Life in the Industrial Age (1800–1914) Honors World History Chapter 12: Industrialization and Nationalism Curt, Bridget, Amy Leigh, Mark Andrew Q—13.4

Ch12 Age Of Industry

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Life in the Industrial Age(1800–1914)

Honors World History

Honors World History

Chapter 12: Industrialization and Nationalism

Curt, Bridget, Amy Leigh, MarkAndrew Q—13.4

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Age of Industry:

Chapter 12.1Living From the Land

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Introduction to industry• The Industrial Revolution

began in Great Britain during the late 1700s.

• Changes in the way land was used and new farming methods increased productivity.

• Skilled inventors developed new technology, and entrepreneurs with money invested in new or expanded ventures.

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The middle class• Farmers displaced by rural changes went to the cities to find work in factories.

• The availability of such natural resources as coal, iron, and water power led to the use of power-driven machines in factories.

• Industrialization spread to the rest of Europe and to North America, creating a new social order.

• A growing middle class of prosperous factory owners and managers began to exert political power, while an even larger working class pressed for reforms to improve working conditions and their daily lives.

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Village Life• Village life was harsh, people

mostly stayed in their villages too.• Private and public lands were not

fenced off or separated from the rest of the land.

• Roads were not effectively built, they were just dirt paths that turned to mud when it rained.

• Everyone on a farm worked hard because it was life back then.

• Everyone in the family from children to the husband and wife contributed something on the farm.

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Industrialization and Nationalism, 1800–1870

• The Industrial Revolution and a wave of liberal nationalist revolutions transformed Europe during the nineteenth century. A weakened old order gave way, and a number of unified European states emerged.

• Canada gained its independence, and the northern and southern United States reunited after a bloody civil war.

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The Industrial Revolution

• The Industrial Revolution began in the late eighteenth century and turned Great Britain into the first and the richest industrialized nation. A series of technological advances caused Great Britain to become a leader in the production of cotton, coal, and iron. After the introduction of the first steam-powered locomotives, railroad tracks were laid across Great Britain, reducing the cost of shipping goods. The Industrial Revolution spread to Europe and North America. In the United States, the railroad made it possible to sell manufactured goods from the Northeast across the country. The Industrial Revolution had a tremendous social impact in Europe. Cities grew quickly, and an industrial middle class emerged. The industrial working class, meanwhile, dealt with wretched working conditions. These conditions gave rise to socialism, a movement aimed at improving working conditions through government control of the means of production.

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The Beginnings of Change

Chapter 12 Section 2

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Enclosure Movement

• Open field system- system where British farmers had planted crops and kept livestock on unfenced private and public lands for hundreds of years

• Landowners felt that larger farms with enclosed fields would increase farming efficiency and productivity

• Enclosure Movement-practice of fencing or enclosing common lands into individual holdings

• Parliament supported this and passed laws that allowed landowners to take over and fence off private and common lands

• Many small farmers dependent on village lands were forced to move to towns and cities to find work

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• Landowners practiced new, more efficient farming methods

– To raise crop yields, they mixed different kinds of soil and used new crop rotation systems– Crop Rotation-the practice of alternating crops of different kinds to preserve soil fertility– Charles Townshend- urged the growing of turnips to

enrich exhausted soil– Another reformer, Robert Bakewell, bred stronger

horses for farm work and fatter sheep and cattle for meat– Jethro Tull- invented the seed drill that enabled farmers to plant seeds in orderly rows

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Great Britain Leads the Way

• This agriculture revolution helped Great Britain to lead the Industrial Revolution

• Successful farming business allowed landowners to invest money in growing industries

• Many displaced farmers became industrial workers

Money and Industry• Capital-money to invest in

labor, machines, and raw materials that is essential for the growth of industry

• By investing in growing industries, the aristocracy and middle class had a good chance of making a profit

• Parliament encouraged investment by passing laws that helped the growing businessesThe four factors of economics are:

land, labour, capital, and entrepreneurship

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Great Britain Leads the Way cont.Natural Resources

• Britain’s wealth included its rich supply of natural resources

• Water provided power for developing industries and transported raw materials and finished goods

• Britain also had huge supplies of coal, the principle raw material of the Industrial Revolution– Produced iron and steel for

machinery and helped to fuel industry

Large Labor Supply• In one century, England’s

population nearly doubled– Improvements in farming lead

to increased availability of food

– better, more nutritious food led to people living longer and healthier lives

• Changes in farming lead to increased supply of industrial workers

• Entrepreneurs-businesspeople who set up industries by bringing together capital, labor, and new industrial inventions

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English: Work by Ford Madox Brown, 1852-63 Oil on canvas. Original in the Manchester City Art Galleries

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Growing Textile Industry

Advances in Machinery• John Kay- improved the loom with

the flying shuttle• James Hargeaves- invented a more

efficient spinning machine called the spinning jenny

• Richard Arkwright-developed the water frame-a huge spinning machine that ran continually on waterpower

• Samuel Crompton- produce the spinning mule by combining features of the spinning jenny and the water frame

Producing More Cloth• Edmund Cartwright-

developed the power loom to solve the shortage of weavers

• The new inventions created a growing need for raw cotton

• (American) Eli Whitney- developed the cotton gin that cleaned cotton 50 times faster than one person could

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Flying shuttle

Spinning Jenny Water Frame

Spinning Mule Power Loom Cotton Gin

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The Factory System• Factory System- organized method of production that brought workers and

machines together under control of managers• Waterways powered machines and provided transportation for raw

materials and finished cloth• As the factory system spread, manufacturers required morepower than horses and water could provide• James Watt- designed an efficient steam engine*

– Steam engines allowed factories that had to close down when water froze or flowed too low to run continuously

• The steam engine enabled factories to be built far from waterways

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Industrial Developments• The use of factory machinery

increased demand for iron and steel

• Henry Bessemer and William Kelly-developed methods to inexpensively produce steel from iron

• At the same time, people worked to advanced transportation systems throughout Europe and the US

• Improvements began when private companies began building and paving roads

• John McAdam and Thomas Telford- further advanced road making:– better drainage systems and– the use of layers of crushed rock

• Water transportation also improved: in 1761, British workers dug one of the first modern canals– Soon, a canal building craze began in

both Europe and the US

• A combination of steam power and steel would soon revolutionize both land and water transportation– In 1801, Richard Trevithick first

brought steam-powered travel to land with a steam-powered carriage that ran on wheels and three years later, a steam locomotive that ran on rails

– In 1807, Robert Fulton designed the first practical steamboat

• Railroads and steamboats laid the foundations for a global economy and opened new forms of investment

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Review• Enclosure Movement-practice

of fencing or enclosing common lands into individual holdings

• Crop Rotation-the practice of alternating crops of different kinds to preserve soil fertility

• Charles Townshend-urged the growth of turnips to enrich exhausted soil

• Jethro Tull-seed drill• John Kay- flying shuttle• James Hargeaves- spinning

jenny• Richard Arkwright-water frame• Samuel Crompton-spinning


• Edmund Cartwright- power loom

• Eli Whitney- cotton gin• Factory System- production of

goods in factory through the use of machines and a large number of workers

• James Watt- steam engine• Henry Bessemer & William

Kelly-developed methods to cheaply produce steel from iron

• John McAdam & Thomas Telford- better drainage systems and the use of layers of crushed rock

• Robert Fulton-steamboat

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Centers of Industry1

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The Growth of Industry

»Chapter 12, Section 3»Amy Leigh Hufford

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Samuel Slater

• Tall, ruddy young British worker on a ship bound for New York.

• A farmer was his listed occupation but he was actually a smuggler, stealing a valuable British commodity-industrial knowledge-to make money in America.

• Knew how to build an industrial spinning wheel and introduced it to the US.

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Great Britain• Most Productive

Country in the World– Kept technology secret– Parliament passed laws

restricting the flow of machines and skilled workers to other countries

– Until 1825, the law that Slater ignored prohibited craftspeople from moving to other countries

– Mercenaries and technicians left Great Britain, carrying industrial knowledge with them

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• Britain gave up trying to guard its industrial monopoly• British industrialists saw that they could make money by spreading the

Industrial Revolution to other countries• Large-scale manufacturing based on the factory system was not as

successful in other lands. The major exceptions were France, Germany, and the US– Set up factories in Europe, supplying capital (money), equipment, and

technical staff. » earned Great Britain the title “The Workshop of

the World”

• Railroads– Construction was funded in India, Latin America, and North America by

financiers• Financiers were people concerned with the management of large

amounts of money on behalf of governments or other large organizations.

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France Germany United States

government encouraged industrialization

Used British capital to build their first major


British capital and machinery and American

mechanical skills promoted new industry.

developed a large pool of outstanding scientists

Strong iron, coal, and textile industries


Shoe and textile factories flourished in New


industrialization was slow-paced

industrialization was successful

industrialization was successful especially in

the Northeast

Napoleonic Wars strained the economy

and depleted the workforce

Government funding helped the industry to


Coal mines and ironworks expanded in


Growth of mining and railway construction became big in Paris

Brought machinery from Britain and set up


By 1870, the US ranked with Great Britain and Germany as one of the

world’s 3 most industrialized countries.

Economy depended on farming and small

businesses, not new industries.

Industrialization: Success or Failure?

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Technology and Industry

Alessandro Volta developed the first battery.Michael Faraday created the first electric motor and the first dynamo, a machine that generates electricity.

Thomas Edison made the first electric light bulb.

Chemists created hundreds of new products.New chemical fertilizers led to increased food production.Alfred Nobel invented dynamite.

Henry Bessemer developed a process to produce stronger steel.

Steel quickly became the major material used in tools, bridges, and railroads.


The marriage of science, technology, and industry spurred economic growth. To improve efficiency, manufacturers designed products with interchangeable parts. They also introduced the assembly line.


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• Capitalism was a major factor in spurring industrial growth. It was an economic system in which individuals and private firms, not the government, own the means of production, including land, machinery, and the workplace. In a capitalist system, individuals decide how they can make a profit and determine business practices accordingly

• Industrialists practiced industrial capitalism which involved continually expanding factories or investing in new businesses. After investing in a factory, capitalists used profits to hire more workers and buy more raw materials and new machines.

• Mass Production: the production of huge quantities of identical goods

• Manufacturers invested in machines to replace more costly human labor. Machines were fast working and precise and enabled industrialists to mass-produce


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Eli Whitney

Eli Whitney designed and invented the cotton gin by April 1793. The cotton gin was a machine that automated the separation of cottonseed from the short-staple cotton fiber. He contributed to the concept of interchangeable parts and increased factory production. These interchangeable parts were machine-made parts that were exactly alike and easily assembled or exchanged.

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Frederick Taylor

Encouraged manufacturers to divide tasks into detailed and specific segments of step-by-step procedureUsing his plan, industrialists devised a division of labor:

Each worker performed a specialized task on a product as it moved by on a conveyor beltThat worker would then return the product to the next belt where it continued down the line to the next worker. This was called the assembly line.

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Henry FordHenry Ford used the assembly

line methods to produce his Model T automobiles. As he

produced greater quantities of his cars, the cost of producing each car fell, allowing him to drop the price. This enabled

millions of people to buy cars.

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Organizing Business

A partnership was a business organization involving two or more entrepreneurs who can raise more capital and take on more business than if each had gone into business alone.Partners share management, responsibility, and liability.

Corporations are business organizations owned by stockholders who buy shares in a company. The stockholders vote on major decisions concerning the corporations. Shares decrease or increase in value depending on the profits earned by the company.Corporations became one of the best ways to manage new businesses.

As production increased, industrial leaders developed ways to manage the growing business world and to ensure a continual flow of capital for business expansion.

The People Formed Partnerships...

...and then They Formed Corporations

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Business Cycles• Individual businesses concentrated on producing a particular kind of

product. This increase in specialization made growing industries dependent on each other: when one industry did well, so did the others. The economic fate of a country came to rest on business cycles.

• Business cycles were alternating periods of business expansion and decline and follow a certain sequence.

• Lowest point of a business cycle-a depression, which is characterized by bank failures and/or widespread unemployment.

• Most people suffered during “bust” periods and prospered during peaks.

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Amateur Inventors• Amateur Inventors relied

heavily on trial and error.• Produced the most industrial

advances at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution.

• By the late 1800s, manufacturers began to apply more scientific findings to their businesses.

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Samuel Morse James Clerk Maxwell

assembled a working model of the telegraph

promoted the development of the radio

Used a system of dots and dashes

Promoted the idea that electromagnetic waves

travel through space at the speed of light

American inventor British physicist

Telegraph lines linked most European and North

American cities

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Guglielmo MarconiAlexander Graham


devised the wireless telegraph which later became the radio invented the telephone

Scottish-born American teacher of the deaf

Tiny electrical wires carrying sound allowed people to speak

to each other over long distances

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Scientists devised ways to harness electrical power and electricity replaced coal as the major source of industrial fuel.

Michael Faraday Thomas Edison

discovered that moving a magnet through a coil in a

copper wire would produce an electrical current

Invented the phonograph which reproduced sound

Electric motor was based on this principle

Made electric lighting cheap and accessible by inventing

incandescent light bulbs.

British chemist American inventor


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Michael Faraday Thomas Edison

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Energy & Engines•The Industrial Revolution surged forward with advances in engines. These inventions ushered in the age of the motor car:

Gottlieb Daimler

Redesigned the internal combustion engineGerman engineer

Now runs on gasolineProduced enough power to propel vehicles and boats

Rudolf Diesel

German engineer

Could run industrial plants, ocean liners, and locomotives Developed an oil-burning internal-combustion engine

Ferdinand von ZeppelinStreamlined the dirigible with a gasoline engine

A dirigible was a 40-year-old balloon-like invention that could carry passengers

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Advances in Transportation and Communication

TRANSPORTATION•Steamships replaced sailing ships.•Rail lines connected inland cities and seaports, mining regions and industrial centers.•Nikolaus Otto invented a gasoline-powered internal combustion engine.•Karl Benz patented the first automobile.•Rudolf Diesel invented the diesel engine •Henry Ford began mass producing cars.•Orville and Wilbur Wright designed and flew the first airplane.

COMMUNICATION•Samuel Morse developed the telegraph.•Alexander Graham Bell patented the telephone.•Guglielmo Marconi invented the radio.

During the second Industrial Revolution, transportation and communication were transformed by technology.


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Taking FlightWilbur and Orville Wright achieved success in 1903 at Kitty Hawk with the first flight of a motorized airplane. It covered a distance of 120 feet. Only five years later they flew their wooden airplane 100 miles. New airplanes and other vehicles

needed a steady supply of fuel for power and rubber for tires and other parts. Petroleum and rubber industries skyrocketed and innovations in transportation, communications, and electricity changed the American lifestyle forever.

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Chapter 12 Section 4: A New Society

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The Rise of Big BusinessNew technologies required the investment of large amounts of money. To obtain capital, entrepreneurs sold stock, or shares in their companies, to investors.Large-scale companies formed corporations, businesses that are owned by many investors who buy shares of stock.


Powerful business leaders created monopolies and trusts, huge corporate structures that controlled entire industries or areas of the economy. Sometimes a group of businesses joined forces and formed a cartel, an association to fix prices, set production quotas, or control markets.

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The Rise of the Middle Class

• More jobs came along with successful owners

• Education became a key idea along with people becoming involved in politics

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Middle-Class Lifestyles

• The stereotype of men go out to work and the women stayed home to clean and raise the children developed during this period

• Boys sent to school to learn business or trade and typically took father’s position or worked in family business

• Girls stayed at home learning to cook, sew and all the workings of a household

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The World of Cities

• What was the impact of medical advances in the late 1800s?

• How had cities changed by 1900?

• How did working-class struggles lead to improved conditions for workers?


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City Life

• Settlement patterns shifted: the rich lived in pleasant neighborhoods on the outskirts of the city, while the poor crowded into slums near the city center.

• Paved streets, gas lamps, organized police forces, and expanded fire protection made cities safer and more liveable.

• Architects began building soaring skyscrapers made of steel. • Sewage systems improved public


As industrialization progressed, cities came to dominate the West. At the same time, city life underwent dramatic changes.


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Lives of the Working Class

• Class size increased• Luxuries became available • No longer made or grew what the family


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At the Mercy of Machinery• As competition increased between factories,

work conditions decreased• Workers spent between 10-14 hours in the

factories a day• Women made less than half of men and

children made even less

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Working-Class StrugglesWorkers protested to improve the harsh conditions of industrial life. At first, business owners tried to silence protesters, strikes and unions were illegal, and demonstrations were crushed. By mid-century, workers slowly began to make progress:• Workers formed mutual-aid societies, self-help groups to aid sick or

injured workers. • Workers won the right to organize unions.•Governments passed laws to regulate working conditions. Social unionism—vote in guys who will pass pro-union laws.• Governments established old-age pensions and disability insurance. • The standard of living improved.


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Workers’ Lives

• Working children didn’t go to school, worked long hours and suffered from diseases and injuries from the intense work.

• Working offered new independence for women• Owners of mill often controlled of the worker’s


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Workers Unite

• Developed labor unions that demanded fair wages and tolerable working conditions

• Labor unions are made up of workers of a trade

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Union Tactics• Organized protests, slowdowns,

boycotts, sitdowns, strikes• Unions banned in England, and known

members of unions lost their jobs and were not hired for jobs in U.S.--blacklisted

• Collective bargaining developed

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Advances in Medicine

JOSEPH LISTER discovered how antiseptic prevented infection.

FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE insisted on better hygiene in wartime field hospitals, introduced sanitary measures in British hospitals, and founded the world’s first nursing school.

ROBERT KOCH identified the bacteria that caused tuberculosis.

LOUIS PASTEUR proved the link between microbes and disease, developed vaccines against rabies and anthrax, and discovered the process of pasteurization, the killing of disease-carrying microbes in milk.

Improved medicine and hygiene played a major role in increasing life expectancy in the industrialized world.


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Population ExplosionBetween 1800 and 1900, the population of Europe more than doubled. This rapid growth was not due to larger families. Instead, population soared because the death rate fell. The drop in the death rate can be attributed to the following:


YearMale Female1850 40.3 years 42.8 years1870 42.3 years 44.7 years1890 45.8 years 48.5 years1910 52.7 years 56.0 years

•People ate better.•Medical knowledge increased.•Public sanitation improved.•Hygiene improved.

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The Industrial Revolution: Cause and Effect2

Causes•Increased agricultural productivity•Growing population•New sources of energy, such as steam and coal•Growing demand for textiles and other mass-produced goods•Improved technology•Available natural resources, labor, and money•Strong, stable governments promoted economic growth

Immediate Effects•Rise of factories•Changes in transportation and communication•Urbanization•New methods of production •Rise of urban working class•Growth of reform movements

Long-Term Effects•Growth of labor unions•Inexpensive new products•Spread of industrialization •Rise of big business•Expansion of public education•Expansion of middle class•Competition for world trade among

industrialized nations •Progress in medical care

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What Values Shaped the New Social Order?

• A strict code of etiquette governed social behavior.

• Children were supposed to be “seen but not heard.”

• Middle-class parents had a large say in choosing whom their children married. At the same time, the notion of “falling in love” was more accepted than ever before.

• Men worked while women stayed at home. Books, magazines, and popular songs supported a cult of domesticity that idealized women and the home.


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• Across Europe and the United States, politically active women campaigned for fairness in marriage, divorce, and property laws.

• Women’s groups supported the Temperance movement, a campaign to limit or ban the use of alcoholic beverages.

• Before 1850, some women had become leaders in the union movement.

• Some women campaigned to abolish slavery.• Many women broke the barriers that kept them out of

universities and professions. • In the mid- to late 1800s, groups dedicated to

women’s suffrage emerged.

3Rights for Women

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Growth in Public Education

• By the late 1800s, reformers persuaded many governments to set up public schools and require basic education for all children.

• Governments began to expand secondary schools, or high schools.

• Colleges and universities expanded during this period. Universities added courses in the sciences to their curriculums.

• Some women sought greater educational opportunities. By the 1840s, a few small colleges for women opened.