts are not confined to the classroom setting, and can also occur in virtual and outdoor learning environments.

Assumption No. 2: Learning depends on rich contexts.

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ICT tools should be used to accommodate learner differences in background knowledge and skills, learning styles, or aspirations, by offering interactive features that give learners’ control over the learning process and allow them to customize their own learning pace, sequence, and preference.

Example: Ning and Environmental Detective

The Ning’s asynchronous messaging system and the open-ended game design in ED are interactive features that support such adaptations.

Assumption No. 3: Learners are diverse.

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To enhance the social aspect of learning requires a learning system that can maximize the intellectual synergy through simultaneous engagement of learners. ICT tools can aid in this process by facilitating interpersonal communications with peers and instructors and by supporting learners’ contribution to the learning resources, strategies, and body of knowledge.

Example: Ning

Social interactions between learners that were enhanced through personalization, such as adding profile pictures or sharing personal information. Learners are more likely to contribute when they feel personally connected.

Assumption No. 4: Learning is inherently social.

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Through the lens of collaborative learning theory, this paper proposes that the following features should be considered when designing effective interactive learning systems:

• Actively engage learners in meaningful learning activities

• Allow learners to customize their own learning pace, sequence and preference

• Provide prompt feedback and opportunities for reflection

• Facilitate interpersonal communication with peers and instructors/experts

• Encourage learners to contribute to the learning resources, strategies, and body of knowledge

• Integrate various cognitive tools to support learning process

Guidelines for designing ILS based on the collaborative learning theory

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“Within a particular design, the medium enables and constrains the method; the method draws on and instantiates the capabilities of the medium... a good design will integrate them” ------ Kozma, 1991

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